In this play you can diminish raw materials, process, sell, you articles for the money to buy and thus either your house to finally furnish, or against other players fight. Besides you can fulfill different tasks occasionally and receive thus rewards. Or you participate in a tournament and fight for for your gilde a valuable artifact. Even if gilden can lead war against each other, here the emphasis lies in the trade and communication with other players.
Points of action
The "time" in this play are the points of action. Per day one receives 50 points of action, which are divided evenly. If you should have thus no more points of action, you must wait simply a few minutes, until you get again one. Points of action can sum themselves three days long, without which are lost. Thus it is enough here theoretically to be only once in three days on-line without having thereby a disadvantage. The dismantling or the subsequent treatment of raw materials costs in each case one point of action and brings proportionally to the produced quantity experience. These raw materials can be sold to other players or to the dealer, whereby one receives money. Likewise a fight in the arena, which also money and experience bring, costs one point of action. An average fighter gets more experience, but fewer moneys than an average worker. All other actions in the play do not cost a point of action.
Hunger (being hungry)
Since points of action are equivalent here to play time, one gets hunger after a certain number of used up points of action. This is in time communicated to one about the speech blisters and about a symbol at the lower edge. If one ignores hunger to for a long time, everyone costs action two points of action instead of one. One can satisfy hunger only in the tavern in the city. Here one has the possibility, its own meal consisting of bread and a water to verzehren to buy or a meal. The own meal brings just as much as the cheap bought. The more expensive meal satisfies hunger a little longer, however by far not twice as for a long time.
Raw materials
Altogether there are 10 different raw materials, which are divided into primary and secondary raw materials. The secondary raw materials are processed thereby from primary raw materials. Primary raw materials are wood, loam, ore, grain and water and all together on the screen with your own house are diminished. Secondary raw materials Coal = wood Boards = wood Vases = loam Iron = ore + coal Bread = water + grain The relationship remains thereby always with 1:1 even if one reached a higher level. If one can manufacture thus 10 bread at one time, one uses also 10 water and 10 grain. One should pay attention thus to always have enough basis raw materials for the subsequent treatment available.
With each new stage can further points on the attributes be distributed. There are two kinds of points for two ranges: Occupations and combat attributes. The necessary points for a new occupation stage corresponds to the stage, which you want to reach. For example the rise of stage costs 7 to 8 exactly 8 points. In principle it is more meaningful to specialize in one or maximally two occupations. For the fight the attributes strength, skill and constitution are relevant. Strength increases the damage, constitution the number of points of hit (HP) and skill gives you within a fight more points of action for the Spezielfertigkeiten. Each increase of an attribute costs one point, from which one receives two with each stage rise. Outside of the fights these attributes are still important for the purchase of tools and weapons. Most tools and all weapons require a certain stage in at least one attribute.
With respect to this play in principle two kinds are differentiated from fights: Friendship fight and arena fight. In addition, the friendship fight costs no point of action, brings neither experience nor money. One can provoke an opponent thereby over its menu. Fights in the arena cost one point of action, bring however in any case money and experience. In addition these fights affect the combat rank list. With such a fight the opponent is coincidentally determined. All opponents, who likewise in the arena for a fight look, are sorted on the basis their stage roughly and the player, who corresponds next to your own stage, is selected. To strong/weak opponents are selected in no case. The computation effected thereby not exclusive on the basis the stages, but also the last fights refer. Someone, which loses frequently, thus more probably start against lower stages. As much money and experience hang the two contractors received from of the stage of the opponent off and naturally who won. A player gets substantially more moneys, if he wins against an allegedly stronger opponent. In principle applies: Average fighters receive more experience, but fewer moneys than an average player, who diminishes only raw materials. Expiration The fights run off rundenweise, whereby always one attacks the player and the other one defended. The player with the higher skill receives the first impact. Both players can always select one of three directions, where they want to slam shut and/or defend. If no special talent is used, an impact is completely blocked, if the two selected directions agree. The fight is so for a long time led, until a player does not have points of life (HP) more. If a player from the play/InterNet should fly, its group selection is taken over coincidentally by the computer. Dealer Market place In the market place you can sell your raw materials to the NPC dealer, if you do not find a customer in the play. The dealer buys each raw material in arbitrary quantities. In addition you can buy there primary raw materials a relative to the subsequent treatment at high price. The prices of the primary raw materials change each day at 0:00 o'clock and are always enough from 10 to 15 pieces of copper. The new price depends on the offer and the demand of the past daily. If much was sold before, the price sinks. The prices of the secondary raw materials orient themselves at the used primary raw materials. The purchase price remains unchanged. To another player raw materials in a price margin between trade price and Haendlerpreis+50% can be sold. Primary raw materials may be sold at the most for 20 copper. Offers can be placed also against all players (for it simply the receiver to release), cost the buyer then however to 1 copper per raw material more than indicated. Weapon dealer Here you can acquire weapons, arms and watering places, which you can use in the fight. The assortment is arranged for each player individually and computed completely again and coincidentally each day or each stage. Also the prices vary thereby strongly and it can occur that two equal articles for drastically different price are offered. Bought articles land in the personal inventory, in which the place is limited. Tool dealer A tool improves the dismantling rate in the respective occupation. Only exactly one tool of each kind can be carried, an older purges simply with the purchase of a new. Although the won experience is connected directly with the quantity of the raw materials, which one receives, here a tool does not fall in the weight. The price is exactly the same as with the weapon dealer coincidence dependent and can strongly vary. Houses At first already possesses you a small house, into which