Toys From Your Childhood


I had hotwheels, matchbox, turtles, transformers, thunder cats, mask, a cool green robotech, or something, bike, and maybe other crap.
Found it. It was a non transorming version, whatever.


Mine was in somewhat worse condition.
I had my Brio track (when I was REAL little), my PowerRangers/masked-rider/batman figures and then there was my big plastic storage crate of matchbox cars.

Pitty I scratched the paint work to buggery on them.
My Matchbox car collection pretty damn big considering I barely ever had them bought for me. Most of 'em have pretty bad painwork now but it's still decent for how much I ran them into eachother, I couldn't dream of running Ferrari's into eachother nowadays.
Ever have that one car you beloved? It got banged up and needed to be cleaned or trashed, but you kept it. Mine was this color changing Matchbox Firebird. that was a special car for me. Changed form blue to purple. Warm water for blue.
I had this "Superburner", it was so cool. I tried not to let that get a scratch on it, but the inevitable collisions during drivway races banged it up a bit. I had a toy F1 car to, funny that almost always won the driveway races, god bless Matchbox aerodynamics :lol:


I had one of those!

I got quite good at it. My sister just loved the way I could get it to go into her room, fire the "phaser" a hundred or so times, then drive back to my room in the middle of the night!
I remember I used to love my Porsche matchbox cars. I remember having a Skyline widebody, and being a widebody it was too big to fit on any of my 'accessories' (e.g car carrier, plastic 'roads', 8 space multi story car park)
I got quite good at it. My sister just loved the way I could get it to go into her room, fire the "phaser" a hundred or so times, then drive back to my room in the middle of the night!
I got fed up with it after about six months so I sent it to commit suicide by programming it to leave my bedroom, take a left and keep going towards the stairs. And that was the end of my Big Trak.

I loved Transformers; both the old school and that new crap that was coming around. Then i got into playing with Gundam Wing buildable models, then grew out of toys.

And of course i loved Hot Wheels and Matchbox, who didn't? :P
Seeing as I'm a bit older now, it's cool to reminisce about some of the older toys I used to (or still) have. My favourite has to be this:


Except mine had an inverse colour scheme.

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