- 65
- Maineiac_Moose
- No boxes here
There are a number of NTSC GTP Drivers participating in these events and I have posted this one here in hopes that some of you that haven't found us yet will come join your m8's and put the GTP tag at the top of the Leader Boards. We race on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays @ 10:00 PM EST thats GMT-5. Each Night features a specific track with a new car each week until the last week of the update. That week all of the cars from the previous weeks are allowed.
The Tuners Pit Online Racing League and the Tuners Pit Racing Association were formed to provide the simulation oriented Gran Turismo Enthusiast a place to compete in structured events with drivers sharing similar interests.
The Tuners Pit Online Racing League is home to many drivers of varying skill levels. The league is open to any driver regardless of any other team or league affiliations.
The Tuners Pit Racing Association is made up of league volunteers who provide key services to the league in many forms. The TPRA is responsible for ensuring that the Drivers of the Tuners Pit Online Racing League are provided the highest quality events and online racing experience available. They are also responsible for enforcing the Online Racing Code of Conduct to ensure that participating drivers conduct them selves appropriately.
The league hosts up to 4 nights of sanctioned racing each week. Each of these events feature a qualifying session and a drivers meeting. Qualifying and participating in a league event is accomplished by submitting a Free Run Time Trail for the car and track the driver wishes to participate in. Qualifying times and ghost replays must be submitted no later than ½ hour prior to the events drivers meeting, currently the ghost replay is optional but in the future it will be required for certain events. There is a qualifying submittal form on the Qualifying Results Page for each event. Drivers meetings are approximately 15 minutes in duration with the racing commencing immediately afterwards.
There are practice session start times posted on the schedule page for each event. TPRA drivers are encouraged to use these start times when running warm up races. Non league racers are welcome to join in and see what we have to offer at those times. If you are not currently racing in the league this is a good place to come out and test your skills against the leagues drivers, and see if league racing is for you.
Only drivers attending the drivers meeting will be allowed to participate in the sanctioned racing events for the night . The start times for these races will given out using VOIP and the XMB. In the drivers meeting you will be assigned to a Division according to your qualifying position. Each Division will be assigned a TPRA Race Official, XMB users are responsible for making sure the Race Official for their group is on their Friends list and if not they are to add that user before leaving the drivers meeting. XMB users will receive a message approximately 2 minutes prior to the start of the race containing the start time for that race. In the event that a race official declares a race a No Contest for reasons of Lag, disconnect, group separation and or un sportsman like conduct, the start time for the next race will indicate that it is a make up race of the last attempted race.
Once Racing has completed Drivers will report their race results using a results reporting form located on the Race Results Page. These Numbers will be used to score the event. The results of all races in an update period will be compiled on a Leader Board using the TPRA Point System for League Racing.
There is also a Drivers Survey attached to this event. Drivers are urged to provide comments about their racing experience and make suggestions pertaining to future events. This survey form is also the proper place to report or complain about violations of the Online Racing Code of Conduct. In the event you could not make contact with a TPRA Official using VOIP during the racing.
The Tuners Pit Online Racing League and the Tuners Pit Racing Association were formed to provide the simulation oriented Gran Turismo Enthusiast a place to compete in structured events with drivers sharing similar interests.
The Tuners Pit Online Racing League is home to many drivers of varying skill levels. The league is open to any driver regardless of any other team or league affiliations.
The Tuners Pit Racing Association is made up of league volunteers who provide key services to the league in many forms. The TPRA is responsible for ensuring that the Drivers of the Tuners Pit Online Racing League are provided the highest quality events and online racing experience available. They are also responsible for enforcing the Online Racing Code of Conduct to ensure that participating drivers conduct them selves appropriately.
The league hosts up to 4 nights of sanctioned racing each week. Each of these events feature a qualifying session and a drivers meeting. Qualifying and participating in a league event is accomplished by submitting a Free Run Time Trail for the car and track the driver wishes to participate in. Qualifying times and ghost replays must be submitted no later than ½ hour prior to the events drivers meeting, currently the ghost replay is optional but in the future it will be required for certain events. There is a qualifying submittal form on the Qualifying Results Page for each event. Drivers meetings are approximately 15 minutes in duration with the racing commencing immediately afterwards.
There are practice session start times posted on the schedule page for each event. TPRA drivers are encouraged to use these start times when running warm up races. Non league racers are welcome to join in and see what we have to offer at those times. If you are not currently racing in the league this is a good place to come out and test your skills against the leagues drivers, and see if league racing is for you.
Only drivers attending the drivers meeting will be allowed to participate in the sanctioned racing events for the night . The start times for these races will given out using VOIP and the XMB. In the drivers meeting you will be assigned to a Division according to your qualifying position. Each Division will be assigned a TPRA Race Official, XMB users are responsible for making sure the Race Official for their group is on their Friends list and if not they are to add that user before leaving the drivers meeting. XMB users will receive a message approximately 2 minutes prior to the start of the race containing the start time for that race. In the event that a race official declares a race a No Contest for reasons of Lag, disconnect, group separation and or un sportsman like conduct, the start time for the next race will indicate that it is a make up race of the last attempted race.
Once Racing has completed Drivers will report their race results using a results reporting form located on the Race Results Page. These Numbers will be used to score the event. The results of all races in an update period will be compiled on a Leader Board using the TPRA Point System for League Racing.
There is also a Drivers Survey attached to this event. Drivers are urged to provide comments about their racing experience and make suggestions pertaining to future events. This survey form is also the proper place to report or complain about violations of the Online Racing Code of Conduct. In the event you could not make contact with a TPRA Official using VOIP during the racing.
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