Updating Firmware

  • Thread starter pjgoeman
United States
Today I bought and installed a Thrustmaster T598 and it was a painful experience. While trying to use it my system kept crashing and my PS5 kept showing a message that input from the controller was lost (this never happened with my G29). I noticed during setup that the firmware was not the latest version so I searched how to update the firmware. To my surprise, updating firmware requires a PC and a Microsoft program. In all my research looking at reviews and YouTube videos I never saw this mentioned. I’m not a tech savvy person, I rely on an iPad, and Chromebook for all my tech needs, I haven’t had a PC in many years. I boxed up the T598 and returned it to Best Buy.

I then researched the Fanatec option at a much higher cost and apparently it also requires a PC to update firmware. Am I understanding this correctly? Am I locked out of using a better quality wheel and pedals because I don’t have a PC? Am I stuck forever with my G29 and its ridiculously small wheel and toy pedals?

For the one or two minutes of use before each system crash I loved the feel of the T598.
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Firmware update process (must be done on Windows 10 or 11):

1) Download & Install My Thrustmaster Panel available here in Software Tab: https://support.thrustmaster.com/en/product/t598p-en/.

Direct link here if necessary: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9N1BWNCRQZ3H

2) When done plug your T598 base on your computer

3) My Thrustmaster Panel will automatically detect it and will download & install the new PC Driver [2.NextRW.2024] (just follow instructions for this)

4) When done, restart your computer

After the restart you can now access at My Thrustmaster Panel and install the new firmware V2.07 on you T598 base (just follow instructions for this): https://store-images.s-microsoft.com/image/apps.23525.13904288441601370.ee35f03c-c163-43b8-8cdd-0d05af01cb9d.89e6959a-50c8-465c-8a4e-21c4df8b1660
No friends, family/relatives who could borrow you a windows laptop for an hour?
It might be hard to believe for some, but for some others the answer to this would be "yes, no one closeby that would be anything else than a neighbour with whom I generally dont have any sort of interaction with that exceeds a propably gruntly greeting whenever we see each other at the doors." / and maybe simply for the fact that these people just dont have a windows machine at hand.
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In my frustration over the whole experience I didn’t think about asking someone to help. I do have a friend who is reasonably close by that I could call for help. I’ll ask if he uses a PC or a Mac.

I don’t know if I want to retry the T598. I don’t think that the firmware not being updated would cause the issues I had with the PS5 losing controller input. When I looked at reviews, many users said the update just enhanced feel and feedback. The T598 is so big I had to modify my TV stand, adjust my seat into a less comfortable position, and I still had trouble seeing the monitor over the top of it. It’s too bad that the Fanatec for PS is even $250 more expensive.

Thanks for the help!