OK, start iTunes on your computer, plug the pad in and do a sync. Then go back to windows explorer and create a folder somewhere with a title like "GT6 track files". Click the "app" flag in itunes can see the list of apps on the pad, and then click on the Gt6 track app icon. You will see a list of files appear in the box to the right of the apps list box. Highlight all the files, and click on the "save to" option under the box, then select the folder you created before. You will then export a copy of these files to that folder. After disconnecting the ipad from iTunes, you can delete the app, re-install, then plug the pad back into iTunes. If you then click on the GT6 track editor app, you will see no files appear in the box to the right this time. Go to the folder, select all the files and drag them into this empty box. Click "sync" and bingo, all your track work restored back to you pad. Disconnect, open the app, and I bet you can transfer again as often as you want, at least for one day. You may have to repeat this operation each day you have tracks to upload, but I have uploaded around five times today without issue, and seven yesterday, but first try this morning was a "fail" so I had to go through this again. takes around 5 mins so no biggie.