Tracks that can NOT be done due to the APP's limitations

  • Thread starter NixxxoN


I mean to be done properly and accurately, of course.

** EDIT: elevation changes aside!

I start with:

So disappointed because this is one of my favorite tracks, and IMO the best Tilke creation.

Reason: Back straight is too close to the main straight, you have to massively modify the whole layout, didnt even bother, would be too different.

Also the first couple of corners cant be done properly at all
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@JakeMR2 I did a decent Complex String.

Skjermbilde 2015-10-01 kl. 22.55.22.png

Download it here.
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I heard any track with elevation changes also cant be reproduced properly. That will be a majority of the tracks. Not many tracks in the world are flat.
Well, this is obvious, I meant tracks not possible to do regardless of elevation changes.
Tracks that cannot be accurately reproduced using GT6's track editor:
-tracks longer than 10km
-tracks with elevation changes
-tracks with tight turns/chicanes/hairpins
-tracks with varying width
-tracks with varying camber
-tracks that have a main straight shorter than 500m
-tracks with crossover section (figure 8 tracks like Suzuka, stuff like the loop at Cape Ring, etc)
Mas du Clos' technical back section requires a butchering to fit within the app's limitations.

I finally managed to do the Sepang Circuit. I had to completely sacrifice turn 9 and made it more far away of the back straight, then increase the distance between both long straights. The result is not bad. Besides the "sacrificed" parts, the rest is awesome to drive.

My self made tracks (Catalunya, Sepang, Terramar) can be downloaded HERE.
I'm quite surprised you mentioned Sepang, for I have a friend that has completed a nearly 1:1 scale replica of the track, albeit with a few elevation differences.

Looks as good as it gets as well.

I'm quite surprised you mentioned Sepang, for I have a friend that has completed a nearly 1:1 scale replica of the track, albeit with a few elevation differences.

Looks as good as it gets as well.

View attachment 459756

Still not accurate, cant be made 100% accurate. Some of the corners of the real Sepang are too sharp and both straights are too close together. Mine is 1:1 aswell but has the expected limitations.
The lack of any corner tools to handle tight hairpins, 90 degree turns, chicanes makes it difficult to replicate most sharp turns on tracks. Even when you find a track with soft turns the next elephant in the room that creates a lot of problems is the 600m home straight, it's footprint creates problems not just because of it's length but also it's depth, tracks such as Zandvoort can't be created accurately because of the inner portion of the track gets to close to the home straight footprint. Complex String would be impossible to do accurately because many areas of the track come close to other sections creating overlapping meshes that the creator won't allow. The only way to get around some of these issues is to create a track that is unrealistically large, that's not really a option for me.

Here is issue with Oschersleben created with a kml file.



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Almost ALL the Italian tracks can't be recreated accurately. Mugello and Imola, two icons of the motorsport, for the elevation changes, Misano, Franciacorta, Adria... for parts of the track too close each other (and the lenght of the main straight is wrong).... such a shame :(
So try something a little different, it doesn't really matter.

Check out my Sears Point (Sonoma) track. It's not totally faithful to the real course, but with the Eifel start point I used, it has almost the correct contours - certainly enough to give it the same basic character. Okay, fine, the whole ending section has to be modified to suit the long start/finish straight, and Sears Point is almost totally flat down the bottom, but hey: it drives well to me - I think it's a blast.

I did a track 'inspired by' Mondello Park, because the start/finish straight is nowhere close on Eifel. However, by the time I'd tinkered and played with all the curves, I'd come up with something that's nothing like Mondello at all... however, it's a fast track with some surprises and I enjoyed bothing refining it and driving it.

I did a version of Donington which has never been made - the proposed 2010 F1 track. It's a nice track, although the contours aren't the same, my use of Eifel gave it a subtly different character - but it's close enough to have a lot of fun with, and it *nearly* feels like the real thing.

I tried to replicate Paul Ricard (which others have done) and did it on Andalusia to begin (disasterous) and then Eifel (too bumpy) so finally did it on Eifel Flat, and used a graphic from Google Maps of the entire circuit. It's about as accurate as you can get, but the whole barriers and scenery shpiel means it's nothing like the real thing anyway. I think I chose the 1AV2 version with the full 1.8km straight and tight chicane at Varianta: in a Formula car, the end of the straight is epic. I found mine to be a bit less bumpy that the other versions floating around, and I like to decorate the track with as much clutter as possible to help with braking points etc. I've not finished mucking around with it so I haven't uploaded it as a resource yet.

