Well, my next big project was to replace the knock sensors and harness because I kept getting an intermittent P0333 error code and the car would go into limp mode, maximally retarding the engine timing and locking out anything above 3rd gear. I can deal with the car not going into overdrive, but not having 4th gear is a real dealkiller for around-town driving. Long story short, I went from a malfunctioning knock sensor to a non-functional one.
Now I'm getting P0327 and it's immediate and constant. Will have to splice that wire after all because I'm not taking the engine apart again after a week of doing this lol.
Some of the design decisions these Toyota/Lexus engineers made are pretty mind-boggling. I had to remove the whole plenum (the "Surge Tank") and throttle body to get to this one pesky bolt. I want to meet the guy who decided that the hardest bolt to access on the entire car should be made of play-dough. Everything I tried to get on it would just slide off. Couldn't understand what was going on. After bending over the car for a whole afternoon, I had no success. I put penetrating oil on it overnight and was finally able to get some purchase on it with a bolt extractor inside of a ratcheting wrench, and by some miracle it came off. Just look at this thing...
Every pigtail I touched disintegrated. Thank got the DTM-looking connectors remained intact. I guess everything made from PVC just bakes out its plasticizer and turns to a crinkly-crackly mess after 20 years. I think the episode where the car overheated really did a number on everything between the cylinder banks. But at least the latches breaking off makes them easier to remove and replace than something getting stuck closed or stuck together. Also, FYI, cleaning stuff with brake cleaner and intake cleaner eats through mechanix gloves. But maybe it's a built-in feature to have a convenient fingertip grease-application pad...
The good news is that having taken the time to replace the spark plugs, PCV valve, all the pigtail connectors that disintegrated, and cleaning the crud out of all the intake runners and the throttle body, the car runs butter-smooth now. Even if this was an exercise in futility, I now have the experience with all my tools to tackle anything on the Mazda. This was after the last spark plug was changed:
... By the way, the iridium plugs in the original engine were still gapped appropriately and, while dirty, didn't even look like they had worn. NGK Iridium is great stuff. And this is what a throttle body looks like after removing 20 years of caked-on sludge lol:
That used to be totally closed
. When I restarted it the idle was crazy high, but after 10 minutes or so (even with the new code in limp mode) the ECU finally closed down and reset the throttle position with a nice idle at around 900rpm.