Trans Am Club

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
Since you've finished I'll take this over I guess. I don't want to see this go down the drain.
Sorry to hear that Kal. When you get a working PS3 again, you know where to find us.

Slash, I was thinking about doing the same thing. I really don't want to see this go down either. Feel free to take it over. We need someone that can get this going. And I would be happy to help out when I can. This club has been treading water for while now.
Sorry to hear that Kal. When you get a working PS3 again, you know where to find us.

Slash, I was thinking about doing the same thing. I really don't want to see this go down either. Feel free to take it over. We need someone that can get this going. And I would be happy to help out when I can. This club has been treading water for while now.

Yeah, I tried 3 more times with the reflow, watching the youtube vids each time to make sure I did it right. Same thing every time until the end it wouldn't do anything. Just beep. So took out the blue ray, 320gb hard drive. And proceeded to park my Jeep's Rear tire over the POS. Confusing how my First Gen early launch PS1 works flawlessly but these things have issues.

Speaking of which, I am getting reacquainted with GT3. Good lord.......:crazy:
Confusing how my First Gen early launch PS1 works flawlessly but these things have issues.

I was just thinking about this as I busted out my Nintendo 64 haha. Slash I'm glad someone is taking the reigns and I'll be glad to help when needed.
Yea but back then there was no heat to worryy about and the reliability of consoles in the 90s was very good, especially the megadrive. :)

The cheap quality solder dosen't help either especially on the 60gb.
Sorry to hear that Kal. When you get a working PS3 again, you know where to find us.

Slash, I was thinking about doing the same thing. I really don't want to see this go down either. Feel free to take it over. We need someone that can get this going. And I would be happy to help out when I can. This club has been treading water for while now.

Yeah, I tried 3 more times with the reflow, watching the youtube vids each time to make sure I did it right. Same thing every time until the end it wouldn't do anything. Just beep. So took out the blue ray, 320gb hard drive. And proceeded to park my Jeep's Rear tire over the POS. Confusing how my First Gen early launch PS1 works flawlessly but these things have issues.

Speaking of which, I am getting reacquainted with GT3. Good lord.......:crazy:

yea, tell me about it. My 1st gen PS1 has been used and abused including spilling beer, and a rum & coke on it. Much simpler machine though. PS1 graphics gotta be a little tough. When my PS3 dies for good. I'll probably have it put down via firing squad.


Absolutely. I know someone earlier chimed in (torresdong), and was interested in adding a 2.5L class. If he is still up for it, maybe put him in charge of that?
If we do this I want to do a few rule changes though. 500hp? No. Most real trans ams made about 450 to 480 not any more.

I'll make a new thread, with changes, let me know what you agree with and what to change.
Regulations will be set as to what is required from the 1970 series. At least as far as what GT5 limits us to.
My kids are keeping me pretty busy lately, but I'm still following along in here and looking forward to anything being put together with our T/A cars. Just wanted to let you guys know I'm still here. :D
So where is everybody? Doing good I hope.............Sometimes I still hear thunder over the hill..........but seems like a far off echo now.
All is well here Kal. I don't come on here a whole lot anymore. But I am happy to see this thread revived.... again.. At least for a little while.
Lol. I had to look twice at the title when this thread jumped up. Also doing well, my kids have been keeping me quite busy over summer and I havn't been on GT5 anywhere near as much as I used to. I still jump online for a race or two about once or twice a week. My GTP subscribed threads show reminders on my phone, so I'll notice whenever we post in here. Just 'knocked the rust off' the old '69 Z last weekend in an online room. (Got my but kicked, been some minor tire wear adjustments apparently). I still enjoy GT5 when I do have time for it, and I've only been using cockpit view and the most realistic tire compounds for the car I'm using. Would love ta rub some fenders with you guys again sometime, send me a message if you get urge for some racin'.
Sorry I haven't been able to keep up my end as promised. Many things have spontaneously come up.
I think we've all been a little pre-occupied over the summer. How we pick a day this week and go at it? I've been in the mood for running a few races with the cars stock on CH tires and no aids, no abs. Every time I try to open a lobby like that, people freak out, get pissed, and rage quit.
You use a controller Slash? Anyway hey guys, hows it going? I've been pretty busy lately. Not enough time for GT to be honest. Plus the game has gotten pretty bland. Whenever I do find time I usually play Forza Horizon(massively fun). The only reason I used to play GT was to play with you guys. I'll be alright with a get together sometime this week.
Been busy doing this,

In charge of the Motor Pool @ the Museum. Early 50s Jeep M38a-1 and a M274 Mule.


