Use the report feature after the race

  • Thread starter azrilnazli
No one has been banned since January 2018. There has been plenty of documented egregious behaviour and nothing will be done about it. Lets just hope the next iteration of the game does a better job of filtering some of the most pernicious drivers.
The 2 videos about how to race in GT Sport is not enough to educate the driver. In iRacing, a Rookie need his right to race and he have to earn it. That means a few test races. A good player can earn his racing license in a day or two. The one who are clueless about racing, will stuck in rookie like forever
You mean the minute long video cautioning to not do “anything that will make you look bad” doesn’t cut it?!? LOL. You are very right!
Use the report feature for :

  • blatant divebombing ( not the one who brake locked and hit )
  • hard tap from behind
  • remorseful actions ( if you divebomb sombody and he hit you back )

And also help a fellow clean GTS racer if you saw some actions that need a report.

You want clean races, we have to work for it.
Even if you report them, will it do any good? Do they do anything about it I am so sick and tired of trying to go out there and race is clean as possible. Qualifying second or third ending up in last because other drivers don't want to adhere to the good driving principles that they preach so much and then halfway through the race. The guys that are doing it leave they're not there to race. They're there just simply to screw everybody else up and I'm getting sick and tired of it. But what recourse do I have?