Looking for these two. I have all the Level Tickets and Special Tickets available. Free tomorrow and monday too. Certain Bdays are on my different PS3, so will need to know what is your most top priority for trading?
- Tamora '02: Alpine Green Metallic
- Tuscan Speed 6 '00: Starmist Blue
How about the Level 20 and 21 tickets for those two cars? I can send yours tonight and tomorrow.
My cars will come from PSN ID RidgelineDiv, and I would like the tickets sent to PSN ID AP1_Driver.
If the deal is good, please either send FRs or let me know where you would like FRs sent... Thanks! 👍
Sounds good. I can send the Level 20 tomorrow and Level 21 on Saturday if you dont mind? Not to worry, I always do as I say.
Today I finish with Crytomanic trades and tomorrow I finish with doobieduck on sending. Been meaning to send to this account for sometime but the trades backed me up. I knew it would haunt me.
FR will come from HotPeppah to both accounts today. No need to send today if you have other plans. 👍 I am home before the resets, so tickets go out right at 7:00PM your time.
Good deal. My sends usually go out between 19:00 and 22:00 EST so you'll have one tonight and the other tomorrow evening...
Thanks again! 👍👍
FR sent to ChromeLEDS is still pending, the schedule is otherwise cleared.
I will be online on Friday to accept then you can send the ticket whenever you want.
Level 20 sent to AP1 Driver.
BTW: Impressive statesI wish I could do the Vettel & drift challenge
Thanks man. The drift challenge isn't all that hard... I did it at Chamonix with the Citroen. You just have to go slow and stay on the driving line for maximum points. That's probably the only drift event I've ever done....
The Vettels, on the other hand..... Just keep practicing.
Tamora sent, and Level 20 received. 👍
Nice. Thanks Bud. Level 21 sent to AP1. 👍Hahha! Cheers bro! Tuscan is sent, and is particularly attractive in Starmist Blue. 👍
Thanks your awesome![]()
I'm interested. How about Levels 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15? Let me know and I can begin sending tomorrow.
Which PSN ID you would like the cars sent to? They will be coming from my PSN ID RidgelineDiv. I would like the tickets sent to PSN ID AP1_Driver. 👍
Sounds good to me. Please send to psn billren2k3. I'll send a FR later today and appreciate it
I have a few 0/0/0 cars. Also i believe they are untouched ones?