Unlikely drift machine

  • Thread starter Gee-dub-ya
Oh man, I recently discovered my Berlinetta R/S Coupe '99 is a drifting beast!:eek:

On my second run ever I got 9300+ in one drift! Which rivals my greatest, whole track score on prologue.:guilty:
Here's a quick replay of the wagon to show you guys how it is in action. Still pretty heavy, even though all the weight reduction possible has been done on it. I love it though!

EDIT: Here's a link to the video, because I can't seem to get the vid up.


Love it, much rather see something like that drifting than the norm, is it the vid quality or have you got blue tyre smoke going on??
Here's a quick replay of the wagon to show you guys how it is in action. Still pretty heavy, even though all the weight reduction possible has been done on it. I love it though!

EDIT: Here's a link to the video, because I can't seem to get the vid up.


That thing drifting is so wrong...yet so right :D, cool video clip. Seeing all these random cars going sideways makes me excited to try some of those quirky "less desired" cars.

I take it you've never seen any Scandinavian drifting then? :sly:

not GT5, but the Scandinavians are on the money with this


the sound is immense 👍 one of my Fav drift vids
I run a vw samba bus that drifts like a beast :P

Really? I ran into this guy eb_fsufan today that was telling me that somebody out there was drifting a VW Bus!

I thought my Volvo skills were crazy, but a VW Bus? That's awesome! 👍
Here's a quick replay of the wagon to show you guys how it is in action. Still pretty heavy, even though all the weight reduction possible has been done on it. I love it though!

EDIT: Here's a link to the video, because I can't seem to get the vid up.


That was the original color of my drifting Volvo as well! I thought I was the only guy going sideways in the Volvo! 👍

Mine is powder blue right now, and soon I'm painting it bright pink.
Here is my latest not so common build, love it! It kinda feels like the ae86 a bit but sports a different style.

It's the 81 Celica XXX

Love it, much rather see something like that drifting than the norm, is it the vid quality or have you got blue tyre smoke going on??

I agree 100% and as for the blue tire smoke, that's the quality. I filmed it with my phone, lol.
Didn't have to do ANYTHING to my Holden Monaro to make it work so good, and my 88 Iroc Camaro just needed a custom suspension. Rest is stock.
So the turbine must be rather large? I wonder how much turbo lag it has...

It's huge! There's a video called something like 'How to make a diesel wagon drift' or something that shows you under the bonnet and you get a good comparison with the drivers fist. Surprisingly it doesn't seem to be too laggy, must be something to do with it being diesel as opposed to petrol, not sure.
It's huge! There's a video called something like 'How to make a diesel wagon drift' or something that shows you under the bonnet and you get a good comparison with the drivers fist. Surprisingly it doesn't seem to be too laggy, must be something to do with it being diesel as opposed to petrol, not sure.

I have to check that video out. By the way, I've seen the merc "live". :sly: Here's a vid I took:

Too bad the W123 isn't in GT5... (or is it?)
I have a Fiat 500 in my garage right now! I was going to do that! Hats off to you.

Anyways, pictures of pink Volvo drifting definitely belong in this thread.





Had some fun messing around with it yesterday on Autumn ring mini. It's like drifting in a cart because there's no gears, just continuing rising revs. It doesn't have much torque so you have to think ahead.

Funny feeling not hearing much "engine" noise, totally drowned out by tire screeching with a slight vacuum noise in the background :D
i bought this car the other day and said wouldnt it be cool to see one of these drift so i went and did it. this thing smokes like mad.