Just have fun with it. I find belting out something basically the right shape allows me to hunt down compatible contours. You can try many start positions quickly and find something close before you commit the time of tracing out a shape. And you don't have to use the graphic import - you can look at Google Maps and measure corner radii against the scale and get pretty close to what you want. You don't need the n-th degree of accuracy.
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Theres definitely things that can be done, I managed a dodgy looking Snett 300 when I was drunk the other night, and I'm working my way through a series of tracks based on old RAF stations, one of which has some sharp hairpins and close straights, but, if you're willing to use little bits of 'artistic licence', then do it.
Tracks can be done quite accurately, but you need to sometimes make minor adjustments. As far as 100% accuracy goes, no one will be able to re-create tracks exactly due to elevation, trackside objects, even down to which side the pit's are on the start/finish straight. But most can be done. A lot of my Recreations are within 95% accuracy, which I think is about the best you can do with what we have to use. It'd be a much better program if we had a Sandbox creator instead, but it's better than nothing.

The lack of any corner tools to handle tight hairpins, 90 degree turns, chicanes makes it difficult to replicate most sharp turns on tracks. Even when you find a track with soft turns the next elephant in the room that creates a lot of problems is the 600m home straight, it's footprint creates problems not just because of it's length but also it's depth, tracks such as Zandvoort can't be created accurately because of the inner portion of the track gets to close to the home straight footprint. Complex String would be impossible to do accurately because many areas of the track come close to other sections creating overlapping meshes that the creator won't allow. The only way to get around some of these issues is to create a track that is unrealistically large, that's not really a option for me.

Here is issue with Oschersleben created with a kml file.




I've managed to make Oschersleben and it's pretty close. It's almost the correct distance.


Almost ALL the Italian tracks can't be recreated accurately. Mugello and Imola, two icons of the motorsport, for the elevation changes, Misano, Franciacorta, Adria... for parts of the track too close each other (and the lenght of the main straight is wrong).... such a shame :(

I made Misano as I like the shape of it. It took some work to make it fit and I think it's about right. But it is just a little too long, 0.7 Miles too long to be exact, because of the problem you pointed out.


My point is. We'll never be able to make accurate recreations of these tracks, so use some artistic licence and make minor adjustments to make it work. No one is going to be sacked from PD for making these tracks a bit wrong, and if we can get within the 95% window then I think we've done a good job. Until PD offer us a more comprehensive course maker, I think we need to do what we can with the cards we're dealt.
Tracks can be done quite accurately, but you need to sometimes make minor adjustments. As far as 100% accuracy goes, no one will be able to re-create tracks exactly due to elevation, trackside objects, even down to which side the pit's are on the start/finish straight. But most can be done. A lot of my Recreations are within 95% accuracy, which I think is about the best you can do with what we have to use. It'd be a much better program if we had a Sandbox creator instead, but it's better than nothing.

I've managed to make Oschersleben and it's pretty close. It's almost the correct distance.

I would imagine what the OP, NixxxoN was getting at to be accurate was using the current track tools, you would have to match the exact track path, radius of turns and overall length of track.

Once you start to compromising in moving, shortening, lengthening, changing radius of turns your no longer accurate but approximate, to make Oschersleben work, the back straightaway would have to be shifted out of place to avoid the home straight thus making the layout not accurate, but approximate, which is what most of us are doing with challenging tracks.

I think the Track Creator is a great start, and feedback from the users will help to improve some of it's deficiency's.
I think the Track Creator is a great start, and feedback from the users will help to improve some of it's deficiency's.
But WHO will read those, and from where?
Really like to participate this tool development, but there is no channel where to go..
But WHO will read those, and from where?
Really like to participate this tool development, but there is no channel where to go..

I don't know, Pit Stop Blog :lol:, really didn't work out well with the ask Kazunori Yamauchi thread.:crazy:
Tracks that cannot be accurately reproduced using GT6's track editor:
-tracks longer than 10km
-tracks with elevation changes
-tracks with tight turns/chicanes/hairpins
-tracks with varying width
-tracks with varying camber
-tracks that have a main straight shorter than 500m
-tracks with crossover section (figure 8 tracks like Suzuka, stuff like the loop at Cape Ring, etc)

Basically nothing can be done...