TVR Going Out??

  • Thread starter samj_13
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I recently read in Automobile Magazine that TVR is closing it's plant in Blackpool, U.K. this fall and that it is "on its death throes", or going out of business. It appears TVR's son't comply with European emissions regulations. This is what TVR has to say on the matter:

Ian Law
"The company remains financially stable and is highly optimistic about its future."

Does anyone have any more information on this? Or is it just a rumor?
I can state with 100% certainty that TVR is not "on it's death throes", the closing down of the plant was planned ever since Nikolai Smolenski took over TVR from Peter Wheeler, the current plant just doesn't have the facilities to reach the wuality and production numbers that he aims to reach. They already have a deal for a lease at a new site at Squires gate which is only a temporary move until production numbers start to rise, it means they don't have to tie themselves down on a lease that's longer than they want at Bristol Avenue and they can increase producition over Brtistol avenue and provide better quality building procedures, rather than stay at Bristol avenue for longer than they want before moving into a new site.

Here's a thread much like this one where someone who wasn't as in the know was worried about TVR's future.
Here's a thread with plenty of info on the situation and some info on the next line of TVR's being developed as we speak, well type.
And there here's the TVR fan club thread which also has a lot of info in it as well.

Hope that helps.
I feared they were gonna move the whole doo-hickey to russia. :d

That would've been awful. The roadster TVR's seem like British Vipers to me. Don't know what a Russian Viper would look like :boggled:
It wouldn't do much good for the company to do that, economically Russia wouldn't be a good place to move the manufacturing or construction. If they did move anything aborad I was thinking of manufacturung the parts and bodies in South Africa and then shipping them to the UK for assembly similar to how Noble does it. But anywas, as confirmed they're staying in Lancashire (I live in Lancashire) and keeping thier current workforce which is imo the best thing for them to do right now, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of at least some oversea's manufacturing in the future.
The new plant will make TVR a modem car company to rival super car companies like McLaren, and so on.
From Autozine:
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][/FONT][SIZE=-1]The uncertainty over the future of TVR has been cleared, at least for now. TVR has accepted a lease deal offered by the local city council to say stay in Blackpool. The new site is only 5 miles from the old one. The move is believed to be an interim solution, as Smolenski is planning another location for the company's headquarters and a new factory capable of building 100 cars a week ( ! ). However, he said the new headquarters and factory will remain in the Blackpool area. This mean TVR will not sub-contract the production to cheaper overseas countries as suggested earlier.
Many threads on this topic already. Please use one o’ them.
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