Tracks - How will we get the most realism out of them?

  • Thread starter Strittan
In another step, it would be nice to see the track surroundings getting damaged by accidents, like guard-rails, barriers, tyre-walls and such. If a car goes through the grass or sand, it should smudge the track, scattering dirt and reducing grip on specific places. Puddles would be nice too, when the track is drying.

Additionally, I think most of the weather effects suggested (humidity, wind, tarmac temperature) are way too "hardcore" to the casual driver, that might not be able to notice/identify any of them and just say the game's physics is poor.
Although I'd like to see such effects, it's not likely PD to implement it.
- Camera helicopter(s) over the tracks.
- More people in the pit, and more animations going on in the pit
- Option to take the car to the garage from the pit to adjust settings and do repairs
- Race marshals by the track, waving flags, cleaning up debris, towing broken cars
- Safety car
- Dynamic wind, clouds (and shadows from clouds), temperature
- Heat waves from track
- Water accumulating on track and splash effects when driving through puddles of water + improved wet tarmac graphics and visual differences between the wet track and the dryer racing line.
- Dynamic visibility (fog)