- 2,099
- Zimbabwe
I've seen that tutorial complaint in several places, and I don't really get it. The first trip through all four seasons isn't all "tutorial" - yes, it introduces you to the game's various mechanics, races, and so on; but aside from these quick sidebars, you're essentially thrown into series races and other events pretty quickly.
You're doing your first road races within five minutes. Then your first "story" chapter right after that, then dirt races, and so on. Occasionally it tugs your shirt to show you something, or blather about how things work (and I wish you could skip through this stuff ANY time it happens), but you're generally just going through events.
People mistake the first 6ish hours as the tutorial when it's essentially the full, structured singleplayer experience. Once you've qualified for "Horizon Life", you've progressed through the story of the game.