That "evidence" is circumstantial. Kind of guilt by association. There would be no way to prove that any given person in that drug-dealer crowd is actually guilty of dealing. Likewise, there is no way to prove that anyone who marched yesterday was actually an illegal immigrant (though most of them were). Of course, if you throw a dart at a dartboard, you'll probably score some points, but I know a couple people who marched yesterday in Seattle who are not illegal immigrants. In every tuna net, there's always a couple of dolphins.
If you join a protest and say, "We the drug dealers want health care," or whatever they would protest about you have just made an admission of guilt. While it would not stand up in court because it is circumstantial it would create probable cause and allow for search warrants while you are being detained for up to 48 hours without indictment.
In the case of illegal immigrants marching down the street screaming about wanting amnesty, you can ask them for identification or proof of their citizenship. Legal immigrants have to be able to prove it to legally get a job so they have to have something that shows citizenship. If I were a legal immigrant going to one of these marches I would keep that proof on me.
The IRS knows exactly where hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are, because some of them actually pay taxes. But the IRS doesn't share this information with immigration.
What's funny is that any illegal immigrant who pays taxes had to commit fraud to do so because they don't have a verifiable social security number. I saw Treasury Secretary John Snow in an interview say that this does create a problem but it wasn't anything they would pursue. Translation: We got our money, so who cares?
I'm saying if that the "floodgates" were opened to allow amnesty, i don't think they should just get a free ride. But if they work, and paid legally/pay taxes, stay out of legal trouble...then the welfare card needn't be played. But it would be stupid to allow people into the country just to mooch off the system.
So we should abolish the welfare system so they can't abuse it? No free health care, no welfare checks, etc? I can agree with that. I'll agree with getting rid of welfare without illegal immigration being an issue.
I guess I just got lucky, then. Didn't you?
Why, because we were born here? Sorry that does not make me an immigrant. I am a descendant of immigrants. I am talking about people not born in the US who moved here and became citizens by following the legal channels. This would be my grandmother. This would be the Middle Eastern girl I work with. What do you say to them? Sorry we wasted your time?
Those who come here legally, work hard, and go through the proper documentation process need to be respected and amnesty will just disrespect them.
Amnesty will also send a message to everyone who wants to come here that they just need to sneak in and then hide and whine until they get amnesty too.
Then how do you propose proper immigration? Will everyone have to marry a non-US citizen to a US citizen? Or will they have to sneak in, and apply later? Or will they have to fight in a war to gain their citizenship posthumously? A big trouble is that naturalization is a huge Catch-22; you shouldn't get in illegally, but we'll offer you a limited way to become a citizen, if you're lucky enough. The immigration system is so screwed up it makes the US tax schedule took like child's play.
Thousands of people manage to immigrate legally every year. I will agree that the immigration process is long, drawn out, and stinks of government stupidity.
I say increase the quota a little each year so we don't get swamped and streamline the paperwork. Hell give me control of the process and I will fix it. In all reality everything should be no different than getting all the paperwork done for a newborn and then add in a background check. No background check should take more than a month. Then you keep them on a probationary period for their first five years in the country and as long as they don't break any laws (minor violations, such as traffic violations, are excusable) they then become a full citizen.
If there's an employer willing to pay people crummy wages for crummy work, why are some of us so appalled by the fact that there's illegals willing to do it while there's others who won't work? A wage is offered, and someone is taking it for a fair day's work. Is the employer wrong for offering a low wage that only illegal aliens would take? Or is it their way of abolishing minimum wage, as it only increases inflation?
I don't like it because it is an illegal immigrant. They aren't paying income tax to help fund the services our government provides us, yet they use them. It's like sneaking into a movie and thinking you shouldn't get kicked back out because you were the only person who properly disposed of your trash.
Legal immigrants will do those same jobs and after paying taxes they will probably take home about the same in the end. They won't notice the difference, but if a native-born American decides they want to do that job for that wage they can without fear that they will be outbid illegally.
An ironic thing that I realized while typing this. The same politicians that want to raise minimum wage are the same ones that act like illegal immigrants are a good thing because they will do the jobs that Americans refuse to do, at minimum wage, for less than minimum wage. By allowing illegal immigrants to work for less than minimum wage doesn't that kind of circumvent their whole purpose?
I'll make a deal: Abolish minimum wage and I will accept amnesty for illegal immigrants. Let them pay taxes on their $2 an hour.