yer but if i got the information i was gonna make it into a race report and on the other thread it does type of anyway: but just to please i'll do a race report
Ok so i started off in a Toyato 88VC Minolta and got blown away. I wasn't used to going at this speed on a wet surface. I tried in several other cars, such as subaru, the XJR9 etc. All went to pot. I was just 🤬
So i resulted to a type of cheating - gtp
I made this thread. Then CNG found me another thread which was buried deep which i couldn't find after searching. I took the peoples advice and thought i'll go for a 200 pointer
The Race:
I used the chaper 2J, it's a really old car but can easily keep up witht he big class c boys and even beat them. I already had this car for an american event so all i did was take the turbo off and put on so expensive
soft tires.
I was up against the Audi R8
I was dreading it because every time i have vs him before on this track he won by quite a margin.
On the first corner, the R8 went a bit wide, i broke early meaning that i had a better line around the corner. My softer tires gave me better acceleration and i was up his chuff at the second hairpin before dunlop. i dedided i really needed to win this so i rammed him. This may have not been such a good idea because i didn't gain anytime we both type of went in the rough and he managed to get infront somehow anyway.
Past dunlop i couldn't find the place to overtake and whilst zig zagging around i broke a bit late meaning i had a bad line through the hairpin.
But my soft tires prevaled and i blasted past him on the straight. From there on all i had to do was make sure i broke earlier and turned sharp so i didn't go wide on te slippery surface.
By the 4th lap i was way infont because of my cautious type of driving. The R8 just took the corners to wide. It was comming up to the end of the 4th lap and i thought i'm gonna win this by a big margin - lets really push the car - bad idea
on the last corner i went spinning of into the sand spinning several times. I thought 🤬!
Thanfully i had already made a big neough margin so the R8 was no where near to overtaking me.
I drove carefully for the final lap and in the end won by about 15secs.
This race was actually really easy. The soft tires help alot! i think this was probally the key to the race.
I won the car and went WTF the prize is crp - aww man i bought that car when i was on like 10%!!!
Then i thought ahh well only one more rally event to go - ice arena in hard
(brief summary of how to win:
Just use a lm, lmp, c - clas car or even a 4wd drive car done up to the max and use soft or super soft tires. Make sure you brake early and have fun - some people have even used a dodge Ram and got 200points )