Up-on-one for maximum acceleration?

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I always have the bike's front tire up in the air a bit when accelerating, or at least pulling back on the analog, in order to get, what I believe, is the most acceleration out of the bike. Is it in my head, or is that the way the game behaves?
I think it may be in your head, but I could be wrong. The best way to get good acceleration is to tuck down behind the screen
And you are not wrong - Tucked in with the front wheel hovering 1 inch over the surface will provide maximum weight on the rear wheel - and hence, maximum traction.
And you are not wrong - Tucked in with the front wheel hovering 1 inch over the surface will provide maximum weight on the rear wheel - and hence, maximum traction.
in addition - without adding an insane amount of wind resistance.
Yea, there's definitely a point of diminishing returns where the more you carry the front wheel, the less you accelerate.
Yea, there's definitely a point of diminishing returns where the more you carry the front wheel, the less you accelerate.
Hover is the keyword I believe ;-)
I always seem to get more acceleration like the same way Flerbizky said. Then mybe de-tucking will help you stop faster.
I've not tried this, but if this is true then it's another flaw in TT's armour. I'm loving the game but there are niggling faults. For best acceleration on a POWERFUL bike, racing 600cc+, you need to push your weight forward to stop any wheelie-ing.

TT does seem to have an anti-wheelie device built in though.
Shifting weight back on say the 125RM (I forgot it's name, ATM) the bike is slow to rise. Do the same thing on a 600 or more cc and it shoots up like a rocket. Granted I've never raced bikes, but it seems to me like it is at lease somewhat accurate. I do agree that it should probably be more prone to nose-ups than it is, though.
I think leaning back makes you think you go faster. But I would stick would tucking at the apex of the turn and un-tuck when entering a turn as well as leaning back.

Leaning back when approaching a high speed turn helps stop faster.
I think leaning back makes you think you go faster.
But it doesn't.. Have you ever seen a MotoGP rider sit up under the start ?... Why do you think that is ?...

Leaning back when approaching a high speed turn helps stop faster.

Agreed - It's called aerodynamics - Or lack thereof in this case...
actually, you can accelerate harder IN THE GAME when leaning back, with or with out being tucked in. i know this because i raced a ghost in a straight line, and the wheelie won...now RL is different. leaning foward to reduce the weight over the back tyre will help you accelerate faster, because your pushing the front tyre down while the rear is trying to pull it up. in the game it is as simple as tt will only let the bike accelerate to the point where it is about to wheelie, but wont unless you hold the left thumbstick down.