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Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
It seems that everytime we (the U.S) get involved in anything some part of the world gets pissed off...personally I think that they can go #uck themselves because I dont give a damn what the hell they think

This is sort of why "they" hate us.

It seems that evey time we do something some country gets all pissed about it.

Like, for instance, the one we're attacking?

There are a few countries that are pretty cool like Canada, Germany, the U.K...

Yeah - Canada and Germany are A-list US supporters. Let's bake them a cake, and include Syria and Jordan in the fun.

that kind of $hit pisses me off....I dont get why we will bomb a $hit hole like Iraq but not go take out those suicide bombing peice of crap palestinians.....

Why doesn't Israel? Maybe we're worried about our image.

as for tony blair....he kicks ass...hes one of the few people who has the balls to stand up for what is right....unlike those stupid french...bunch a bastards....no offense to the french people...its your government that I dont like...not you :)

I'm glad that you believe you know what's right.

I'm also glad that you get angry at the French for their opposing viewpoint. Doesn't freedom of speech account for opposing viewpoints? Or does it only apply to people who agree with the US?
I'm not anti French, but until the so called "US policy undermining" evidence has been confirmed as accurate or untrue, or misinterpreted, I think that it would be best to not make righteous proclamations about freedom of speech. Supposedly, it's more than the expression of a different opinion that bothers many in the US, maybe else where.
I REALLY want to thank you!!!
for showing me, how infant and less or more stupid this thread was....

this thread changed my way of thinking... thank you guys..
i have only made my opinions about us from the things i've heard from some people, but still haven't got a clue what it's really all about... but now i understand.. the usa isn't a devil or a all-around-bully up thing...

but still i say the fight not needed from anybody... you know why, because
we have lots of countries in the world, different nations, people, religion, colous, ideology etc... but the thing is..
let everybody be what it is, the racial, religional, ideologial or any kinda fight is non-needable, cos in the end we're all the same nation... and if everyone could understand or maybe even overstand that, we would then be close to individual paradise.... or something like that.... forget fuzzin and fightin.... just live... don't hate anybody for external reason, you may only hate for somebodys entity, inner-self, if you have to hate somebody... but in first hand try not to hate....


Originally posted by Talentless
I think that it would be best to not make righteous proclamations about freedom of speech. Supposedly, it's more than the expression of a different opinion that bothers many in the US, maybe else where.

So you think that somebody criticising what others' say while freely speaking should not draw some criticism? Americans are quick to scream 'free speech' and 'free expression' everytime they need the defence, but the second the tables are turned, they're overly dismissive.
Originally posted by rjensen11
Sorry, but you're wrong on both parts:

From what I've heard him talk about his domestic policies I am in favour of his leadership. I especially like his beliefs of not removing public funding from universities, because that's what is happening all across the US(But that might be more of individual state issues, but especially in Minnesota, the Universities are getting jack **** just about, and tuition is increasing at dramatic rates)

What Tony Blaire talks about and what actually happens is 2 very different things. For example he promised there would be NO housing price boom. Now for you to get a small house you have to earn 3 times your annual income or soomething like that. I do no that the N.H.A. is still as bad as when the conservative party was in control
You managed to avoid directly admitting you were wrong in trying to use the hypocricy in the context of free speech argument in response to an earlier post by me by trapping me with a statement that my only challenge is for me to, in essence, say the same thing you did. You are smart.;)

Originally posted by Talentless
You managed to avoid directly admitting you were wrong in trying to use the hypocricy in the context of free speech argument in response to an earlier post by me by trapping me with a statement that my only challenge is for me to, in essence, say the same thing you did.

Dude, that's the longest sentence in world history.

You are smart.;)


That's debatable; I'd certainly argue against it.