UK to criminalize kissing?

  • Thread starter Ghost C
11.07.2003: NO APRIL FOOL: UK to criminalise kissing in public for under-16s

Though we find this hard to believe it appears to be genuine.

A bill due before parliament next week will make it a criminal offence for two 15-year-olds to kiss in public, the Home Office said last night.
But officials said those below the age of consent were unlikely to be prosecuted if both were enjoying the embrace.
The revelation came after the Family Planning Association warned that the sexual offences bill, due for second reading in the Commons on Tuesday, threatened the young people it was supposed to protect.
Anne Weyman, the association's chief executive, said the bill would criminalise all consenting sexual activity among those under 16.

Ahahaha, well..It's not really funny. It's actually quite sad that the country tries to censor it's people in so many different ways, and the people let them. I don't live in the UK, and I'm glad that I don't, even though I'm not under 16.

What are some other people's thoughts on this gibberish?
If the government of the UK or any country for that matter want to pass new laws and tighten control of it's population.
Then who are we to stop them.? they can introduce anything they like when they like. Take the "Patriot act" :rolleyes: this law was introduced and unpublicised to the british population due to recent events. It basically means that the MI5 can arrest anyone suspected of being involved in terrorist activities, without any prior evidence to support their claims. They can just come to your door and cart you off because they believe you to be a terrorist..

I know it sounds totaly crazy ,but they done it and there is nothing anyone can do about it..

As for this new law they want to pass. Well they hope they can discourage under 16's from having intimate contact with each other to try and combat teenage pregnancy. :rolleyes:
Yes it's a load of crap and it will never work .

Instead the Government should look into providing Sex education at a much younger age , i feel that this would have a more positive impact than this new law.

If some wee randy 14 year old wants to stick his pecker anywhere ,he will do so..

Current British law states , that the age of consent (for girls) is 16 and she is breaking the law if she has sex.
On the other hand there is no age of consent for boys , it's perfectly legal for 14yr olds to sleep with 17yr olds etc etc.
This current state of affairs needs to be sloved , as the current laws regarding under age sex is really encouraging boys to have under age sex in the first place.
They're not breaking the law.

But as i say before this new law is not the answer to the problem...
stop 2 15 yr olds kissing, yeh..........whatever

they need to concentrate on catching paedo's and arresting all these little 12 yr old "rude boys" that go round smashing s**t up.

most of the 15 yr olds that i know go to nightclubs anyway so they aint gonna stop it cos i see plenty of dirty 15 old whores doin more than kissin in the VIP
It's American cultural imperialism's fault. Good British lads and lasses would never comport themselves in a manner so unbecoming all on their own.
They need to start enforcing underage sex laws a bit bloody better, before they introduce more ridiculous laws.

Isn't it just daft that a 13 year old boy who gets a 13 year old girl pregnant isn't prosecuted for unlawful sex with a minor, but a 13 year old boy who surfed the internet for naked pictures of girls his own age is banged up for 10 years and put on the sex offenders' register for life?

Let's face it, if I shagged a 13 year old, I'd be locked away for eternity. Why should a 15 year old boy be allowed to do the same thing and get away with it? If we both robbed a shop, we'd both get jailed. If we both killed someone, we'd both get jailed. If we both drove under the influence, we'd both get prosecuted (although we'd both get driving bans, even though he doesn't have a licence and shouldn't be driving in the first place, but that's by-the-by). What's so different about knocking a schoolgirl up?
I have no idea. I'm glad the US, and more importantly WV, has a decent set of laws for this type of thing though. The legal age for consent is 13, but if there's more than a 5 year difference between the ages (Up to 18, obviously), it's legal.

I think it makes a good amount of sense, anyway. That means I could get away with banging a 13 year old. Hmm...

