Troll Car Thread

  • Thread starter Grayfox
What are the settings for a stoppie?
Best of all parts nitrous 100%
Weight Balance 200/-50
Top Speed 140mph
lsd :
Initial 60 xx
Accel 60 xx
Braking 05 xx
Ride Height 155 155
Spring Rate 3.63 1.43
Compression 1 1
Extension 1 1
Anti-Roll 1 1
Camber 0.0 0.0
Toe 1.00 0.20
Brake Balance 10 0

tires r.s.
abs 1
if is to easy to roll adjust front brake balance to 9 or 8 or make the front spring rate more stiff
i put nitrous to do wleelie at reverse
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The Odyssey is a pretty capable car when tuned :lol:. Took mine out in pink with gold rims and beat out the competition there. Surprisingly the people in GTRs and SRT Vipers had a good laugh over it.

Hello Kitty LFA.jpg

Hello Kitty LFA (back).jpg

(Close enough ...)
Passionante Pink is quite stronger than the one in the photo, so it couldn't work.

If there were more tones of pink, I would be happy.
If you can get your hands on Matte Pink. Maybe it could work.
Kinda sad I can't raise this higher, or have whitewall tires.

It's actually pretty quick when lowered.
Any ideas on some good trollers for racing? So far I have a pink Volvo 240 Estate, Honda Odyssey and purple Move... They look the part and handle pretty sweet, but I can't find anything that will work to over 500pp.
Lotus Carlton?
I don't know if this could be considered a 'Troll Car' or not but in a deliberate snub to the Tifosi, people who bang on about the 'rich heritage' of Ferrari all the time and tbh most Italians, I've painted my F40 British Racing Green!
I don't know if this could be considered a 'Troll Car' or not but in a deliberate snub to the Tifosi, people who bang on about the 'rich heritage' of Ferrari all the time and tbh most Italians, I've painted my F40 British Racing Green!
I have a beige California with steel wheels.:lol:
I've seen this thread and it looks like fun, so I made a drift Midget, I know nothing about tunning so I might need some help to make that tune actually good (Ill post it tomorrow)
Apricot Hill Raceway.jpg

Apricot Hill Raceway_1.jpg
Have you checked out the AAR 'Cuda color 'Moulin Rouge'?

Did that too. Still need to take a pic of her...

The color tone is quite close to the original one. And I still have to try Grayfox's idea.
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I wish we could color according to the original schemes of the car...
I want a Sambabus with Moulin Rouge at the bottom, light pink up top and pink chrome trims and rims...