Van idea

  • Thread starter Barracuda
ok, ive been thinking in my random mind about a van idea ( sort of like the espace f1 ). my mom owns a ( i dont know the year ) ford windstar and i think it looks pretty cool. as you can see in the picture ive photoshoped it to make it lower and i increased the size of the stock rims ( amazingly almost all stock rims look wicked awesome enlarged )

my idea is to create a wide body kit ( nothing stupidly crazy and ricish just a plain old extension of of the body around the wheelwells ) and increase the axle length to increase handling. then you would add a racing suspension, convert it to 4wd or rwd and add a larger engine ( an ls1 would be cool )


what i ask is if someone could make the van look like it has a wide body kit because ive been having some trouble with it myself.

also, what do you think about my idea. i think it would be wicked awesome and pretty akward for the person being passed by it ( note: this is not something im going to actually attempt to do. maybe in the future but not in the near future )
I've always though Vans were underrated in this respect. I wouldn't mind drawing one or chopping one.

Sadly this Honda pic is the only good one that I could find close enough what I mean. :grumpy:
i wish i had a better pic. i can get one once my mom gets home from work. the only reason this pic is blurry is because my camera is an ahole and if you tunr of the flash, you wont get a still picture unless you stay wicked still A ( hard for me to do ) or use a tripod (which i dont have )

EDIT: also in the photo, the front was already low ( mcpherson struts went ) so teh rear end shoudl be lower. we got the struts and shocks fixed so if i can manage to get a wide body on a newer picture, i could make it more of an even drop.

EDIT #2: ive figured out what im trying to say for the wide body. basically it will be like the body extension for the trucks with dual tires on each side except it will slope more gradually instead of just jutting out.

EDIR #3: ok, heres a very rough outline of what i want to do with the rear. i had to make it myself because i couldnt find any pictures that were teh right angle. bascally i want to do the same with the front then make the front bumper have a wide long opening closer to teh bottom. with this idea, i dont really nead it photoshopped i just want to know what you think of this idea, i just didnt know wher to put the topic.


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