
Turtle Racing League - FLEX Racing Series

We have just announced FLEX Racing Series. It is a new Friday Night Series with an exciting new format. Please refer any question about the series to the new FLEX Racing Series thread.

Important! Colors selection and Car numbers will be on a first come first served basis. So if you are a member of the Enduro Racing Series and you would like to use the same color combination and car number for both series post it in the FLEX Racing Series thread as soon as possible.
ok.....i wud liketo join division 1.......my revised car/wheel color combo is blue/purple.....thanks

Welcome to Turtle Racing dari888. We have you down for Blue car / Purple wheels.
If I could get you to pick a unique number then we will get some friend requests sent to you.
We look forward to racing with you.
Thanks for joining.
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Good deal glad to have you.
If you could go to first page of the thread and look at the drivers list we need you to pick a unique car and wheel color and a number for race cars with number plates that you can change. Then post that info here and we will get you added.
Thanks for joining Turtle Racing league.
So, will Turtle Town be open tomorrow night?

Turtle Town is open 24/7/365. Just go to the "Community Tab" which is below "GTLife" and "Profile" find Turtle Town in your friends list. Click on it and then click on the Coffee cup. Then join. If you have any problems let us know. Practice is Wednesday nights. This Friday will be the last official practice in Turtle Town because our new FLEX Racing Series will be on Friday nights.
I would like to join

Great, thank you for joining the Turtle Racine League. Please refer to the drivers list to see what colors and car numbers have already been chosen. Then choose a unique color combination and number and post it in this thread. If you would like to sign up for our FLEX Racing Series please sign up in the FLEX Racing Series thread. Thanks, and welcome to the Turtle Racing League! 👍
Turtle Town is open 24/7/365. Just go to the "Community Tab" which is below "GTLife" and "Profile" find Turtle Town in your friends list. Click on it and then click on the Coffee cup. Then join. If you have any problems let us know. Practice is Wednesday nights. This Friday will be the last official practice in Turtle Town because our new FLEX Racing Series will be on Friday nights.

Oh... that's how you join... Was trying all night to figure out what I was doing wrong.... :grumpy:

Turtle Racing League - FLEX Racing Series

We have just announced FLEX Racing Series. It is a new Friday Night Series with an exciting new format. Please refer any question about the series to the new FLEX Racing Series thread.

Important! Colors selection and Car numbers will be on a first come first served basis. So if you are a member of the Enduro Racing Series and you would like to use the same color combination and car number for both series post it in the FLEX Racing Series thread as soon as possible.
This seems awesome

Turtle Racing League - FLEX Racing Series

We have just announced FLEX Racing Series. It is a new Friday Night Series with an exciting new format. Please refer any question about the series to the new FLEX Racing Series thread.

Important! Colors selection and Car numbers will be on a first come first served basis. So if you are a member of the Enduro Racing Series and you would like to use the same color combination and car number for both series post it in the FLEX Racing Series thread as soon as possible.

This seems awesome

Yup! 👍
I would join flex, but I doubt I would have time for it. Most of the races looks like there are multiple cars and tracks. That would mean that I would have to break in up to 4 cars every week, and practice on up to 4 tracks. Those events do look fun though, like the rally and carting events. I still hope there is a karting and rally event in this league some time :)
I would join flex, but I doubt I would have time for it. Most of the races looks like there are multiple cars and tracks. That would mean that I would have to break in up to 4 cars every week, and practice on up to 4 tracks. Those events do look fun though, like the rally and carting events. I still hope there is a karting and rally event in this league some time :)

I will certainly break in all my cars and I will mostly practice for the Enduro Racing Series. The FLEX Racing Series will just be all out fun for me! 👍
Thats why we call it practice, you can mess up turns tonight.
Its always good to come to practice that way you dont mess turns up when it matters.;)👍
Good deal glad to have you.
If you could go to first page of the thread and look at the drivers list we need you to pick a unique car and wheel color and a number for race cars with number plates that you can change. Then post that info here and we will get you added.
Thanks for joining Turtle Racing league.

Division - A
car- red
wheel- white
PSN ID - Ntc3nut
Guys, there is a good chance i will NOT attend this weeks race. If i am able, it will be last minute without a broken in car like last week.

Have fun and someone take down DREX please. ;-)
Thanks for letting us know mic.
Maybe martin can take DREX down this week, thats a tall task though.
We have got to get him and ncrthree in a race together.💡 now that would be fun to watch.:sly:
I would like to join

Welcome to Turtle Racing ntc3nut we got you down for DIV.A and Orange car / White wheels number 73.
You might be interested to know we have just started a new series for Friday night. You might take a look at it also its called the Flex Racing Series.
We will be looking forward to racing with you.👍

Sorry for double post.
Step 3: Purchase and break in your car(s) then change the oil. Do not tune them in any way. Races are "Tuning Prohibited" however, the "Tuning Prohibited" filter allows for changing brake balance, torque split, engine limiter, and adding ballast.

By the way, I had tried adding ballast a few weeks ago to change my car's COG and the tuning filter prevented me from entering.... sooooo, yea. Just a heads up.
Hello Gentlemen, great pictures from Daytona race TR, looking forward to tonights practice, if the Flex series is taking the friday enduro league practice slot, will there be another practice time besides wednesday? (for enduro league) Question; Is there any consideration for ONE CAR for the season league? if that makes any sense.
Hello Gentlemen, great pictures from Daytona race TR, looking forward to tonights practice, if the Flex series is taking the friday enduro league practice slot, will there be another practice time besides wednesday? (for enduro league)

I would like to have 2 official practices a week for each series. martin_ky might appreciate official practices dedicated to the FLEX Racing Series. I'll get with MBOBB1969 and martin_ky about it.

Question; Is there any consideration for ONE CAR for the season league? if that makes any sense.

I like that idea! In the FLEX Racing Series we will be announcing 3 races every three weeks, so if martin_ky likes that idea maybe we could have a whole 3 race block dedicated to one car.