UK to criminalize kissing?

  • Thread starter Ghost C
Originally posted by emad
the kissing thing...i just hate the fact that you see 13 year old girls dressing/acting like sluts in order to get some. and then 13 year old guys trying to make asses of themselves to attract them

Indeed - in the UK one shop was absolutely pasted in the press for selling thongs to fit 6-8 year olds (quite rightly too, considering the slogans on the front of some of them).

If I have ever a daughter, she's going to be wrapped up in tin foil until her 18th birthday. Possibly even her 25th... Any 12-year-olds come sniffing round my door will be hunting their genitalia over 6 counties.
@famine...that first part is horribly disgusting
i'd suggest moving to an arab country...out of respect to Islam, all women are required to cover up completely in public places :D. my interpretation is that they only need to wear scarves but in other ppl's interpretations, even the face should be...but that also means wearing full sleeved clothes and such - so no sluttyness allowed
How the **** did this thread turn into an anti-American "Let's bull**** about stuff having absolutely nothing to do with the subject" thread?

Wilkie, emad, Shadow, you can all take your Anti-American garbage, and shove it. Keep the **** out of a perfectly decent thread.

Now, back to the subject at hand..Famine, a shop with thongs for 6-8 year olds? Jesus, I'd ban that before I banned kissing. I mean come on, how many 6-8 year olds care about visible panty lines (Which is what thongs are for, in case some of you didn't realize that)? There's got to be some child molesting parents out there making their kids wear those things.
Take a quick wander round your local town centre - in my case Ashford, Kent - and you'll see a wide variety of slapper 30-something mothers dressed like tarts, dragging around little Mini-Me daughters dressed identically...

Why does an 8 year old girl need a crop-top, hot pants, stiletto heels, pierced ears with the obligatory 4 inch gold hoop earrings and a full-length black leather coat? I mean, there's making your children look nice, and there's making them look like prostitutes.

I'd stop short of saying that when these kids are abducted (and points further than that), it's their clothes that are to blame - it'd be like saying that a woman who dresses up "provocatively" is to blame when a rapist picks her - but it CAN'T help, surely. I mean, you KNOW these people are out there - why stick a big flashing sign over your kids' heads saying "Come get me, paedophiles"?
Originally posted by Ghost C
How the **** did this thread turn into an anti-American "Let's bull**** about stuff having absolutely nothing to do with the subject" thread?

Wilkie, emad, Shadow, you can all take your Anti-American garbage, and shove it. Keep the **** out of a perfectly decent thread.

Now, back to the subject at hand..Famine, a shop with thongs for 6-8 year olds? Jesus, I'd ban that before I banned kissing. I mean come on, how many 6-8 year olds care about visible panty lines (Which is what thongs are for, in case some of you didn't realize that)? There's got to be some child molesting parents out there making their kids wear those things.

now why are you getting mad when i was just posting about the subject, huh?

look at my post before this one idiot
Originally posted by ExigeExcel
if tehy ban it in public i reckon we should all go out onto the streets and do it. Any way i doubt the police will inforce it, they have enough problems without worrying about taking false names from teenagers.

No comment from 911_Carrera plz!

I wouldn't dream of commenting :mischievous: but then again when you said we you didn't really mean yourself did you? :lol:
The UK to climinalise kissing...

aaattt laaast.....what took that backward government of this godforsaken a-hole of a country so bloody long...

at least now we can walk the street in safety and go out without locking our doors....etc etc etc...
Originally posted by Ghost C
How the **** did this thread turn into an anti-American "Let's bull****

it was so blatantly obvious that his comment was a you cant even mention america nowadays without some neurotic and paraniod upstart freaking out...

you wanna see some anti-americanism?....i could give you some good links...
Originally posted by Ghost C
You do realize that WV has a very low amount of rednecks anymore, correct?

The ones who do are wild and wonderful.

I hope you know I consider you a redneck. Even though you've got a computer, your massive gun collection cancels everything else out.

Anyway, it's the same in OH, as well. NC, too. Canada is 14. You going to call them hicks now?