Towing the T-28B

Also went to the Dragon's Tail again with friend had a BLAST. Love those real world Physics.


Been flying alot,

T28B, and now a C45H

Here is Short Vid of me and Pete O'Hare flying into the Rome Airshow. I recorded the Vid. The C-45H you can see is the one I have also gotten some seat time in.

That's my excuses for not being on!
I'm jealous Kal. I've been wanting to get a pilots license for a long time. Just don't have the time and money to do it. And it's an expensive hobby. What's Aviation fuel go for these days?

I almost got a ride in this P-51 a few months ago when I did some volunteer work at the local air fair.

But they wanted about $600 for a "2 laps" around the airfield. $1,000 for a lap around Lake Tahoe. Then I asked the guy for that amount of money if they would do something cool like a loop or an aileron roll, or how about a little bit of both with a split S? "No, we can't go inverted. But we can do some tight turns". Woopty doo.
I'm more of a Ford guy myself, but would anyone be interested in a one make C7 race in the near future?
I'm more of a Ford guy myself, but would anyone be interested in a one make C7 race in the near future?

Count me in.

I finally downloaded it last night. Looks like the actual car is rendered beneath the coverings. Glitch photo mode. Yea, I was bored.
I'd love to meet up on track with you guys. Havn't done much GT5 lately, got the itch to race all of a sudden, though.
I dusted it off to try out that new vette test car. I liked it.

Been busy working and playing / working at the museum. Finally fixed our M274 Mule by re timing the magneto twice and replacing the carb gasket. Which had me working for four hours on. Not much info out there for these things on a Techincal level. And I have semi started the work / prep to rebuild a wiring harness for our 54 M38a-1 Jeep which I got to take home tonight.

Freakin' sweet Kal. I also forgot to ask if you got a shot in that Solstice. Is it a GXP? Great car but unreliable as hell. Just cracked the block in my Sky. Only 35k miles on it too. Although not having a running engine does open a lot of opportunities to throw something cool under there. Suggestions anyone?
And yes the C7 is a great car and on some tracks, it's faster than the C6 Z06. Gosh fellas, I was just thinking about our humble little club and we've had some great races in the past. You boys definitely made my GT5 experience a great one.
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Call me crazy, but I like that Jeep way more then the planes. :) Tried the Vette for the first time as well, I think the fact that you can't upgrade it makes it even cooler. I didn't even change the tires and spent an hour or so around the The Green Hell...great fun.
I really don't think that Sky could perform any better then it can with the GXP turbo engine. The performance of that chassis/engine combo is mind blowing. The only other thing to do would be a big V-8 and build it for show, but the stock chassis and body wouldn't hold up to massive torque. It would be a huge waste to use anything but the 260hp 2.0 turbo 'poodle-thinking-it's-a-pitbull' GXP motor, IMO. (That combo also gives it near perfect 50/50 weight balance).
C7 is definitely a nice handling car, and I also left the sports hard tires on it. Recently, I've been having a lot more fun racing cars in their stock form instead of tuned to high hell on racing tires. Been doing a lot of shuffle/spec races lately.

Anyone up for some exhibition races later today? Maybe we could do some C6 vs C7 races. Maybe throw a Viper in there too. Wonder how a stock ZR1 vs ACR vs Ford GT would stack up with no tuning.
Possibly Skel. You have a time in mind? And Mudd I wasn't thinking a V8 as ,like you said, is a smoke producing show car. I was thinking of something more along the lines of a 4 pot or a smaller V6. I just wanted something to handle the occasional abuse I put the car through. I was thinking about a nicely built VR4 or 2.0T Audi unit. But you're right, the GM 2.0s are great engine and it suits the car the best. I'm probably going to build it a little more stoutly so it can handle the power I want for it. Gosh it's a great little car! I want it running again, NOW!
A complete exhaust and an aftermarket ECU program will make loads of power for it, and possibly a turbo mod. That engine should take a lot of abuse, I've had to put a head gasket on one and replace a turbo on another, but I can't recall any other issues over the years.

I'm gonna try to be on tonight, not sure when though. Kids are sick so I'm pretty much stuck until they fall asleep, so we'll see.