Transmission, LSD

Hi I am DriftUnion-Burst. I consider myself pretty good at drifting but I know im not all there. I can tune my suspension just fine but I am not sure how to tune Transmission and LSD for drifting so I turned towards the drifting community of GTP. So if you can teach/or give me tips then it would be greatly appreciated.

I used 5-60-60 for LSD on all my cars (500+hp).

The transmission depends on the track. I usually keep it tuned to a speed near 170-200 for most tracks.

works for me
Was using just an almost locked diff at 60-60-60 with DS3 but now with the wheel, a properly setup diff has a big advantage when you can use the clutch to adjust angles much better and more feedback from the wheel so it varies for me with stock setups, 15-60-60, 20-60-40 and so on depending on car. Only really get a feel of it by driving each car in particular and getting to know it.

For transmission, used set most cars at around 130-160 before we could adjust ratios properly.

Now I set them to what ratios I would pick in a real drift car for example for BMWs and nissans, I'd use 3.7s, 3.9s, 4.1s etc and same gearing in the box as what they are in real life.

Probably could be better but I find its easier for me as I have a good idea what gear I should be in and also more realistic. Plus it's best for when practicing a little for drifting in real life when sitting at home by the fire :)