Anyway, I still think the UK's government is pretty retarded, from what I've seen and read. This is just another two or three points off their already low IQ.
It's a bit of a dull law. Anything that gets made illegal becomes cool. Nearly every normal person my age does it so if it becomes illegal its not going to suddenly stop. What the hell do they think goes on at school discos and the like anyway? Idiots.
The age of consent applies to both sexes. If a man has sex with a girl under the age of 16, even if she consents, her consent is deemed to be invalid and the man is charged with rape. This is usually termed "statutory rape" but the offence is the same.

Although the law specifies that only a female can be raped, if a woman has sex with a boy under the age of 16 she can still be charged with unlawful sex with a minor. There was a case fairly recently where a teacher was prosecuted for having sex with a 15 year old pupil. Again, it didn't matter that he was a willing partner.

If both parties are underage, they could technically both be charged, although I think it unlikely in practice.
As well it should - if the government made it clear that they would always prosecute underage sex, even BETWEEN minors, with a minimum 10 years on the Sex Offender's Register, the rate of teenage pregnancies would plummet overnight.

Last year, in my home town, three girls gave birth aged ELEVEN. Why on Earth were the people who fathered these children not prosecuted?

Oddly, there is no extant law governing the age of consent for lesbian sexual activity - this stems from the fact the Queen Victoria refused to acknowledge that "that sort of thing goes on", and lawmakers clearly haven't got around to it. They've obviously got better things to do, like banning kissing, but allowing people to get 10/11 year old girls pregnant... :rolleyes:
I read somewhere that the law was being passed because of "tatu", the lesbian girls who came to the US after they were banned in the UK.

I guess the law is because of there being two underage girls kissing in one of their music videos, and that's why it came around.

Don't know though, just what I read.
The chances of anyone in the UK parliament having heard of any musician since Rimsky-Korsakov is somewhat slim...
Firstly I think that ten years on the sex offenders' register is a bit harsh for a pair of randy fifteen year olds. It'd also be virtually impossible to enforce. Unless they're actually caught in the act or a pregnancy results how do you prove it?

Apart from anything else, tightening the law won't stop them. Most teenage pregnancies are the result of stupidity. If they're unable to grasp the implications of having a baby at such a young age, how are they supposed to understand the implications of being branded a sex criminal?
A child is pretty strong evidence...

None of the fathers of the 11-year-old girls' children were prosecuted, despite the fact one of them was 23 (and one was 12).

It'll take about 4 years for the kids to realise the implications of being on the Sex Offenders' Register - right about when they try to get a job. At this point the teenage pregnancy rate would probably start to tail off...
I agree that a child is pretty much irrefutable evidence. It's disgusting that the 23 year old wasn't prosecuted. Surely that qualifies him as a paedophile.

If we make anyone found guilty of having sex while underage unemployable, it means that we then have to pay them benefits, although you could argue that we end up doing that anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a firm believer that something needs to be done. Hell, I'm 28 and I'm not ready to have kids yet. I just don't think that tightening the laws will be effective.

Speaking of oddities in the law, up until a about ten years ago it was legally impossible for a man to rape his wife. It was deemed that marriage was a blanket consent to sex, and that she had no right to refuse.
I'm 26 and I'm not either - although I have myriad nieces and nephews :D

Yeah - that marriage law was odd, wasn't it?

It's still held to be nearly impossible for a woman to rape anyone else, which is patently nonsense. The last case I heard of a woman being jailed (or gaoled... Damn Americanisms :D) for raping someone was 2-3 years ago, when two girls were part of a gang that raped a female solicitor - they held her down and encouraged the boys to actually rape her.

And yes, it beats paying out benefits to 16 year old girls with 3 kids... But I was under the impression that unemployment through a criminal record made you ineligible for benefits in the UK? I wasn't allowed to claim any when I was unemployed because my girlfriend, who I lived with, worked full time (earning £9300 pa!), so I'd be extremely pissed if child rapists get paid for being perverts...
Originally posted by Ghost C
I have no idea. I'm glad the US, and more importantly WV, has a decent set of laws for this type of thing though. The legal age for consent is 13, but if there's more than a 5 year difference between the ages (Up to 18, obviously), it's legal.

