U.S. Illegal Contraband Laws

  • Thread starter Matt R
United States
Atlanta, GA, USA
I Matty R I
SEPTEMBER 22--Music and marijuana fans alike will appreciate this evidence photo memorializing the stash seized earlier this week from Willie Nelson's tour by Louisiana state police. During a September 18 traffic stop, cops smelled a strong odor of pot emanating from Nelson's bus. A subsequent search of the vehicle turned up about 1-1/2 pounds of pot and a bag of mushrooms. The drugs were later photographed on the hood of a police cruiser. Nelson, 73, and four other bus passengers (ages 75, 59, 54, and 50) were issued misdemeanor drug possession citations and released at the scene.

Alright, now check this out.

Marijuana Legislation of The National Drug Intelligence Center
Law 13-300, which became effective on June 8, 2001, toughens the penalties for the distribution and possession of marijuana. This law makes distribution or intent to distribute more than a half-pound of marijuana a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Possession of over a half-pound of marijuana is now a felony.

Does anyone see something wrong with this picture?

Are you saying that it is unfair for them to be penalized for having marijuana, or that it is unfair to Nelson and company to get away with it?

I might assume that the reason they were released is that they were not distributing/selling it... only possessing it.
This law makes distribution or intent to distribute more than a half-pound of marijuana a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Possession of over a half-pound of marijuana is now a felony.

I might assume that the reason they were released is that they were not distributing/selling it... only possessing it.

See what I find absurd now?
Sounds to me like you have to have intent to distribute for it to be a felony... not that we should even be having this discussion because it's none of our business if Willie wants to get high.
Wow, this is an old story.

Here is what happened. Everyone on the bus pulled an "I am Spartacus" and claimed the pot as their own. They had all gone in together to buy it. Divided up amongst all the people on the bus each had well under the amount to count as distribution. Evidence on the bus also showed their intentions were to smoke it as all the paraphanelia to smoke it (papers, pipes, etc) was there but none of the paraphanelia to divide it up into small amounts for sale (scales, baggies, etc.) were present.

At least this is how the official story goes.

Now, that said, anyone without a big money lawyer would have probably gotten marched through one at a time and each charged with distribution and intent to sell.

Whether they got off with a misdemeaner because it was Willie Nelson or because he was rich enough to have a good lawyer, I can't say.
Whether they got off with a misdemeaner because it was Willie Nelson or because he was rich enough to have a good lawyer, I can't say.

Hence the challenge with the system.

not that we should even be having this discussion because it's none of our business if Willie wants to get high.

As long as he wasn't driving. :) And I know you exact response to that one too. :sly:
Hence the challenge with the system.
Our system seems to always be challenged. Short of murder and celebrities just waltz around without regard to the law. Most things celebs get community service for would usually put me in jail.

I still liked the "I am Spartacus" move. I'm almost suspicious that his lawyer told him ahead of time to pull that one.
Our system seems to always be challenged. Short of murder and celebrities just waltz around without regard to the law. Most things people get community service for would usually put me in jail.

I still liked the "I am Spartacus" move. I'm almost suspicious that his lawyer told him ahead of time to pull that one.

In a system that can get OJ off the hook and the officers that beat Rodney King, it's obvious that whoever has the money can do what they want. Especially when it comes to little stuff like small time drugs.
In a system that can get OJ off the hook and the officers that beat Rodney King, it's obvious that whoever has the money can do what they want. Especially when it comes to little stuff like small time drugs.

Tell that to Wynona Rider.

As long as he wasn't driving.

:) ...recklessly.
I knew that was coming.

I haven't the slightest clue what happened to Wynona Rider. :dunce:

She was convicted of shoplifting despite being a well known rich celebrity.

...maybe if she'd been black... :sly:
She was convicted of shoplifting despite being a well known rich celebrity.

...maybe if she'd been black... :sly:
But all she got was some community service and time at a treatment facility.
You heard of being stoppedd for DWB ? well 'Ol Willie got stopped because he's Willie and thats enough probible cause !...for a rookie ..most likely writing tickets to swamp buggies at this point.

Like some tv or cable dude said .." You found MUSHROOMS ? what did you expect ? He's a hundred year old hippy..they were growing in his beard ! ...or something like that..

Willie Nelson had Ann Richards on the bus with him while he smoked a nice fattie ..She was govenor of Texas at the time and alive .

Willie is cool .
SEPTEMBER 22--Music and marijuana fans alike will appreciate this evidence photo memorializing the stash seized earlier this week from Willie Nelson's tour by Louisiana state police. During a September 18 traffic stop, cops smelled a strong odor of pot emanating from Nelson's bus. A subsequent search of the vehicle turned up about 1-1/2 pounds of pot and a bag of mushrooms. The drugs were later photographed on the hood of a police cruiser. Nelson, 73, and four other bus passengers (ages 75, 59, 54, and 50) were issued misdemeanor drug possession citations and released at the scene.

Alright, now check this out.

Marijuana Legislation of The National Drug Intelligence Center
Law 13-300, which became effective on June 8, 2001, toughens the penalties for the distribution and possession of marijuana. This law makes distribution or intent to distribute more than a half-pound of marijuana a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Possession of over a half-pound of marijuana is now a felony.

Does anyone see something wrong with this picture?


1.5 pounds found, 5 people charged.

1.5 pounds divided amongst 5 people is 5oz each, well under the felony limit and thus a misdemeanour charge only.
...I belive it is law here in Michigan that the driver would be the one who would be charged with "Intent to Deliver" which can carry penalties that not only include large fines, but also a prison scentance that can be set at life.

I'm not certain if that law is dependant on large ammounts of various drugs, but I seem to recall hearing plenty about it in my driver's ed classes.
...I belive it is law here in Michigan that the driver would be the one who would be charged with "Intent to Deliver" which can carry penalties that not only include large fines, but also a prison scentance that can be set at life.

I'm not certain if that law is dependant on large ammounts of various drugs, but I seem to recall hearing plenty about it in my driver's ed classes.
The problem with that is that the driver in this case would be hired by the record company (or possibly Willie) to drive a bus that is owned by either the record company or Willie. It isn't as if they were pulled over in the drummer's Escalade or something, it was a concert tour bus.

In that case can you truly charge the driver, who is independent of the group in the back, does not own the vehicle, and might even be separated by a divider? On top of that include the fact that all the people in the back claimed it as theirs. There is no reasoning to involve the driver in this situation.
This actually brings back an episode of Cops (one of possibly 3?) I've seen, where one young adult was in his car smoking weed, and when caught by the police officer, only claimed responsibility of the little flakes that were on his body from the rolling process, saying the baggie found under his seat wasn't his.

A little clever move I didn't expect him to pull.
I completely agree, but we have some rather silly laws here in Michigan. Alas, they have kept me on the right side of the law for fear of what could happen, and I suppose that means that they work.