I just think you lack of a fundamental understanding of how resources work, as yes, money is the issue but printing money to purchase physical resources has repercussions. @
Danoff would have a field day with your train of reasoning.
Generating unlimited money to construct your desired infrastructure would make the currency meaningless due to inflation, and thus nothing would happen in the end, except perhaps a repeat of Germany in the 1930's. Though, from what I can tell, you don't agree with the fiat currency system, but seem to think abusing it to generate infrastructure that very well could border on privacy and civil liberty infringement is acceptable...
No you brought up money being an issue inside the idea of my post, I simply expanded upon the fact that the issue isn't real. And simply stated that if we wanted to, "technically" we could print however much we wanted to. I love the abusing money, I'm not talking of abusing it. What I was getting at is that I don't agree with money and we can get rid of it all together! So yes to your question later down about people not understanding my points is partially true.
Now thinking I don't entertain alternatives is another assumption you've made.
I made no such assumption my friend, I don't pretend to know you.
".....I hear it from many people that have never entertain truly alternative solutions."
Not entirely sure where you are going with the humans before false economy - some people are just plain stupid and others are just plain cruel. Yes, environmental factors have something to do with it, but there are just certain developmental aspects that are
Please tell me you source of information! I have it on good knowledge and can link you to the study that finds most abhorrent behavior is in fact what is called epi-genitic. Meaning environmental structures will turn on and off the genetic traits responsible for behavioral reaction. Making it the fault of the persons surroundings, more than anything, that will dictate action. Now please note we live in the real world so not every person in a bad environment will behave as such, there are exceptions to the rules. And as soon as a person is put into a different environment the epi-genetic reactions can take effect to ellicet different results. So then the focus must be on the human interaction and surroundings, this isn't a perfect world but I try to make it better than it is.
resulting is varying intelligence and empathy. But currently it just seems you are using this notion we are all products of the current paradigm and, from what I can tell, suggesting we
Again this is a resounding no, I said that I hear a similar argument from may other people (the posters questioning you) are incapable of thinking outside of our current system. Yet for some reason, you can despite also being raised in the same paradigm, or are you claiming to be beyond that and special?
Nope I never said I was raised in the current paradigm, nor did I say I was special. I've simply done years and years or research reading case studies and published papers to come to the conclusions / ideas I have. More than what I can say about most of my counterparts who just go off the ideas they were given by their parents.
And now I see you've jumped from limiting speeds to AI cars, as people have pointed out speed is far less the issue than driving skill. Which is, in my opinion, a bit amusing coming from a forum for a video game about driving
ol it was just an example of how laws are self admitting failures in the system. That's all, I'm not jumping around, my use of the analogy was in canon to the rest of the post. If lawmakers IE the police who shot at the woman and kids TRULY cared about the LAW they were enforcing they would get rid of the law and put something in it's place so that the crime would not be available.