Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Oh good god! Don't think for one minute i have any sort of respect for them as 'artists'. I was just pointing out that many people do, for some inexplicable reason.
I wasn't and I'm not. Apologies if my remark came off that way, I really did everything I could think of to indicate my remark as playful short of stating it explicitly.


And if your response to my remark was intended to be equally facetious, and this response intended to clarify motivations is unnecessary, well, fair play.
To be honest, I find Nickelback to be 'good' in a way that their music is harmless and innocent. If anything, the hate they get is largely undeserved. If there's one band that I perceive to be how the majority of the people in this discussion portray Nickelback, it's Slipknot. Nine dudes (including three drummers and a DJ) in horror-film masks who write songs about insanity and murder? Ew, it's as if they're pandering to the 'edgy emo/teen' group. The song Psychosocial (please don't look it up if you don't know it, you're welcome) is all you need to know about them.

Please keep in mind that I don't subscribe to the 'real music' rhetoric that seems to be accepted in various music message boards.

What makes you think that?(if you don't mind me asking :))
Sarcasm is often difficult to detect unless someone explicitly says that he/she is being sarcastic. Comments that are demeaning towards someone or a group especially cause the scales to tip.
To be honest, I find Nickelback to be 'good' in a way that their music is harmless and innocent.

"Something In Your Mouth"

Not necessarily harmful, but hardly innocent and definitely pandering.

Sarcasm is often difficult to detect unless someone explicitly says that he/she is being sarcastic. Comments that are demeaning towards someone or a group especially cause the scales to tip.
Respectfully, that doesn't make sarcasm bad. It just reinforces the need to use it more effectively and/or indicate use of it.

"Something In Your Mouth"

Not necessarily harmful, but hardly innocent and definitely pandering.

And Never Again is about domestic abuse which isn’t the lightest of topics.

I don’t know how many times I’ve admitted that I’ve owned Nickleback’s first album and enjoyed some of the tunes on that album.
And Never Again is about domestic abuse which isn’t the lightest of topics.
I wasn't familiar with it until just now reviewing the lyrics, and I agree that it's shaky subject matter, but it does come out as decidedly against domestic abuse and I can't have a problwm with that, even if I have a problem with the direction it takes.

I don’t know how many times I’ve admitted that I’ve owned Nickleback’s first album and enjoyed some of the tunes on that album.
I mean...I'm fine with that. I shake my head and wonder about some things while I bellow and bluster about others, but the truth is I'd much prefer variety over uniformity.

As I previously indicated, it's just fun talking trash about them, and that they're Canadian is additional fuel--it's just fun to pick on Canadians and Canadia in general.

I can't remember where exactly I saw it (though I recall it was used repeatedly as promo material), perhaps Comics Unleashed, a comedy panel show here, but the topic of violent music provoking violent behavior was discussed, and one panelist mused that "specific music provokes specific violence, like Nickelback's music makes me want to kill Nickelback".



Downfalls of Nickelbackian proportions usually rely on a perfect storm, where elements beyond the band's control come together to form a maelstrom of discontent. One such element came over the TV airwaves back in 2003, prepping everyone for the horror that was to come. Comedy Central was running a well-advertised panel show called Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn. The show involved four comedians who discussed topical news stories. On one episode, comedian Brian Posehn brought up a study that tied violent lyrics to violent behavior. He quipped, "No one talks about the studies that show that bad music makes people violent, like [listening to] Nickelback makes me want to kill Nickelback."

A clip of the joke turned into a promo that ran during commercial breaks for months. Everyone who watched Comedy Central during that time was bound to see it at some point, and Nickelback's awfulness was cemented early on for a good number of people.
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The McRib is repulsive.

I really can't understand why people freak out whenever McDonald's brings it back. The only thing I can think of is the fact it makes the rest of the menu look like gourmet food in comparison. :yuck:
The McRib is repulsive.

I really can't understand why people freak out whenever McDonald's brings it back. The only thing I can think of is the fact it makes the rest of the menu look like gourmet food in comparison. :yuck:
Because we're here for a good time, not a long time. :P
It's as much of a good time as a $2 back alley "woman of the night".
McRib is legal, though. :dopey:

I get your point. For me, it's something to indulge a couple times when it comes around, primarily when my buddies & I are just drinking and chilling at whoever's home and we don't care what we eat.
I get your point. For me, it's something to indulge a couple times when it comes around, primarily when my buddies & I are just drinking and chilling at whoever's home and we don't care what we eat.

I can see that, it does seem like a decent "drunk" food. :lol:
I’ve never had a McRib but I did used to binge on Creme Egg McFlurrys when they came around every Easter. So delectable.

There’s no observed Easter in Thailand. :(
I can see that, it does seem like a decent "drunk" food. :lol:

That's exactly how I remember it though being a drunk food it's all a bit hazy :lol:, as a guess it would have been the early 90's the last time I had one and have no idea the last time McD's had it available down here as I never eat it now.
As @McLaren said I agree it's a food to eat when you don't care what your having at the time and there is no problem with that times.

If someone put it in front of me right now I'd probably be repulsed but in the right circumstances bring them on 👍.
Unpopular opinion: In most cases, reading the comments of Doug Demuro's videos is more entertaining than actually watching his videos.

I have a similar opinion on some of Vice's more retarded videos... like this sensationalist, mental case:

The comments had me spitting out my drink.

The poor love would have been incarcerated for insanity 50 years ago. Nowadays she's given a platform to celebrate her retardation.
I think it's because of the movies. It might sound a bit of a lame excuse, but the constant bombardment of all things ABBA through almost every facet of mainstream media has seemingly left me with a permanent twitch whenever a song plays.


I guess if I really had to pick one, Voulez-Vous might be the one. Otherwise, count me out.
ABBA is the only band that keeps me from road rage when they're on in the car. Forget about polite Shem when Ride The Lightning is playing... ABBA just has that feel good vibe.

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