V-Rally 4 (PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One) - Release date September 2018

  • Thread starter PzR Slim
..I'm going to ignore the post above (that's quite ironic, by the way) and actually do this properly:

1: Ditch all cars that aren't proper rally cars and any tracks that seem too "stadion-ish". Remember the pretend-rallycross-because-rallycross-hadn't-become-mainstream circuit tracks that are basically looped versions of actual stages you'd get in classic rally games? Basically the same spirit PD's preserved in GT? Get those back in instead.
2: A banging soundtrack that'll be stuck to the inside of your face for the next 20 years of your life. And that it plays during races by default.
3: A stage editor that's at least on par with GT6's Track Path Editor.
4: A handling model that isn't afraid to be arcadey, in that easy-to-learn, difficult-to-master fashion.

I realise that most developers these days struggle to put even two of those in the same game, and granted, we don't know enough about this yet because.. well, video game developers gotta video game developer, I guess. For all we know, the handling could be along the right lines but the videos so far have just been exceptionally bad at emphasising that point.
It could have a stage editor, and it could be good, but it's just being kept a secret because.. why again? Why would one have such a thing and keep it a complete secret, apart from wishing to reveal under their own terms because that's apparently important. And yes, to any Captain Obviouses out there, it could still be under development and that's be the explanation and so on and so forth.
Maybe the soundtrack *is* good, but, for some reason, nothing's really known about that either. And again, one wonders.

Here's a fun little bit of food for thought: remember Colin McRae Rally? That other rally game where you did rally car things with rally cars on rally stages? Remember how the game that came after CMR2005 decided to also include more stuff, like Rally Raid trucks, buggies, hillclimb et cetera? Remember what they did with the title of that game? Or better yet, remember that spin-off of that title that was significantly more sim-oriented than its predecessors? What did they do to the title of *that* game?

My point, once again, is that maybe this is a good game - we don't know. But maybe - especially given their previous experience in this area - buying the rights to an old IP and slapping together something that vaguely fits the same bill is not the smartest idea out there.
Amen for 2 and 3.
:bowdown: IMO, There are racing games which are much more than racing games. It's not about the "sim value" or about how many cars and tracks are in the game. V Rally is one these games among GT (pre PS3), Ridge Racer Type 4, F Zero, Mario Kart... For example, the new Tomb Raider games since the reboot are great games but there are not Tomb Raider in my eyes. The atmosphere is something overlooked by many devs today.

They should re-use the intro music.
Information that appears in some online stores
• The perfect mix of Simulation and the Spectacular!
• 5 TYPES of events with all the associated racing techniques: Rally, V-Rally Cross, Extreme-khana, Hillclimbing and Buggy.
• 50 LEGENDARY VEHICLES, covering the entire history of off-road racing.
• TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD pto take part in 73 races in different environments.
• A RANDOM STAGE GENERATOR based on real road systems.
• A SPLIT-SCREEN MODE so you can play with a friend.
• THE LATEST VERSION OF THE KT ENGINE for even more realistic graphics and physics.
• A STUDIO WITH PROVEN EXPERTISE IN RACING GAMES, developer of the award-winning WRC7.

There will be an Ultimate Edition that will include
• The basic game
• The Season Pass with 6 vehicles to be released as post-launch DLC
• A progress accelerator for Career mode
• A road-book, the official guide of the game

A new gameplay
Random stage generator is a big plus, but the season pass only covers 6 vehicles? :yuck:

If the Ultimate edition has more than a £10 premium over the regular version, I'll just stick with the basic game.

EDIT: Gameplay video above - The player's driving skills... need some work, to say the least. :lol:
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This game looks great, really promising. 👍


Never understand why developers seem to show the worst driving in their teasers, I want to see someone doing well. Unless they’re trying to show off crash physics.
I would love to have another rally game with procedurally-generated stages, especially to support such a racing game on the Switch, but that gameplay video looks as bad as I expected from Kylotonn's reputation (I admit I haven't played any of their games before).

I don't think it's (only) the player's skill that's the problem. It looks like the cars corner like hovercrafts, or like the "drift mode" handling in a number of games. It isn't as out of place in the second race on dirt, but that hillclimb on tarmac is a sad sight. I can only hope the physics get an overhaul for the final release.

