Yup, that's probably true. There are other options too, such as:
City councils can be pressured by the local population. We're doing that right now in my city, we just recalled one seat, and there has been a bitter fight based on various local interests in order to get some city decisions changed.
If Comcast decided you needed to pay more for your citrix connection, then if other people are in your boat (and it affects companies as well, because it's for your work) they will receive pressure. They can tell you to pound sand until your town allows other options... which it very well may if that's what they're hearing from the population, but that's not good business. You have alternatives, you can get a portable t-mobile hotspot (or sprint or verizon or whatever) in your house and connect that way. You could also go DSL or T1. You just don't like those options
as much. We shouldn't be enacting sweeping federal regulations to prevent people from spending $50/mo, or to keep people from having to choose a slightly slower internet connection. Especially when the choices and pressures in that area are to make the actual needed changes and improvements.
We definitely should not be enacting the wrong federal regulations in order to bandaid a problem caused by some stubborn city councils.