Hey Steve, I'm not sure if i told you this yesterday, but I won't be able to make it for round 3. I'm going to be in Boston for a week.. Sorry everyone!! I hope it turns out as awesome and intense as last round! Also good luck to everyone that's competing!!
what's everyone averaging speed wise on the round 3 section?
I reckon initiation will be the hardest part for me... big jag... wall clipping... what's the possibilities? XD I think I'm gonna get at least 2-3 hours of practice down tomorrow... I keep pulling away half-way through 2nd clipping =[
I might do a jag run see how hard it is. What HP you running?
I'm switching up between HP atm, see what gives me the best result. Currently running between 430 - 490HP with a supercharger, just limiting it... it shouldn't be that hard, was doing a couple of runs with steve, zed and gunz yesterday but i have no idea how close i was getting to the wall...
I can actually do this section easily and touch EVERY clipping point at pretty much MAX angle!
Looking forward to my 20 points Spank! 👍
I'm going to lie i'm struggling with this one. I can't really get enough speed from the start point and I have no idea where the apex clipping points are because they are so vague. Is the start time 6PM GMT again?
I'm going to lie i'm struggling with this one. I can't really get enough speed from the start point and I have no idea where the apex clipping points are because they are so vague. Is the start time 6PM GMT again?
DriifterzZI'm going to lie i'm struggling with this one. I can't really get enough speed from the start point and I have no idea where the apex clipping points are because they are so vague. Is the start time 6PM GMT again?