VCRC Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupe 54 CONGRATS OwensRacing & Carracerptp!

I did notice you seemed to have issue with T1... BUT... in this Mercedes 54, that turn is a big big problem, so it's not surprising. The car is a total boat on that corner.
I can't really describe it... But I did notice that I got through the corner the fastest, when I made it so I could straighten out & get on the throttle the soonest.
In another car I might make a smoother roundy line. But in this boaty car, I found taking an angular path seemed to help.
But that's just me, and I was by no means very fast. lol (Though generally I was on target with the best lap in sector 1, it was later where I lost tons of time generally.)

I definitely suffered the most time loss in sector one of this track... Losing half a second or more to the leader versus being even or losing 1-2 tenths in the other sectors... I tried multiple lines for each corner and just couldn't put something consistently quick together.
Wow, if the race was just in sector 1 - I would've had a shot at 1st place! LOL LOL LOL ;)

Sector 1 was by far my best...

BUT, that may have something to do with the fact that I'm well familiar with driving boaty cars!!! :)
And sector 1 was definitely where this car was the most boaty!
The infamous sector 1. LoL

Punch is on the right track with this car. Trying to get the body roll back flat before getting full throttle is key for keeping tire spin down. Seems that this car prefers you get on it early and will go faster with a bit of spin.

Turn 1 hair pin right - I brake full right after the shadow line and before left side rumble strip. Hold brakes on into turn in. Then I work back slightly in brake pressure. Looking for the gas as I get the nose around towards straight. Turn 2-left hander multi apex- Swing out right side back off gas some then completely as you apex this on the last kink on inside left. Exit this Wide open into third gear. Turn 3- left trail brake- Brake at the onset of darker tire marks on track, down shift and brake into turn late late apex here and coast through it or minimal throttle. On Exit Stick to the left side. Turn 4- right hander- here you want to coast into apex. Then back wide open as you steer out drift up to white line on left side. Next sweeping left ive left it in third here for smoothness.

Also the dark stuff has better traction. Keep inside tire on this and you also go faster. Turn grip is better in the "groove".

Smooth smooth inputs (fast and smooth can coincide) on exits. Get to center with wheel ASAP. This allows the car to accell better.

Hopefully that makes sense. Typed from phone.
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@O: Thank you for describing it!!! :)

Yes, you gotta get that snoot pointed!

I have noticed this characteristic in several of what I call the "big snoot cars".
Off the top of my head I'd mention the BMW M Coupe (I think that's it?) and the Ginetta G4.
The old Fairladys also seem to figure into this.
If you can manage their snoots correctly, you can actually use the boaty behaviour.
When you don't manage the snoot... :ouch: :ill: The track becomes ocean waves. LOL