Tuning Request : Lancer Evo VII MR GSR '04

Hi, i've been tuning this car constantly lately to beat my F40 lap time on Trial Mountain circuit which is 1:27:281. The closest time I've managed so far to it was a 1:27:500, the thing is I have a feeling that this car could go alot faster with proper tuning as I get a fair bit of understeer through tight corners. A tuning that would push the tail out slightly would really help.

This is my Evo's tuning

All body and engine upgrades including Rigidity Imprv
Engine Settings.
Mid RPM Turbo Kit
Gear Ratio Max 174mph
LSD torque front: 10 rear: 8. Accel F: 20 R:25. Braking F:10 R:15
Torque distribution F:25 R:65

Suspension Settings.
Ride height F: 16 R:14
Springs F: 7.0 R: 7.8
Dampers (extend) F: 8 R: 8
Dampers (compress) F: 5 R: 5
AR Bars F: 4 R: 4
Camber Angles F: 2.4 R: 1.5
Toe Angle F: +0.05 R: +25
Brake Balance F: 6 R: 4

Tires are Racing Softs

Also to explain some values being a bit high, this is all in an effort to allow the rear tires to kick out to combat the understeer.

Appreciate any advice anyone an give me!
Try to move up to around -2.8º camber up front and change the toe to -8F and +15R. This should add grip to the front tires in cornering (camber and front toe) and loosen the rear a little (rear toe). This should equal a little more overall grip and better turn in with a similar balance to your current tune.
try turning the spring rates ups you can influence over/understeer like this I have most of my evo's on 7.0 in the front and 14.5 in the back this should help I'm tighter in the turns