i received my pre-order shipping notice for GTSport from amazon (good deal with Prime when i preordered forever ago).
its supposed to arrive tomorrow!
My rig is in pieces and i am building a platform for it, so i might be on a controller for the first few days
Cant wait and glad to see Psycho and Dolph will be getting it! Always fun to race with you guys.
Good Luck going back to School Dolph, what are you going to pursue if you dont mind me asking? (you can PM me if you prefer).
Great idea to do it now and not put it off. I have put it off going on 27 years nowor is that
Hopefully we can all find a new series to join and race or maybe someone will grab the Turtle Mantle and run with it. My skillz are weak these days, but i look forward to racing regardless.
Hello everyone! It's been a while. I will be racing the in the new game. Got a new rig to try out. Hopefully I will see some of you out there. I may be a bit rusty though.
Thanks. I'm majoring in business with a focus on accounting. It'll probably be about 3 years by the time I finish, and hopefully no longer than that at my current job. I miss my summers!Good Luck going back to School Dolph, what are you going to pursue if you dont mind me asking? (you can PM me if you prefer).
Great idea to do it now and not put it off. I have put it off going on 27 years nowor is that
Is CRAP up and running?
Nice rig. It must be fast.
I make too much money to go back to schoolAs for you, it's never too late to go back.![]()
You don't say? Just what I'm looking to go into myself.Im an accountant. Boring, but stable.
How about we switch spots? I can become an accountant, and you can manage a swimming pool supply store. And since your kids will be older, you can be nice and busy during the summer (say goodbye to your weekends) without having to worry about taking care of them.I might change careers once i get my kids off to college
Good times, I still remember the first time we raced Miatas. You beat me by 10ths! Too many good races with you, Mbob, Mic, and Dolph. Especially Mic! Here's my new rig. Just finished, waiting for the game.
I remember that race as well. It was at Grand Valley, and I think it was Grand Valley Reverse. Good times for sure. More on the way with GT Sport I hope. Btw, is that a Lemur?
IF it's the same race I'm thinking of (it might have been before I was in the league, but my 2nd week in Turtle was racing Miatas at Grand Valley), I remember it too. I was part of that battle. Pretty sure I finished right behind you guys. If it wasn't the same race, it was pretty dang similar. So fun.![]()
I remember that race as well. It was at Grand Valley, and I think it was Grand Valley Reverse. Good times for sure. More on the way with GT Sport I hope. Btw, is that a Lemur?
IF it's the same race I'm thinking of (it might have been before I was in the league, but my 2nd week in Turtle was racing Miatas at Grand Valley), I remember it too. I was part of that battle. Pretty sure I finished right behind you guys. If it wasn't the same race, it was pretty dang similar. So fun.![]()
Gotcha. I can understand why you guys put that race on the schedule. Being my 2nd race in Turtle, it was awesome. 👍Yeah, that was right before TRL. Probably where the idea for the race came from.
Lol. My cat thinks she found a new scratching post. Installing game now....58mins?? That was the first time we raced. That was a fun little car.
Thanks Psycho. All we need is Drex now. YEAH, I noticed launching with TC off is a bit trickier. Going to take some getting used to.
Well, I already found out from the first acceleration test in the game that I'm going to get smoked off the line if I have traction control turned off.Who knew it would be so damn hard to get a freakin' Miata moving?
Ooh. I like this idea, Whitey. I'll have to figure out how to do it.You can adjust tc on the fly. I start with tc at 1 and then switch to 0 once I get moving.
Nice, indeed. Thanks for the tip. It is easy to do.Just press left or right while on track to cycle the menu and up or down to adjust settings. Its there from the get go you just have to realize its there. In bumper can it shows uo beneath the tack. You can adjust TC and brake bias in the fly. Its pretty nice.
i think VR is only available in certain modes. like a one-on-one AI race is the video i saw. Not everywhere at this point in GTSport.
although, maybe you can use the screen to be your monitor, not sure how the gadget works, I'm waiting for the technology to iron out it's kinks before i dive into that pond. (ie gets cheaper).
I've got an original ps4 and a pro. My setup is on the original with a 40" samsung (non hdr). Wondering if it's worth getting a new 4k HDR tv and switching to the pro?