U.S. and PAL Official GT3 Prize Car Lists

  • Thread starter Jordan
Originally posted by Jordan
Yes, whenever a topic says "Read:" next to it, it will not be moving from the top until a moderator says so. :)

Good it does stay on the top cuz dude it's handy!!
Originally posted by Jordan
(U.S. version list originally posted by AltF8):

Here is the prize car listing for the US version of GT3.

Stars & Stripes Grand Championship -- ***Spoon Sports S2000 Race Car***

Type R Meeting -- Honda NSX Type-R, ***Spoon Sports S2000***, Mugen S2000, Honda S2000

Dream Car Championship -- Mitsubishi FTO LM Race Car, Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car, Honda S2000 LM Race Car, ***Subaru Impreza LM Race Car***

Grand Valley 300 -- F090/S, ***Subaru Impreza LM Edition***, Nissan 390 GT1 Road Car, Spoon Sports S2000 Race Car

All Races in **Gran Turismo Mode** -- F688/S

Thanks for the great post, Jordan! It's a great reference that sure comes in handy. But I was wondering if anyone could help clarify some things (see above).

First, I was wondering if the Spoon Sports S2000 that is awarded ("randomly") for the Amateur/Type-R Meeting is the same one awarded for the Amateur/Stars & Stripes (the blue and yellow car).

Second, I was wondering if the "Subaru IMPREZA LM Race Car" awarded randomly at the Amateur/Dream Car Championship is the same as the "Subaru IMPREZA LM Edition" awarded randomly at the Endurance/Grand Valley 300.

Lastly, to what does "Gran Turismo Mode" refer? Is that Arcade Mode, or Simulation Mode, or something else entirely?

Anyone got answers?? I would love to know for sure before I continue my game...

Thanks a million GT3 Cr! Have a great drive!

Originally posted by RoadHazzard
First, I was wondering if the Spoon Sports S2000 that is awarded ("randomly") for the Amateur/Type-R Meeting is the same one awarded for the Amateur/Stars & Stripes (the blue and yellow car).

Lastly, to what does "Gran Turismo Mode" refer? Is that Arcade Mode, or Simulation Mode, or something else entirely?

I think that it is the same S2000... not sure but I think it is. The "Gran Turismo Mode" is Simulation Mode. I'm pretty sure about that since that's the same car I won for completing Simulation.
Originally posted by Dolbytone

I think that it is the same S2000... not sure but I think it is. The "Gran Turismo Mode" is Simulation Mode. I'm pretty sure about that since that's the same car I won for completing Simulation.

Thanks for the input, DT!

Yeah, I'm was pretty sure "Gran Turismo Mode" and "Simulation Mode" are the same. Thanks for confirming it!

But I found this page, and it lists a "Spoon S2000(J)" separately from the "Spoon Sports S2000 Race Car". It also mentions that the "Spoon S2000(J)" is a prize car for the Amateur/Type-R Meeting. When I do this series, I'll come back to confirm what I find...

Thanks again for the post, DT.

Have a great drive, everyone!

There are both a Spoon S2000 and a Spoon S2000 Race Car. The Spoon S2000 comes in a handful of colors, but the race car comes in only one (yellow and blue paint scheme). I saw a photo somewhere on the net of the real Spoon S2000 Race Car. It was pretty cool.

The FAQ you're refering to was written by me, and I'm fairly confident that it's right... that the S2000 (J) is awarded in the Amateur Type R race. But it's been a while, so I can't 100% confirm for you...
Yeah, I concur. I just won a Spoon Sports S2000 on the Amateur Type R meeting series.

Honda S2000: 243hp/8000rpm @1240kg (0 miles)
Mugen S2000(J): 243hp/8000rpm @1240kg (0 miles
Spoon S2000(J): 271hp/9000rpm @1100kg (0 miles)
Spoon S2000 Race Car (J): 271hp/9000rpm @1050kg (0 miles)
First off, I'm referring to the USA/NTSC version...

I don't remember it being this way for the first time I ran it (I'm currently on my 3rd gamesave), but here's what I found...

