WHY exactly is this ridiculous and regressive?
BECAUSE banning the use of broadband for downloading 3 songs is insane and doesn't equate to the severity of the crime. Besides that, I have difficulty in accepting a serious punishment for an immaterial "theft"; aside from
that issue, many downloads are CDs people wouldn't have bought otherwise. Would I ever spend $400 on a Pink Floyd discography? Hell no. But someone has just downloaded it, and maybe now that they've given it a listen they'll pick up an album.
I will say this now: I am 100% for the freedom of digital information. While I
support the artists, and
do think they should be entitled to payment for their work—record companies have alienated a large chunk of the music-consuming (if music
can be
consumed) public, and it's for the very same reason
you deem downloading inexcusable; as such, I believe the rest of our discourse to be moot.
But the idea of rights enforcement is not ridiculous at all.
Nor did I say it was—and we are not talking about the
idea of "Rights enforcement"; however, banning the user's access to the internet for downloading doesn't serve justice to anyone, and if they are going to be disconnecting anybody, it should (IMO) be the
And besides the "rights of the artist"—record companies themselves own the rights to the product 99% of the time,
not the artist.