TT2 ideas

  • Thread starter Camaro SS
[empty space];2662356
TT may take less time to complete, but, i still found it much more enjoyable that gt4.

X2...the replay value is MUCH more fun then GT4. I personally want to ride every bike and take a photo of every bike. The handling between the bikes is noticeable. With the cars it just doesn't very as much with in a group. It’s a much bigger challenge to get a clean lap on the ring with a bike then a car. That = more fun for me.
Yes it's true that TT is more challenging and requires skill to complete a lap at the ring while in GT4 is far easier. But as GeoQuin4 said there is no depth... :grumpy:
I said in the past that Tourist Trophy needs to have a nicer variety of races. I'd be willing to do some motocross or supermoto with some of the motard bikes. If I'm thinking motard bikes and great racing, I usually think of one of my all-time favorite racing games- Excitebike.

A point I probably would want to debate on is if there should be road racing in a Tourist Trophy sequel. Before you rat on me about road racing, I'm talking about road racing in terms of country roads. The mecca of open road racing action is the Isle of Man TT. But there is an Irish road racing series that goes around country roads. These races can cover some massive distances. I'm normally not a big fan of stupidly long courses, but in the effort of providing as many motorcycle racing events, would you want something like this? * I'd also debate if flat track racing should be included. AMA Flat Track racing usually take place on flat courses ranging from ovals to road courses. One of the most fun aspects of flat track racing is watching these bikes go through the turns. They are almost like watching sprint cars on dirt. I was going to say that naked bikes made for flat track racing. But after I've been looking around online, I found out that some motard-type motorcycles do flat track racing. Just expand the motorcycle horizon is what I would suggest. Dakar bikes, sidecar racing, motocross, supermoto, and that sort of thing.

There's a final point I'd want to suggest. Remember a Honda commercial which shows you some of their racing history? Honda had a motorcycle called the Honda Dream Type-D in 1949. The Tochigi, Japan group would have continued success in motorcycle racing in addition to four-wheel success. Do you think Tourist Trophy's sequel should have a greater explosion of classic motorcycles much like how Gran Turismos 2 and especially Gran Turismo 4 added more historic machines? I'd love a virtual trip in time with some of the world's best motorcycles in street and competition trims. I'll be sure to come back if I think of anything else interesting.
Do you think Tourist Trophy's sequel should have a greater explosion of classic motorcycles much like how Gran Turismos 2 and especially Gran Turismo 4 added more historic machines? I'd love a virtual trip in time with some of the world's best motorcycles in street and competition trims.

Yes they should. I credit GT for giving me a car history that I wouldn't have had otherwise. I want to learn the same from a TT game.
Dakar bikes, Drag bikes
Benelli, KTM, classic Cafe racers, more classic bikes, concept bikes just for the hell of it. And some biker specific tracks Isle of man etc
I will take whatever i can get really. I would like to see more race series and more options for body panels and such though.
How many of you would agree that Tourist Trophy should have at least had the same off-road courses like in GT4? I think racing with motards would have been pretty pointless if you don't take them out for a ride in the great outdoors? I think PD may look into making Tourist Trophy 2 in featuring off-road racing like how Gran Turismo 2 introduced rallying on the car side. I do ride motards around some of the super-tight courses (Costa di Amalfi and Citta di Aria).

Let's assume that Tourist Trophy 2 featured Dakar bikes. I would imagine that controlling them would be tougher because they are pretty heavy. They'd be a nightmare to ride around tarmac courses, but would greatly accel off-road. I imagine if I had one of those Dakar bikes to go around tracks like the Grand Canyon (imagine flying off the edges of the Grand Canyon! It would be a la MotorStorm) or around the treacherous confines of Chamonix. I would think that PD needs to find a desert course so that the true Dakar feel is prevalent.

Any other ideas?

SuperBikes: PD needs to concider adding every modern superbike avivable,from 2000 until present, it should include all Suzuki 1000s, Kawasaki's, etc, some of those bikes are legendary and they are missing out. PD should also concider adding classic superbikes, like the old Ducatis.

NakedBikes: They also need to buff up on the count of naked bikes aviable.

On Off-road racing: I really don't think that PD should head in this direction, due to the fact tha GT4's offroad sucks heavily, the physics for a motorcycle on road and off-road vary greatly, and it'd probably hold the game back.

Track Racing: PD should honestly concider upgrading their A.I., although it's good, it's barely average, if you race the A.I. with the same bike they have, yours will always be faster, it's as if the A.I. is afraid to get 100% of the bike's power. It should also add more bikes to the race grid, and start from a stand-still.

Drag Racing: Seems like a nice addition, but it's just that, there's not much you could do, unless you would start to upgrade aerodynamics and add turbos, etc. Then if you can upgrade those parts, you should be questing for a stream-lined bike, long, low, and aerodynamic.

On Upgrades: PD should concider not only their current upgrades, but others such as superchargers, turbos and nitro, also concider upgrading better and adjustable steering dampers, carbon fiber fairings, stronger brakes, bigger variety of exhaust systems, engine components, etc.

On Moto-GP: I doubt they would do this, seeing as how Moto-GP has it's own game line, but it'd be nice if they had, like GT3 used to have the formula cars, TT2 would have at least some GP, or GP based bikes, even if they're not sponsored by the same people.

On Gear: Include other gear, like Johnny Rocket, bigger helmet variety, ICON gear, etc.