Vaaksy Sprint Trailblazer help.

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Not Even A Real Mod
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United States
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I'm on the 2nd season and doing the 2nd stint of the trailblazer rally in Finland. I'm not sure what the triangle is called but it's the one with the gorilla with pink bandaids on its tits.

Anyone got any advice? No matter how well I do I'm still 2 seconds off the pace. I tried moving settings around and everything. Has anyone beat it? I can get 1st place by one second in the first stint but the 2nd is a nightmare.
First of all, try using a car you're comfortable with. I found Trailblazer to be very intimidating, what with the high-powered cars and lack of pace notes. I hated it until I got my hands on one of the BMWs; it's much better than the likes of the Rhys Millen Racing car.

Secondly, use the bonnet camera. I know a lot of people like to go hardcore and only use the cockpit view, but the bonnet camera makes things so much easier because you can see where you're pointing the car, and you get a wider field of vision.

Finally, have a little faith. All of the roads are quite wide, and there are no nasty little hairpins that ambush you. And I believe you can cut most of the corners; there aren't any hidden rocks, if that's what you're worried about.

If this is still a problem, try taking the difficulty down to a one or a two. I know this might seem cheap, especially if you're running a four or a five for other events, but you'll be surprised just how close together your times and the AI times will be with a lowered difficulty setting. Put it back up as your confidence increases. Just remember that the difficulty setting is global; if you run a Trailblazer at a two, then the difficulty will stay at that level for all events until you change it back.

And I think the event is called the Smith Optics RAMPAGE.
One of the things I did that allowed me to get up to speed with the rest of the pack (without turning difficulty down or anything along those lines) was to simply turn the racing line on. In Trailblazer it's all about having confidence that you can go flat out on certain parts of the track.

Of course, remember to turn the racing line off again when it comes to other events. ;)
I hated it until I got my hands on one of the BMWs; it's much better than the likes of the Rhys Millen Racing car.

You know that you can only use Classic Trailblazer cars for this event, right? Anyway, I found that the Toyota Tacoma is the fastest car for this event and it's alot easier to drive than the Quattro S1, so I suggest using that (unless you are already using it).

I find that lowering the difficulty definitely makes it easier to win this race. I had it set to 5 and couldn't get anywhere near the leader, so I set it to 4 and suddenly I found myself 3 seconds ahead of everyone else. As much as I hate lowering the difficulty in order to win certain races, I think that it's probably the most effective option available.
Do you want me to record a video of me beating the event on difficulty 5 to get an idea of the kind of pace and route you need to take?

Otherwise, you really just need to go full throttle 90% of the time. The other 10% consists of 7% letting off the throttle and 3% braking. Brakes are only ever used when you need to get from 6th to 3rd/2nd. If you are only shifting down a gear or two, just ease off the throttle and glide through the corner then power out of it. Oh, and most importantly, if you hit some debris and lose at least 50km/h;30mp/h of speed, just use a flashback.
I passed it withe the Tacoma.....Difficulty 5, ABS, no other AIDS, no specific settings... I just keep checking on the map while I drive as I never comprehend any pace notes.

I always do a self-diagnostics test when I'm trying to beat someone's time:

-Did I screw up any corners?

--If so, fix that.
--If not, were you going slow through certain corners (to be safe)?

---If so, don't slow down (or not as much) when you reach these points.
---If not, were you drifting through some corners?

----If so, try not drifting it and gripping through it.
----If not, were you taking a super long (or slow) route or apex through corners?

-----If so, find the shorter path and use it.
-----If not, your average speed throughout the event was most likely too slow. Go faster.

I do this when I play Hot Pursuit 3. Works all the time
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You guys think I'm dumb or something? I tried all of your suggestions... that's why I'm asking for more technical, less obvious answers. Is there a way to upload a lap to youtube? I think I could brake a little less on this one part in the 2nd sector, but the problem is that I'm making all my time on S2 and S3. It's S1 that's the problem, and I can't seem to figure out how to get any more pace than I already have.
You guys think I'm dumb or something?

We can't tell tbh. :lol:

in all seriousness though, I personally passed it without any technical thought. I just did what I normally do and bam, Winnar!

I'll see if I can record a lap for you tomorrow, as I don't even remember which event it is... all i've been doing was blazing through this game as fast as I could each session.
You guys think I'm dumb or something?
Of course not. You just didn't really give us a whole lot of detail in the first place. How are we supposed to know that you ran through it with (for example) a difficulty setting of one, the racing line on and using the bonnet camera if you didn't tell us as much?
Lol, you guys.

edit: OK, I finally beat it. I think the Audi just didn't have the power or something. I don't know why I was getting such slow times before because I pretty much raced exactly the same way. This time I came in .002 off the pace in S1 instead of more than a second behind.
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I have found that Trailblazer has a lot to do with rhythm and how you carry it form corner to corner. And I think one of the reasons why I wasn't comfortable with it to begin with was because the Audi (and also the Peugeot) have such high wings on them, which feels like it gives them a higher centre of gravity. Maybe it's just psychological, but the cars with big wings always felt like they were in danger of toppling over as I went around the longer corners. I always seem to set better times in the lower cars, like the BMW and Toyota.
I just did a trailblazer in a different car other than the tacoma for once. Remembering this thread, I tried the Z4... oh boy do i dislike RWDs... Took me so many tries to get first place.
I just did a trailblazer in a different car other than the tacoma for once. Remembering this thread, I tried the Z4... oh boy do i dislike RWDs... Took me so many tries to get first place.

Considering the Z4M has almost half the power of any other car in it's class, plus the fact that it's only RWD, I managed to win 1 out of 3 races in the Trailblazer World Tour event in Finland. Overall, I managed to win the entire event which was a surprise as I didn't think it would be as competitive as any of the 4WD cars. To be honest, I still prefer to use the Tacoma or Rhys Millen racer, but the Z4M isn't too bad.
The power figures and such given basically mean nothing on Dirt as proven by the Z4. The fastest car may well be the heaviest least powerful one :lol:, but as anyone should know by now it's so the class is balanced and there's no one super car and a bunch of average to poor ones.