Using the PS4 CONTROLLER on GT Sport?

How have you been playing the last couple of Gran Turismo games?

  • Wheel. I am the master race

    Votes: 35 25.0%
  • Controller, I use the triggers for gas and brake

    Votes: 64 45.7%
  • Controller, I use X and Square for gas and brake

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • Controller, D-pad. yea, whats up?

    Votes: 5 3.6%
  • other

    Votes: 13 9.3%

  • Total voters
I really hope GTS supports the DualShock4 tilt sensors as a wheel, just like Driveclub and Pcars. It's not like a proper wheel, but it's much better than the analog sticks.
That would be tricky to steer with because the motion/tilt sensors have a delay, at least, they do on the DS3, I don't know about the DS4.
I've just grown used to it but PCARS has familiarized me with its hellish L2 R2 inputs for acceleration and braking :lol: ~power = spin~ :lol:
ironically, that's the same setup I used on NFS. Was one of the few things I liked about that horrible game
Hey all so I got collectors edition yesterday and wow you get a lot of stuff but my main frustration is the controller and triggers. I have had so much trouble with my car being slow, not accelerating and sometimes stuck in a gear which slows me right down. I’ve turned traction etc off and no improvement. I re mapped buttons to ps1 days, X and SQUARE. And it worked I won the race. Went back to R2 triggers and no good. You have to press so hard to get it to work. Anyone else having issues? Any ideas on how to fix, I have two controllers so I’ll try another one soon.

Thank you


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Its best and only way for me to play any racing game . if game have bad controller support its bad game for me . as like assetto or project cars 1 are broken games with controller.
Gts feel just best and perfect to control cars how you want and feel everything very precise.