Hong Kong would be a lot easier if the curbs were designed properly.
It's all about the (way too high, for a road-course) curbs which make Hong Kong so tricky and let it look like it's impossible to go for it with LMP-cars.
I don't know why, but PD failed with the design of the curbs which are too high to go on. If they didn't want anyone to shortcut, they should remove them - even the worst street-courses have smaller curb-heights than Hong Kong...
Anyway, try to avoid them and you'll find yourself (maybe) even enjoying the track, at least I did and started to get along with the track. I even enjoy racing there now ...
Regarding the question which tracks should go - Opera Paris might be the first track i would leave out. This track is technically a bit interesting and challenging, but for racing? ... Nope. Even Monaco
provides better racing AND is technically challenging, the only thing Paris does better is the "tarmac".
It's all about the (way too high, for a road-course) curbs which make Hong Kong so tricky and let it look like it's impossible to go for it with LMP-cars.
I don't know why, but PD failed with the design of the curbs which are too high to go on. If they didn't want anyone to shortcut, they should remove them - even the worst street-courses have smaller curb-heights than Hong Kong...
Anyway, try to avoid them and you'll find yourself (maybe) even enjoying the track, at least I did and started to get along with the track. I even enjoy racing there now ...
Regarding the question which tracks should go - Opera Paris might be the first track i would leave out. This track is technically a bit interesting and challenging, but for racing? ... Nope. Even Monaco
provides better racing AND is technically challenging, the only thing Paris does better is the "tarmac".