On day 51, I got in my F687/S, gave it an oil change (it had 937.3 miles, 870 hp pre-race), and entered the Endurance/Laguna Seca 200 Endurance.

The race ended as follows:
[Finishing Position] (Starting Position) Vehicle = Total Race Time
[1] (6) F687/S = (best lap 1.03.738)
[2] (1) Viper GTS-R Team Oreca = (+14 laps)
[3] (5) GT40 Race Car = (+16 laps)
[4] (2) Esperante GTR-1 = (+16 laps)
[5] (3) Storm V12 Race Car = (+18 laps)
[6] (4) CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes) = (+22 laps)
I pitted after laps 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91.

After exiting the Race Results screen, the Prize Car screen followed (the one with the red background and car silhouettes). But something seemed different.. THERE WERE ONLY **3** PRIZE CARS ON THE CAROUSEL, NOT 4! Only one of the three car silhouettes was of an F1 car (the silhouette at the bottom of the screen), and it awarded it to me.. the F686/M. Furthermore, the black/gray moving bullseye thingy was going ULTRA fast!

This totally freaked me out! I didn't remember it being this way the first time I did it, but I'm not sure. Well, the F686/M wasn't the car I wanted... so, without saving, I reloaded and tried again.

Again, on day 51, I gave the F687/S an oil change and entered the Laguna Seca 200 Endurance. Here are the 2nd attempt's results (I was half asleep for around 30 of the laps):
[1] (6) F687/S = (best lap 1.03.459)
[3] (2) Viper GTS-R Team Oreca = (+9 laps)
[2] (1) Corvette C5R = (+11 laps)
[4] (5) GT40 Race Car = (+12 laps)
[5] (3) Storm V12 Race Car = (+14 laps)
[6] (4) CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes) = (+17 laps)
The F687/S ended the race with 1136.4 miles and 870 hp.

Again, there were only 3 prize cars on the carousel, and this time it gave me the car I wanted.. the ALTEZZA LM Race Car (the upper-left silhouette). I wasn't about to race it a 3rd time to confirm the upper-right silhouette was the Calsonic Skyline, but it looked like it could be.

So, my questions are:
How come no one else mentioned this (I notice the PAL list only had 3 cars listed as prizes)?
Has anyone gotten an F687/S from the Laguna Seca 200 (USA/NTSC version)?

Well, no biggie either way. After all, it only took 2 tries to get the car I wanted, and I'll get the F686/M elsewhere. I'm just surprised no one's mentioned this yet.

Anyway, have a great drive everyone!

I have the USA/NTSC version of GT3 A-spec. I just completed the Endurance/Special Stage Route 11 race for the 3rd straight time today, and made the following discovery...

The prize cars awarded for winning the Endurance/Special Stage Route 11 are listed as follows (clockwise, starting from 12 o'clock):
MR-S Autobacs Apex
F1 (could not tell which one 'cause I didn't win it)
**Camaro Race Car**

There was no C-WEST RAZO SILVIA... at least, unless that's part of the "randomness" too.

Has anyone ever gotten the C-WEST RAZO SILVIA for winning the Endurance/Special Stage Route 11 race? And/Or, can anyone confirm that they also got the Camaro Race Car here?

Thanks again in advance to all semi-sensible replies. ;)

Have a great drive!

Ugh, I hate endurances... I've done 3 in one day before, I think... Actually, I don't hate endurance races, I just don't have time for them any more. I barley have time to race two 16-minute races in a series... Good thing you can save in the middle of those...
After 5 attempts, I've now won prize cars from every position on the prize car carousel, and made the following discovery...

There is no "Miata VR Limited A" awarded from this race... The prize cars, listed clockwise from "12 o'clock" are:

Mazda MX-5 Miata(J)
Mazda MX-5 Miata(J)
Mazda MX-5 Miata 1.8 RS(J)

These are the names of the vehicles, as they appear in the garage. The "VR Limited A" (as well as the "VR Limited B") are supposed to be different color schemes/paint jobs UNAVAILABLE from the dealer shop, but is the same car otherwise.

Well, needless to say, I'm quite upset that there is no "Miata VR Limited A", as I had already given up the F688/S (unsaved) after my second attempt. I'm now on my 6th attempt, trying to get a car I could've had sooner (the F688/S)...