It's a shame, because if it wasn't for that the game would look very promising. :indiff:
Correct. DiRT "1" was called Colin McRae: DiRT.

The North American release did not use the Colin McRae name.

EDIT: Gameplay video above - The player's driving skills... need some work, to say the least. :lol:


Never understand why developers seem to show the worst driving in their teasers, I want to see someone doing well. Unless they’re trying to show off crash physics.[/QUOTE]

Yeah right, the driving in that video was so bad that I couldn't watch it! What's wrong with these people!!

I would love to have another rally game with procedurally-generated stages, especially to support such a racing game on the Switch, but that gameplay video looks as bad as I expected from Kylotonn's reputation (I admit I haven't played any of their games before).

I don't think it's (only) the player's skill that's the problem. It looks like the cars corner like hovercrafts, or like the "drift mode" handling in a number of games. It isn't as out of place in the second race on dirt, but that hillclimb on tarmac is a sad sight. I can only hope the physics get an overhaul for the final release.

It's a shame, because if it wasn't for that the game would look very promising. :indiff:

Might I suggest picking up WRC7 and trying it ? It shouldn't cost a lot now and you might be pleasentely suprised, quite a few people here on GTP rate it highly. Personally I like it a lot :)
I was just thinking about the stage generator bit and the wording in the info release
"A RANDOM STAGE GENERATOR based on real road systems"
That to me doesn't say procedurally generated but they have created a large base map with many roads already on it then a path is picked from A to B. I could be totally wrong but I don't think it will be like dirt 4.
I found gravel disappointing (only played Demo). Although V-Rally seems like going for realism... I really hope for a spiritual Sega Rally successor. Never understood why Sega dropped their pioneering original IP (Daytona USA, Sega Rally, Virtua fighter, virtua cop, virtua striker etc.) so quickly when the going went tough...
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I liked WRC 7, great improvement over WRC 4-6, but after seeing bits of gameplay from VRally, I say forget it, it gives me some of that GRID vibe and completely undo what they did well with WRC 7.

I too was disappointed with Gravel, refunded that in a hurry. Maybe it would've been better if they had a FOV adjustment, the stock FOV is beyond horrendous.

Maybe it was poorly configured, but this looks bad
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I liked WRC 7, great improvement over WRC 4-6, but after seeing bits of gameplay from VRally, I say forget it, it gives me some of that GRID vibe and completely undo what they did well with WRC 7.

I too was disappointed with Gravel, refunded that in a hurry. Maybe it would've been better if they had a FOV adjustment, the stock FOV is beyond horrendous.

Maybe it was poorly configured, but this looks bad

Im going to reserve my opinion till the first reviews. I like sims like any other in this forum, but I also like arcade/simcade style games. Onrush and gravel are just too over the top for me. Wreckfest seems to hit that sweetspot between full arcade and simcade and looking forward to its release on console. But I also have high hopes fot this title. Just hope they will put effort in goodlooking stylish stages... To be honest reallife (or based on real life) stages can be pretty repeatitive and boring...
Just to confirm, and I’m meaning nothing by my question, but are we getting V-Rally 4 instead of WRC 8?

Its not clear what is happening with WRC8, as in who's going to develop it and when.
There has been speculation that Kt had lost it however I read somewhere that they said they are taking a break to release V Rally 4.
If that's the case then we can expect it next year.. Personally based on WRC7 I hope they still have it.
Its not clear what is happening with WRC8, as in who's going to develop it and when.
There has been speculation that Kt had lost it however I read somewhere that they said they are taking a break to release V Rally 4.
If that's the case then we can expect it next year.. Personally based on WRC7 I hope they still have it.

Bigben is the license holder, not Kylotonn. And at this point we don't know if they still have it or not. The press release from three years ago does not mention the duration of the contract.

Despite Daniel Elena getting filmed in México for what, in his words, was the "official WRC game", it doesn't look like we will get one this year. There probably won't be any news until after the eSports WRC finals.
Bigben is the license holder, not Kylotonn. And at this point we don't know if they still have it or not. The press release from three years ago does not mention the duration of the contract.

Despite Daniel Elena getting filmed in México for what, in his words, was the "official WRC game", it doesn't look like we will get one this year. There probably won't be any news until after the eSports WRC finals.

It would be nice to know though wouldn't it. I emailed Kt asking about it, I had no reply.