Ohio's is 16, as is North Carolina. In fact, so is West Virginia's:

I am a bit appalled at South Carolina, though...
but south carolina...isn't that more or less hicksville? i remember the areas around houston as being qualified when i lived there
i was responding to m5's comment on south carolina...(i only mentioned hicks because i meant the stereotypical rednecks - married with 8 childeren by age 18 :P)

it has everything to do with this topic since it's partly about slutty 6 year olds. these consent laws are the very reason that the uk is probably banning public kissing amongst teenagers since kissing will eventually lead up to sex...when it comes to sex, most guys listen to their balls - not their brains
Originally posted by emad
i was responding to m5's comment on south carolina...(i only mentioned hicks because i meant the stereotypical rednecks - married with 8 childeren by age 18 :P)

it has everything to do with this topic since it's partly about slutty 6 year olds. these consent laws are the very reason that the uk is probably banning public kissing amongst teenagers since kissing will eventually lead up to sex...when it comes to sex, most guys listen to their balls - not their brains

AHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA guess i kinda missed that:lol:

when it comes to sex, most guys listen to their balls - not their brains

ahahahaah theres signature type stuff
Well I think it was David Blunckett who tryed to pass that bill. I read a newspaper article on it several weeks ago. And he got laughed out of Parliment apparantly. This government has made me so mad. And I still have a year to go until I'm legally allowed to vote!!!!! They also recently passed a law, which states that if 2 or more people perform some kind of entertainment to 2 or more people e.g. telling jokes, or singing or playing music etc. then you need a license. For examble I think it was Crawley, in a local bar, 4 men started singing Happy Birthday to a mate. It so happened that a social service officer (big honcho works for the government) was in there. A day later he came in with some police officers and asked if the bar had a new music license! :eek: . They fined him and took him to court!!!!, because he didn;t have a license so that people (members of the public) sang happy birthday!!!!! W00t!!!!! This could also include things like you and a freind playing and singing with a guitar in your back garden and your next door neighbours comming over to watch. You'd need a license for that! You could get charged up to something like £12,000 or 1 year in prison or something!!! That's just wrong!!!!!!! Though church's are exemptm which bloody makes sense. Just my little moan and groan about the complete and utter waste of space and bollocks english government!!!!!
Originally posted by wee_man
Well I think it was David Blunckett who tryed to pass that bill. I read a newspaper article on it several weeks ago. And he got laughed out of Parliment apparantly. This government has made me so mad. And I still have a year to go until I'm legally allowed to vote!!!!! They also recently passed a law, which states that if 2 or more people perform some kind of entertainment to 2 or more people e.g. telling jokes, or singing or playing music etc. then you need a license. For examble I think it was Crawley, in a local bar, 4 men started singing Happy Birthday to a mate. It so happened that a social service officer (big honcho works for the government) was in there. A day later he came in with some police officers and asked if the bar had a new music license! :eek: . They fined him and took him to court!!!!, because he didn;t have a license so that people (members of the public) sang happy birthday!!!!! W00t!!!!! This could also include things like you and a freind playing and singing with a guitar in your back garden and your next door neighbours comming over to watch. You'd need a license for that! You could get charged up to something like £12,000 or 1 year in prison or something!!! That's just wrong!!!!!!! Though church's are exemptm which bloody makes sense. Just my little moan and groan about the complete and utter waste of space and bollocks english government!!!!!


okokok i take back my first statement about the whole kissing thing

THIS is THE stupidest thing ive EVER heard:banghead:

a law to sing? hell all of america would have been thrown in prison:banghead:
Yep, and I think it's gone through as well :rolleyes: . And in theory it does mean carrol singers, can't sing unless the premises they're singing on has a license. So basically you want to go and sing on Tony Blairs door step in 10 Downing Street, then he'll get done for not having a license :rolleyes: . But this law really, mainly applies for places like pubs etc. Though I find it interesting that the law says you need a license for live music, yet don't need a license for having a big screen TV :odd: . What makes this even more interesting is the fact that apprantly (I'll have to check up on this precisly) the peeple who were so in favour of this license and pushing it to go through, were people who ran sky sports (hmm, not too many people go down to the pub to watch footy on a big screen :odd: :rolleyes: ) and others (will have to find out the rest). This government is CRAP!!!! A monkey in a liatard could do a better job. We have to pay through our noses for everything.........:mad: GRRR!!!!!!!!! :irked: :mad:
Originally posted by wee_man
Well I think it was David Blunckett who tryed to pass that bill.

Blunkett is a ****in' arsehole...his policy on asylum and immigration is a bloody tragedy of politics....i dont care is the fat dick is blind...
Originally posted by M5Power

The ones who do are wild and wonderful.

I hope you know I consider you a redneck. Even though you've got a computer, your massive gun collection cancels everything else out.

Ohio's is 16, as is North Carolina. In fact, so is West Virginia's:

I am a bit appalled at South Carolina, though... [/B]

They must have changed it while I..Uh, wasn't looking? I don't know. And I've only got 4 guns, soon to be only 1.

Anyway, I'm glad whatever dumb**** came up with this idea got laughed at.