I would, along with others, appreciate an update of the US/NTSC version prize list to reflect this (along with other errors mentioned previously).

Thank you.


* - Special thanks to "eatbitter", who provided the following information.
Originally posted by eatbitter
Hi Hazzard,

When I get home, I will check on this...

Sorry that this has set you back time wise...

Hey, eat! No sweat, man. It's not yer fault... you had the right stuff. Besides, the extra attempts allowed me to finally beat 1.41.000 in the LS (something I was trying to do the whole time).

Anyway, to sum up what I've found so far... (* - I didn't win these, so can't confirm it 100%)

USA/NTSC version

Professional/Clio Trophy -- New Beetle Cup Car, ...

Endurance/Grand Valley 300 -- R390 GT1 Road Car, Spoon Sports S2000 Race Car, F090/S, IMPREZA LM Race Car
Endurance/Laguna Seca 200 Endurance -- ALTEZZA LM Race Car, CALSONIC SKYLINE*, F686/M
Endurance/Passage to Colosseo -- Vertigo Race Car*, Delta HF Integrale Rally Car*, F688/S, Zonda Race Car*
Endurance/Special Stage Route 11 -- ARTA NSX JGTC(J), MR-S Autobacs Apex, F687/S*, Camaro Race Car
Endurance/Roadster Endurance -- Mazda MX-5 Miata(J) [J Limited/Sunburst Yellow], Mazda MX-5 Miata(J) [VR Limited A/Mica Merlot*, VR Limited B/Excellent Green Mica], F688/S, Mazda MX-5 Miata 1.8 RS(J) [Sparkle Green Metallic]

To the best of my knowledge, these are the prize car names as they appear in the garage. (edit - I can't confirm the Sparkle Green Metallic or Chaste White Miatas from the Roadster Endurance, but I'm sure I got the yellow one). I put them in order based on their final resting positions on the prize carousel, clockwise starting from "12 o'clock" (top-left for End/Laguna)...

Let me know if you need anything (car specs) for the cars in my garage. I recently posted on the other thread...

Have a great drive everyone!

So, I've been able to confirm a couple of things:

Endurance/Roadster Endurance:

You can win a VR Limited A/Mica Merlot colored Mazda MX-5 Miata(J). This appears to the 1989 (not surea bout that, though). It's counter clockwise from F688S.

I was also unable to confirm the Sparke Green Metallic or Chaste White Miatas from the Roadster Endurance. However, I can't really figure out which other race they'd have been won from. I'll keep digging on this one.

The rest of what you've listed for this race is what I've found.

Endurance/Special Stage Route 11:

You're right, it's not a C-West Razo Silvia but rather a Camaro Race Car.

Again, the rest of what you've listed for this race is what I've also found.

Also to confirm, this is for the US/NTSC
Also, more on the Laguna Seca 200 Endurance race:

I've confirmed the cars you've listed:

All of the cars you wrote on the prize list for the US version are in the right order, correct? So if I want the second car that you listed, then when the carosel comes,
I wait 1 second after I see the first car,
and then start pushing "X" to get the second car?

Or should I wait a bit longer after the first car makes its first appearence?

Thanks a lot.
Originally posted by offroadmike
All of the cars you wrote on the prize list for the US version are in the right order, correct? So if I want the second car that you listed, then when the carosel comes,
I wait 1 second after I see the first car,
and then start pushing "X" to get the second car?

Or should I wait a bit longer after the first car makes its first appearence?

Thanks a lot.

Hi offroadmike. If you were referring to my post #81...

The prize cars I listed were in clockwise order, starting from the 12 o' clock position (that is, their final resting positions). For the Endurance/Laguna Seca 200 Endurance, the final rest positions are top-left, top-right, and bottom respectively.

The ones with asterisks are ones I cannot confirm 100%, but others have attested to its validity.

As far as the "Official" USA/NTSC prize list from AltF8, almost all of the multi-prize car listings are in no particular order (notice Endurance/Passage to Colosseo has 5 cars listed (2 Vertigos)).

Anyway, I hope this helps! Have a great drive!
