TUTORIAL - Manually Configuring Your XLink Kai & PS2 *With Pics*

When doing this I am given a single set of numbers, my IP address, no "Sub-net values" are displayed. I DID read the entire article, I dont see why you cant just help me out with this little bit, the rest of the write-up is awesome.

I dont know what to enter there since I have not been given a sub-net value, unless it is the same number as the IP. That is what I am asking.

When trying to connect to a game, the other people are saying they cant read my ping. My windows firewall is off when trying to connect. The only other thing I could think of is my router, if it has a built in firewall I have no clue how to turn it off...
Same problem for me. AND i read the article. I got my IP Adress but i cant find my Subnet/netmask value.

Answer please :)
my xlink just randomly closes out, how do i fix this?

edit: nevermind, i figured it out what im doing wrong

edit2: well i have a router and i hooked it up as instructed, did everything as it is posted here but still, it says Network Reachable : Not Yet
908 DRifT KINg
HEY DOSE THIZ wORK For A MACINTOSH G4 cuz if it dose can you guyz make a info manuale for THE MAC VERSION PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ THX -JUSTIN
eh, if you havent noticed DTC is gone.
i think they have a mac version of the program, why dont you check it out yourself? www.google.com search for kai xlink and search around, youll find your answers.
908 DRifT KINg
HEY DOSE THIZ wORK For A MACINTOSH G4 cuz if it dose can you guyz make a info manuale for THE MAC VERSION PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ THX -JUSTIN

From Now on you should use proper english and not internet abreviations for everything.
908 DRifT KINg
thxx bro ^^ fuc all those haters
watch yourself bro, its against TOS to get around the language filters.
and its not cool at all tO tYpE lYkE dIs and it is ALSO in the TOS. you need to speak english here, at least understandable english because we have members who are from other countries who CAN speak/understand english, but not a whole lot of it.
Ive been working on this for 2 days now. I give up!

Im running 3 computers at home .
main computer and 2 wireless computers.

The playstation ethernet line is hooked up to my Airlink wireless modem.

I have the xlink downloaded on the wireless computer.

Im running the playstation setting on the network in auto mode. Playstation is online according to Sony and from what I read on the screen.
I have GT4 in all auto settings.

I tried manual mode ,but I cant find the mac adderess thats suppose to appear.

Im stuck!

Email admin@bluetorchmotorsports.com

watch yourself bro, its against TOS to get around the language filters.
and its not cool at all tO tYpE lYkE dIs and it is ALSO in the TOS. you need to speak english here, at least understandable english because we have members who are from other countries who CAN speak/understand english, but not a whole lot of it.

is it ma fault that they cant read slang mann no use talking to you
What is the wireless config in the x link tools for ??

I found the mac adderes had to unplug my ethernet cable..

Do i us the IP adderess calculator just for the mac adderess or do i use it for my own adderess?

Im wireless so i posted on a forum, to see my IP adderess. I copied and pasted that then for my net adderess I put my calculated mac IP.. What am i missing?
is it ma fault that they cant read slang mann no use talking to you
What is the wireless config in the x link tools for ??

I found the mac adderes had to unplug my ethernet cable..

Do i us the IP adderess calculator just for the mac adderess or do i use it for my own adderess?

Im wireless so i posted on a forum, to see my IP adderess. I copied and pasted that then for my net adderess I put my calculated mac IP.. What am i missing?

can you hardwire your computer to the wireless router along with your ps2? so that both ps2 and computer running kai are hardwired? if you can, try that and see if it makes any difference.
bro no offence your not the creator of this site so u cant band me or**** so your not my mom or my dad so u got buy tokyo drift and **** ur self ##1##.....iam not a racest but damn freaking spickz and prickz..lol iam a spick
bro no offence your not the creator of this site so u cant band me or**** so your not my mom or my dad so u got buy tokyo drift and **** ur self ##1##.....iam not a racest but damn freaking spickz and prickz..lol iam a spick

your right. im not the creator of this site, nor am i your mom or dad, but you should be more mature than you are acting. i never said i was going to ban you, but with your attitude you wont get far here. you keep it up and you will most likely be banned. i didnt say anything about race, so why bring it up?
im not trying to tell you what to do, but just suggesting that if you wish to be able to visit/post here on gtp, you should clean yourself up. meaning cut the attitude, stop with the L337 5P34K and just chill out. i mean, does it REALLY hurt to type like a normal person?
bro no offence your not the creator of this site so u cant band me or**** so your not my mom or my dad so u got buy tokyo drift and **** ur self ##1##.....iam not a racest but damn freaking spickz and prickz..lol iam a spick

And the Score is.....908 Drift King (5) Suzuki (4). The is anyone's match folks.

Consider the two of you banned. :)
bro no offence your not the creator of this site so u cant band me or**** so your not my mom or my dad so u got buy tokyo drift and **** ur self ##1##.....iam not a racest but damn freaking spickz and prickz..lol iam a spick

No he can't ban you.......but I can, as can the rest of the moderating staff here.

You will by now have already recieved a number of PMs regarding your attitude, languauge and posts.

I strongly suggest you take them seriously as one more outburst of any kind will end your time here at GT Planet.

You will get no further warning in this area, simply an outright ban.

hey everbody,

i just got into xlink, and i configuerd everything like dropchick said on first page...

the thing is, when i go to diagnostic mode, it tells me NETWORK REACHABLE:NOT YET, everything else is the same as drop chick posted.

and after running Kai for 2-3 mins, it shuts down and tells me "You are unreachble-Check port forwarding"
Whats that supposed to mean??
Please, i wanna play with u guys :D
when it just turn it just exit out of xlink and i cant join or figure out anything because it exit off it so fast. I think i'm having same problem as Chris.
wish i co uld help you guys, but im really not the person to be asking.
good luck getting your problem solved.
try browsing kai xlink's forums to see if others have had the same problem, because im sure others have.
Ive done close to everything, port forwarded, searched many forums, read about 20 tutorials and still my network isnt reachable.

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