Usgp 2005

  • Thread starter Blake
But seriously, do you believe it has any relevance one way or the other if anyone on these forums either encourage or discourage the throwing of bottles and such? It's not like GTP Forums are a governing body of anyone, and hence any statements made on these forums will have very little impact at all on the behaviour of the spectators. And asking of people to make formal statements as to weather they oppose or support these actions is pretty moot. I believe few here are heads of state in any country, so it's not like it can be regarded as a formal apology on behalf of their "loyal subjects" if you get my meaning...
Now if someone was to come out and state thay did indeed throw a bottle, and would like to make this board a recruiting station for others to also throw bottles, matters would be different. But as it stands, anyone is allowed their own opinion on the subject, as it's all hypothetical for us.

Sorry? How is moral ambiguity connected in any way to the relative power wielded by this site?

The #1 rule in this forum is:

"You will not state a desire to see a driver crash or be harmed."

Applauding bottle-throwing no-marks is exactly that.

If a person was to actively voice the opinion that black people are vermin and should be eradicated from the Earth, do you think no-one here should complain as it's "not like GTP Forums are a governing body of anyone"?
But seriously, do you believe it has any relevance one way or the other if anyone on these forums either encourage or discourage the throwing of bottles and such? It's not like GTP Forums are a governing body of anyone, and hence any statements made on these forums will have very little impact at all on the behaviour of the spectators. And asking of people to make formal statements as to weather they oppose or support these actions is pretty moot. I believe few here are heads of state in any country, so it's not like it can be regarded as a formal apology on behalf of their "loyal subjects" if you get my meaning...
Now if someone was to come out and state thay did indeed throw a bottle, and would like to make this board a recruiting station for others to also throw bottles, matters would be different. But as it stands, anyone is allowed their own opinion on the subject, as it's all hypothetical for us.

Most societies have something called the Court of Public Opinion. It's far stronger than laws of the nation; of course, the back of every ticket sold in the United States regarding any public event (concert, race, ball game, etc.) has disclaimers on the back stating it's illegal to throw anything on the field. It also says how and if refunds can be expected, but usually nothing short of pure cancellation grants you that right.

In this case, we wish to call anyone who throws anything on a field, track, court, or stage an ****ing moron.

Sorry? How is moral ambiguity connected in any way to the relative power wielded by this site?

The #1 rule in this forum is:

"You will not state a desire to see a driver crash or be harmed."

Applauding bottle-throwing no-marks is exactly that.

If a person was to actively voice the opinion that black people are vermin and should be eradicated from the Earth, do you think no-one here should complain as it's "not like GTP Forums are a governing body of anyone"?
Same goes to you i'm very sorry for breaking the rules :(
After all i'm just a stupid dumb kid
Shaun. Read. Reread. Rereread. THEN reply.

I wasn't addressing you AT ALL. Nor was I saying that anyone is racist.
In case you did not know i'm not a fool :mad:
i'm very smart actually :) But the downside is that i actually can act like an idiot most of the time as well :)
Well, I strongly suggest that you don't act like an idiot here. It will get you introuble with both the other users and the administration.

Cheering someone who threw debris on a racetrack is exactly the same as saying you wish one of the drivers would crash. It's expressly forbidden by the rules. Pay attention to your actions and put some of that "very smart" to work.
Well, I strongly suggest that you don't act like an idiot here. It will get you introuble with both the other users and the administration.

Cheering someone who threw debris on a racetrack is exactly the same as saying you wish one of the drivers would crash. It's expressly forbidden by the rules. Pay attention to your actions and put some of that "very smart" to work.
Ok sir Administrator :)
Can we get back to F1. Without my dumb comments
Geez, you've apologized enough...can you stop replying to your own replies?

The rules say nothing about throwing a water bottle at another GTP member.
Geez, you've apologized enough...can you stop replying to your own replies?

The rules say nothing about throwing a water bottle at another GTP member.
I'm only a new member though who has quickly worked his way to be an active
member :)
[20/06/05 - 19:27]

Mosley summons teams using Michelin tyres
To a hearing of FIA World Motor Sport Council

The Indianapolis saga continues...