:lol: You're all such hicks - and you don't even know we all make fun of you! 13 - incredible.

Oh, and, incidentally, I think it's good they're trying to limit early teen kissing. It's disgusting.
I would think that in the case you mentioned she'd have been prosecuted for conspiracy to commit rape, which would carry the same sentence anyway, being as how she didn't actually perform the rape herself.

Legally speaking it is impossible for a woman to commit a rape. It wouldn't work if she forced a man into intercourse, as sexual arousal is accepted as evidence of consent. If she held a gun to his head, the man could claim that he consented under duress, which would render his consent invalid. Technically this would be rape, although the law is worded in such a way that it specifies a female victim. I'm not sure how this would work, if it ever came up I think it'd be one for the House of Lords. The only other scenario I could think of would be a woman using an object, although this would probably be classed as sexual assault.

I'm don't know if a criminal record makes you ineligible for benefits. It makes sense though.
Originally posted by M5Power
:lol: You're all such hicks - and you don't even know we all make fun of you! 13 - incredible.

Oh, and, incidentally, I think it's good they're trying to limit early teen kissing. It's disgusting.

You do realize that WV has a very low amount of rednecks anymore, correct? In fact, all the rednecks that used to live in my neighborhood moved out, and were replaced by ricers. I still haven't decided whats more annoying, the V8 trucks with no exhausts, or the 4 cylinder Hondas with 5" exhausts.

Anyway, it's the same in OH, as well. NC, too. Canada is 14. You going to call them hicks now?
now thats the biggest pile of bull**** ive ever heard.....

stopping kids from kissing??AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

id like to see somebody try.....

its like drugs......unless you assign a cop to each and every person in the world.............its simply not gonna happen

just a ****in waste of time
Originally posted by Ghost C
Ahahaha, well..It's not really funny. It's actually quite sad that the country tries to censor it's people in so many different ways, and the people let them. I don't live in the UK, and I'm glad that I don't, even though I'm not under 16.

What are some other people's thoughts on this gibberish?

well...considering that we see it on tv so much that we're immune to this stuff? remember simpsons when marge said "it happened so fox's transition to a hardcore porn network"

either way...should ban all the sex scenes on tv and let kids be kids. i normally don't mind if it's tasteful, but now it's only there to get horny guys to watch tv/movies. I'll admit...halle barry was the only reason i watched swordfish...but, hale barry is halle barry
Originally posted by pedrodaman
If the government of the UK or any country for that matter want to pass new laws and tighten control of it's population.
Then who are we to stop them.? they can introduce anything they like when they like. Take the "Patriot act" :rolleyes: this law was introduced and unpublicised to the british population due to recent events. It basically means that the MI5 can arrest anyone suspected of being involved in terrorist activities, without any prior evidence to support their claims. They can just come to your door and cart you off because they believe you to be a terrorist..

I know it sounds totaly crazy ,but they done it and there is nothing anyone can do about it..

Canada has also introduced the patriot act after being urged by the US after they introduced a variation to least canada puts the muslims arrested on trial unlike some countries cough-*america*-cough where they can be detained indefinately
yeahh......america sucks......but halle berry still lives here so its ok:lol:

seriously messed up though.......this whole issue i mean:banghead:
halle berry and a few other actresses are the only reason i like the country (oh, and new york used to be fun)...but the only reason that issue bothered me is because very close to me was affected by it :'(

the kissing thing...i just hate the fact that you see 13 year old girls dressing/acting like sluts in order to get some. and then 13 year old guys trying to make asses of themselves to attract them
Originally posted by emad
the kissing thing...i just hate the fact that you see 13 year old girls dressing/acting like sluts in order to get some. and then 13 year old guys trying to make asses of themselves to attract them

what ever happened to making it out of elementry skool? these damm toddlers think its ok too.....blehh:ill:
if tehy ban it in public i reckon we should all go out onto the streets and do it. Any way i doubt the police will inforce it, they have enough problems without worrying about taking false names from teenagers.

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