inside does not fit much. There are 10 different houses, which continue to increase and ever more rooms to have to buy altogether. The house is in all first line a prestige object, for which there is its own rank list. Most articles in a house can be used neither, nor they bring you any advantage, except that them your house adorn. Of it beds form the only exception, on which you and your friends sleep can. Sleep regenerate some points of action, dependent on the quality of the bed. You can adjust, whether everyone may enter your house, or only your friends. All players and their movements are visible, if they are in the same area and appear a speech blister over the figure, as soon as the player writes something into the Chat. Editor In the editor you can your house furnish or you even a new buy. At the right edge you see the objects of the up-to-date selected category, which lie in your price level. Are indicated all objects, which cost maximally 150% of your present money. To buy you know an object, by pulling it simply with the mouse on the desired place in the house. If place is there and you have enough money, the object is taken over. Objects cannot be sold any longer, but only scrapped or into an inventory stowed away. The inventory can infinitely many objects seize and is useful, if an article does not fit momentarily no more the house, but yet not scrap is. The detour over the inventory must be gone likewise, if with a larger house an object is to be moved by an area into another. In addition with the purchase of a new house all articles are transferred to the inventory and must again be set. A general exception of the articles forms the floor. This is bought not by Drag&Drop, but shifted on a surface. In addition the desired soil in the menu must be first selected. Afterwards two Klicks mark the range, in which the soil is to be shifted - click for the start, of one for the end. The indicated costs refer thereby to an individual tile. The floor counts neither in the rank list, nor it can be transferred to a new house or to the inventory. Gilden You can be in exactly one gilde member, whereby the number of members is limited to 30. A gilde offers the advantage to you that buildings can be established jointly. These buildings can be divided in two categories: On the one hand there are better enterprises for the raw material dismantling, on the other hand the building, which gives all Gildenmitgliedern a large experience thrust (for example a library). Gilden become necessary first of all, if you want more raw materials strongholds. You can keep, dependent on your level and the size of your house, only a certain quantity of raw materials in your house. If you are member in a gilde, the part in the gilde, lying over it, is kept however automatically. The raw materials for the building of the Gildengebaeude comes from the Gildenkasse, into which each member deposit can, but out of the nothing more can be taken. Gildenkampf Gilden can lead war against each other, which is limited however to only one attack and 5 defenses per week. With a lost war each member loses a percentage (at present 50%) of his raw materials, which then the winners divide received and under itself. Likewise a percentage (50%) changes the Gildenkasse the owner. The raw materials, which are to be paid to the winner, already with the demand one computes. That means it that the computed quantity in any case is taken off with the loser, even if this briefly uses all raw materials before end of the war. No longer if enough raw materials should be present at the time, the account slips in the minus, which can be regarded as debts. List in a Gildenkampf At a fight members on both sides part take the fundamental same number, whereby the minimum is with 5 against 5. The participants are coincidentally selected from all members, that registered themselves to the readiness as a "guard" in the gilde. A gilde must have at least twice as many players in readiness, as guards are set up. Hence it follows that there must be at least 10 players in readiness. A Gildenadmin can stop however the minimum number of guards freely between 5 and 30. The lower number of two opposing gilden puts the number of participants on each side celebration. There is gilde 7 on the guards, on the other one however 10, 7 against 7 one fights. Against which player on the other side someone must begin, likewise coincidentally selected. Each participant fights only one times in a Gildenkampf. With a victory as scoring and into approximately the level of the defeated one one credits to the gilde. Player A on stage has 5 naturally very few chances against stage 15 players b, why b would take only about 5 points for its team with a victory, player A in the case more improbable victory however about 15 points. If all fights expenditure-fenced are, the gilde with most collected points won and the members of this gilde to divide itself the captured raw materials. A war takes maximally 7 days. Within this time the participating players with their opponent must set themselves in connection and deliver a friendship fight. This is then rated automatically in the Gildenkrieg. If no fight should have taken place after the 7 days, both parties can force the fight. In addition the opponent does not have to be then any longer on-line. (momentarily implementiert)Um friedfertigen players the chance to give to develop a pure Handelsgilde those gilden cannot not be attacked, at which all members spent 10% of their points of action in the past days maximally on arena fights. These gilden are noted also in the rank list as Handelsgilden. (momentarily does not implement) The rank list becomes from the average stage of the members, for which number of calculates stages of development of the manufacturing plants and the number of won fights. Artifacts Occasionally a Gildenuebergreifendes tournament takes place, in which an artifact for the own gilde can be captured. In such a tournament only players with a certain stage can participate and only maximally 3 player of a gilde are certified. The registration for such a tournament takes one day, afterwards the mating admits given. These are absolutely coincidentally drawn lots, therefore it can come to the fact that two players from the same gilde must begin against each other. The tournament effected similarly to a Gildeninternen tournament, is thus out-played in a KO procedure. Each fight must be out-played within 24 hours. If no fight should take place in this time, one of the contractors can start the fight automatically. The gilde of the winner receives the artifact as reward. If the loser is in a Gildenkrieg in the possession of an artifact, it changes the owner. An artifact has a durability from exactly two weeks to end of the tournament, in which it was won. Club Clubs can be understood and ranked as abgespeckte form about gilden among the Communityteil of this play, whereby you can be in as many as desired clubs member. Here completely clearly communication over a forum or a Chatraum is the center of attention, why in a club also no restriction of the number of members exists. While a gilde their members from strong players will recruit itself, for example a common hobby should be located in the foreground in a club. Like that the "club of the Dackelzuechter" is quite conceivable, which will make sense as a gilde hardly.