The seven Formula One teams who failed to race in Sunday's US Grand Prix over fears their Michelin tyres might be dangerous have been summonsed to a meeting on June 29 by world governing body FIA.

The FIA took the decision after the race descended into farce when the seven teams among them Williams, McLaren and Renault pulled into the pitlane after the warm-up lap leaving just six cars to race - Ferrari landing a 1- 2.

While the French tyre maker have refused to accept the blame - instead accusing FIA and their president Max Mosley of refusing to compromise over the problem - Mosley issued a statement summonsing the seven teams to FIA's headquarters in Paris.

"Following the events that took place at the United States Grand Prix the representatives of the seven teams using Michelin tyres have been summonsed for a meeting on June 29 in Paris," read the statement.

Michelin have rejected any blame for advising seven Formula One teams to pull out of the US Grand Prix.

Source AFP

lets just say i wouldnt be shocked if they tried to pull their championship ponts for the season. or something to do with ditching michelin here and now. either way it should be interesting.
[20/06/05 - 19:27]

Mosley summons teams using Michelin tyres
To a hearing of FIA World Motor Sport Council

The Indianapolis saga continues...

The seven Formula One teams who failed to race in Sunday's US Grand Prix over fears their Michelin tyres might be dangerous have been summonsed to a meeting on June 29 by world governing body FIA.

The FIA took the decision after the race descended into farce when the seven teams among them Williams, McLaren and Renault pulled into the pitlane after the warm-up lap leaving just six cars to race - Ferrari landing a 1- 2.

While the French tyre maker have refused to accept the blame - instead accusing FIA and their president Max Mosley of refusing to compromise over the problem - Mosley issued a statement summonsing the seven teams to FIA's headquarters in Paris.

"Following the events that took place at the United States Grand Prix the representatives of the seven teams using Michelin tyres have been summonsed for a meeting on June 29 in Paris," read the statement.

Michelin have rejected any blame for advising seven Formula One teams to pull out of the US Grand Prix.

Source AFP

lets just say i wouldnt be shocked if they tried to pull their championship ponts for the season. or something to do with ditching michelin here and now. either way it should be interesting.

What if Michelin tyres would be permanentley ditched by the teams that were using
their tyres next year? And Continental replaced Michelin? That would be a good
twist :)

Not saying that they will though
I case you missed the first twenty (20) pages of posts here, or forgot to watch the race, Ferrari lucked into a win. They haven't won any others all season, although they've had two close 2nd places.

I don't think that going through 20 pages is very fun on dial-up. :ouch: Luck, who cares they won the race and thats that.

[20/06/05 - 19:27]

Mosley summons teams using Michelin tyres
To a hearing of FIA World Motor Sport Council

The Indianapolis saga continues...

The seven Formula One teams who failed to race in Sunday's US Grand Prix over fears their Michelin tyres might be dangerous have been summonsed to a meeting on June 29 by world governing body FIA.

The FIA took the decision after the race descended into farce when the seven teams among them Williams, McLaren and Renault pulled into the pitlane after the warm-up lap leaving just six cars to race - Ferrari landing a 1- 2.

While the French tyre maker have refused to accept the blame - instead accusing FIA and their president Max Mosley of refusing to compromise over the problem - Mosley issued a statement summonsing the seven teams to FIA's headquarters in Paris.

"Following the events that took place at the United States Grand Prix the representatives of the seven teams using Michelin tyres have been summonsed for a meeting on June 29 in Paris," read the statement.

Michelin have rejected any blame for advising seven Formula One teams to pull out of the US Grand Prix.

