Open a Online Lobby and invite him , so he can show his car in a race ;)


If anybody can please do so and report back. I don't have access to PSN.

Still very interested in how a M3 CSL Tuned by this Garage fairs up against a CSL tune from the various non BMW specialized Garages. Is that wrong of me? If there is a fee for the car it should at least prove itself more capable then the FREE tunes already available. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a good tuner and specializes in BMW's. I don't see much improvement though. The garages with published and free CSL tunes have all shown themselvs to be quite capable high quality free options, that would be interesting to see how they fair up against a Beemer specialist.

I'd be GLAD to do some Time Attack battles if he's up for it. Let's go to BMW Teat Facility & run the Nurb GP/F.
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Has anything come out of this yet? I'd like to see what your M3 CSL does compared to ones released by myself and some other non BMW specific Garages.

Will I buy one? Not in this life. Has ANYBODY yet? If so what can it do?

With the lack of settings, Demo Cars, lap times or anything at all, how do we know you're any good with a Beemer?

I finally got one! Will release the tune soon!
ummmmm hes talking about a CSL right? because right now my GTS's are not released yet, but if anyone wants to try the BMW out, add me and tell me what car you want to try, and I will post it up on share for you.
if someone would like to tell me how to post pictures from my computer i would be glad to post pictures.

Hmm I'm not a fan of your idea, but I want to help you with this:

Upload your pictures to imageshack.us
You don't have to register and it's free.

Copy the link you'll get, go advanced, click "Insert Image" and paste the link into the pop-up.