... Trading Now ...

  • Thread starter AllShots
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All cars are 0.miles . no mods . untouched .

Check out Garage in signature .

X1s i have. #3 #4 #15 #17 #18 . S.vettel redbull .

Paint Colours

Colour Shift .
Maziora mazeran .
Chameleon blue .
Reflex spice .
Maziora matterhorn .

Matt paint .
Brown .
White .
Blue .
Dark red .
Dark grey .
AMG monza grau magno .

Chrome/Silver .

Any car of choice + any 5 paints .

Would like cars in Priority .

1 . Pikes peak escudo dirt trail car 0.miles
2 . Toyota GT-one race car 0.miles
I've got the Toyota GT-one race car 0 miles.

I want the #15 Cranberry X2010. Can trade now.
I'll trade you a 0miles GT One for the F1 2007, a chrome paint (or five I'd you can). If you can't do five chrome I'll take four of the mattes.

Let me know, I can trade immediately.
I've been after #3 Grey X2010 for a while now, I have the Toyota GT-One with 0 miles but others have already offered it. I've also got an Escudo but it's not 0 miles and unless you are able to find someone who managed to get it as a 'Gift Ticket' you won't find one with 0 miles.

Is there anthing else from My Garage list that you would like for #3 Grey X2010?

I have Escudo untouched from birthday ticket. Can trade now.
I am looking for other birthday tickets.
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