Tv Style Commentary

Would it be possible to recreate the sensation of TV style pre/post commentary in the game.
As an example, instead of the camera just zooming in on your car at the start of a race with that recycled beeping countdown, why not have commentators describing the field, giving their predictions, hyping up the race.
With the replays, is it possible to have commentary on the race?
Basically, give life to the game, a real sense of motorsport with all that's associated with it, including the said simulated commentary.
I mean, FIFA and MADDEN have in game commentary, which is quite good.
Where is the rule that car games can't have this feature also?
I hate Madden's commentary...It's repetitive and has ridiculous sayings like, "they have to score some points if they want to win the game."

FIFA's, on the other hand, is pretty good.

I'd be ok with it if Hindy is the one doing the commentary. That'd be pretty cool actually.
I actually quite like F1:CE's but that only really works because you have already have a set drivers list, so they only need to record a few lines for each driver's name. (and just say "you" when referring to your car if youre not driving as a preset driver).
We dont have names in Gran it would sound silly unless you want them to record someone saying every single cars name in all of the possible colours?
I actually quite like F1:CE's but that only really works because you have already have a set drivers list, so they only need to record a few lines for each driver's name. (and just say "you" when referring to your car if youre not driving as a preset driver).
We dont have names in Gran it would sound silly unless you want them to record someone saying every single cars name in all of the possible colours?
You don't have to have a name for every car.
Just a bunch of guys who will race constantly with varied vehicles.
Something similar to Forza.
It just feels lonely, empty and bland. It needs an injection of real life atmosphere and commentary is just a part of it.
^I agree that theres no life to it, but I suppose we should consider that as a blank slate for us to be inventive with, especially with the promising online features we could see.
I just dont see commentary being very good without having to put a lot of work into it (more than PD would if they did do it). Not to mention the fact they'll have to do the commentary in several different languages, also leading to several different disks for the European version and thus delaying the game even further.
Commentary would be almost impossible to put in the game, and I think for a lot of people, its just a novelty feature that they don't really care about. I prefer the sound of a roaring V8 to some dude commenting about how I'm 2 seconds behind the leader.
I'd prefer radio chatter over commentary. Since when does a driver in the middle of the race listen to TV styled commentary?

Pit lane radio chatter FTW.
It'd take far too manylines of commentary to even begin to sound right. The commenty in games like Fifa is repetetive and even that has thousands of lines of code. Thats because it needs so many lines for the different teams and player names etc. What would the commentators in a racing game have to say, car models, information on car models, manouvers, the car makes, rules etc. There would simply be far too much involved, coupled with the fact that a feature like this would wear off very fast for a lot of people much like it does in games like Fifa.
I'd prefer radio chatter over commentary. Since when does a driver in the middle of the race listen to TV styled commentary?

Pit lane radio chatter FTW.
Where did i say commentary was to be DURING the race?
Sure the novelty would wear off, but so does every other 'novelty' in other games. That's not the point.
So it's only a bunch of recorded lines that are scripted in, so what?
If it is impossible to do then I understand, but a little something is better than nothing IMO.
Actually I like the idea of 'radio chatter'.

It can tell you times to car in front or car behind, positions, when to push it, expected fuel load laps left, or if you pitted now you come out in open track...

Take it one step further and when dynamic weather comes it can tell you a probability on rain or if weather is going to get worse, so you can make some judgement calls to whether to pit an take on tyres, possibly feed information on lap times of those who have? (More critical with AI being at 'your' level)

It could tell you when you have had your quickest lap or a quickest sector, so you can analyse at that moment just what you did so you could try replicate it.

Optional of course, as all won't like it on... but it could be handy... for longer races anyhow.
what I'd also like to see, is a way to communicate with your pit crew. so have a headset, and certain phrases are recognized. kinda like SOCOM. things like "turn 3 very slippery" or "too wet for slicks" or whatever. if they could get it to work in a way that was halfway correct, it would be great.

Saladine: would you really watch a replay of the hour and a half race you just ran in the FGTWC? I don' think so. for th eamount of effort it'd take, it wouldn't pay off, to me.