Transmission Tuning... Love it.

  • Thread starter cleanLX
United States
Phoenix Az.
Been playing around with the Aston Gr.4 car at LeMans PP700 event... did a little suspension/chassis tuning... was rock steady reliable, I liked it.
But... rev'ing it out was not beneficial (naturally aspirated small displacement V8 that does not like to rev? what the heck?)...
Noticed power recovery upon upshifts was lacking... and found myself trying to make use of TQ... on a small displacement V8... why ???
So... trans/rear-diff tune time.
By getting efficient gear/rev overlaps dialed in and using the rear diff to dial in top speed... I was able to pick up over 2 seconds a lap consistently... 2.497 is currently the best above pre-average.
I was finding a similar deal in the Jag Gr.4 (which required short shifts... what???)... might go play with that tomorrow evening.

Love this game.
Well yes, some preconfigured gear ratios of cars in the game certianly are misaligned to the engine in use.
Obvious, when using AT doesnt shift at the "optimal rev".