Liz, so many people have taken up for me that I almost feel superfluous.
And the chart you refer to is just number of rapes, not the conditions under which they were commited.
And as for homicide: let's just say that, including the use of a drinking straw, I can think of a dozen ways to kill, without a gun, off the top of my head, and I'm neither a martial arts expert, nor trained as a commando, though I was in the military.
Also, if you look at my country's most "successful" murderers, you'll note that guns did not figure too highly in their crimes. Guys like "Son of Sam" were actually the anomalies.
If you review the story of Charlie Manson, you'll note that the LaBianca and Tate murders were carried out with edged weapons, as guns are too noisy.
Ted Bundy killed with his bare hands. The various "rippers" used knives, The various stranglers used belts, stockings, neckties, etc as ligatures....
You will also note that most rapists and rape-murders, the victims were subdued with a knife, or clubbed unconscious, or drugged into submission (date-rape drugs)
For the most part: People that are protecting themselves prefer guns because not only are they decisive in the right hands, the noise of gun shots rarely fails to bring the police. And if a law-abiding citizen is forced to discharge a firearm in the act of protecting themselves, then they WANT the police to come deal with the aftermath. Also keep in mind, more guns are brandished, causing the bad guys to decide they picked the wrong house, business or person to accost, than are actually fired.
You have to realize that a lot more of the US is "wide-open spaces" than is big city. And some of these spaces span many thousands of square miles with very few LEO's to "Serve and Protect" the far-flung citizenry.
The criminals know that they may have anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to perpetrate crimes against people and property. The tiny town I live in covers approx 25 square miles. This doesn't include the people that live on farms and off the beaten path. We usually have 4 officers covering all that space. Do the math. That's 4 officers responsible for the safety of 30,000 people in the city limits, and the people that live "out in the county".
So, would you want to wait for the police to deal with the guy who, not only has you at a physical disadvantage, but also waves a knife at you with intent to rape and possibly kill you? Or do you want to pull your pistol from under the pillow and scare the guy away, or, God forbid, shoot the guy if needed to preserve your safety and your virtue?
In the grand scheme of things, I believe you'd rather the police were investigating your involvment in a self-defense shooting, than investigating your rape, or rape-murder.
Our news, very likely doesn't get to you, but if you Google up the "Waldo Rapist", you'll note that there was a rapist in Waldo, Missouri (about 50 miles from me) that raped several women at knife point, before he was finally caught. I believe that if one of those women, particularly the first one, had been able to bring a gun to bear, and not necessarly to shoot-but to scare off or subdue, it might have saved the rest of his victims a lot of pain and heartache.