Source AFP

lets just say i wouldnt be shocked if they tried to pull their championship ponts for the season. or something to do with ditching michelin here and now. either way it should be interesting.

oh man I just read about this on the BBC news website about the teams being summoned to explain their actions in the US GP farce. I'm actually amazed that this is happening, and have to say that if I was a team manager I would also call in both my cars as there would be no way that I would put the lives of my drivers at risk, just to have more cars on the grid. The FIA are acting insane, and I can't believe they don't have any common sense in this matter.
oh man I just read about this on the BBC news website about the teams being summoned to explain their actions in the US GP farce. I'm actually amazed that this is happening, and have to say that if I was a team manager I would also call in both my cars as there would be no way that I would put the lives of my drivers at risk, just to have more cars on the grid. The FIA are acting insane, and I can't believe they don't have any common sense in this matter.

see thats my biggest problem with this entire issue, its like FIA thinks teams wanted a way out of racing or are just trying to stick it to them. there were SEVERE safety implications involved and theres no way id of sent my drivers out into the scramble that a gp is with unsafe equipment. how many people need to die before people realize everything isnt about protocol and rules. you'd think sane thinking would prevail once in awhile, then again this is f1.
I am really tired of hearing the word farce. It seems like the word is the new "cool" word to use as I have seen it used about 500 times in the past two days.
Heh. The 7 teams called into Paris. Their championship points stripped. Ferrari wins both championships! Hurrah.

I am really tired of hearing the word farce. It seems like the word is the new "cool" word to use as I have seen it used about 500 times in the past two days.

Every paper in the UK prefers "F1asco".

Oh, how I laughed.
I think this statement made by the FIA is spot on

"Formula One is a sporting contest. It must operate to clear rules. These cannot be negotiated each time a competitor brings the wrong equipment to a race.

"At Indianapolis we were told by Michelin that their tyres would be unsafe unless their cars were slowed in the main corner. We understood and among other suggestions offered to help them by monitoring speeds and penalising any excess. However, the Michelin teams refused to agree unless the Bridgestone runners were slowed by the same amount. They suggested a chicane.

"The Michelin teams seemed unable to understand that this would have been grossly unfair as well as contrary to the rules. The Bridgestone teams had suitable tyres. They did not need to slow down. The Michelin teams’ lack of speed through turn 13 would have been a direct result of inferior equipment, as often happens in Formula One. It must also be remembered that the FIA wrote to all of the teams and both tyre manufacturers on June 1, 2005, to emphasise that "tyres should be built to be reliable under all circumstances".

"A chicane would have forced all cars, including those with tyres optimised for high-speed, to run on a circuit whose characteristics had changed fundamentally – from ultra-high speed (because of turn 13) to very slow and twisting. It would also have involved changing the circuit without following any of the modern safety procedures, possibly with implications for the cars and their brakes. It is not difficult to imagine the reaction of an American court had there been an accident (whatever its cause) with the FIA having to admit it had failed to follow its own rules and safety procedures.

"The reason for this debacle is clear. Each team is allowed to bring two types of tyre: one an on-the-limit potential race winner, the other a back-up which, although slower, is absolutely reliable. Apparently, none of the Michelin teams brought a back-up to Indianapolis. They subsequently announced they were flying in new tyres from France but then claimed that these too were unsafe.

"What about the American fans? What about Formula One fans world-wide? Rather than boycott the race the Michelin teams should have agreed to run at reduced speed in turn 13. The rules would have been kept, they would have earned Championship points and the fans would have had a race. As it is, by refusing to run unless the FIA broke the rules and handicapped the Bridgestone runners, they have damaged themselves and the sport.

"It should also be made clear that Formula One Management and Indianapolis Motor Speedway, as commercial entities, can have no role in the enforcement of the rules."
I want the "one set of tires per race" rule gone, but I´m with FIA on this one. It was Michelin´s fault. 👎
Except that if Bridgestone didn't have the Indy 500 and a few practice sessions before to solve a similar issue they had, the first time they tried the new surface, not a single car could have run - Bridgestone included. But since it already happened to them and that they had the time to find a solution, it only affected the Michelins, who ran on the track for the first time last friday.

And to ask certain cars to slow down during a race is a lot more ridiculous and dangerous than adding a chicane. This is a race, not a sunday drive.
No it´s not. Can´t you remember the cars with Bridgestone´s tires at the start of this season? The tires couldn´t last until the end of the race, but they raced anyway, even if this meant doing slow laps.

A chicane in the USGP would affect all the cars, not just the ones using Michelins. This wouldn´t be fair to the teams using Bridgestone´s tires.