- 11,165
- Arizona
- SpankifiedHiDef
Hey id like to enter your comp if you still have space.
PSN/GTP Rex_Minorstein
-09' Chevrolet Corvette ZR1-
-Matte Black/Matte Black-
Got you down! And good Luck! 👍
Hey id like to enter your comp if you still have space.
PSN/GTP Rex_Minorstein
-09' Chevrolet Corvette ZR1-
-Matte Black/Matte Black-
Tire wear and fuel consumption is off right? Those are just an annoyance in my opinion. 👍
Thanks sounds like a good comp. looking forward to it.
By the way, im on team D-Spec if you could pencil that in too.
Thanks for the schedule change, because now I can join!
Condogg (Condogg) - '96 - Nissan - Silvia Q's Aero (S14) - Verde Muschio/Silver
I would like to take part in this event ill post which car im using when i figure it out....if there is spots available?
Yea no problem. And good luck! Love the car btw 👍
I would like to take part in this event ill post which car im using when i figure it out....if there is spots available?
I know, it's a great car! I only wish it was premium...maybe in gt6 they'll make the more popular drift cars premium. Mine is kind of similar to Matt Powers' car before he got sponsored.
I seen on the rules it says following car has to take a higher line or points will be deducted. whats that mean? farther from clip than lead car? because i think if you can keep a lower line on lead car and dive into his line without hitting that should give the follower the advantage.
Why is the tyre wear and fuel consumption off ? Comfort hards and the fuel will last more then an hour. That makes no sense. I like my tires when they are warm.
There is a difference, you will not that when its back on. Anyway, its not a major problem.
lmao xD
A basic question:
For the most part, all clipping points on Autumn Ring Mini are going to be the inside apex, right? I much prefer the reverse format of the track, I'm more use to it too, but I feel like I need to get better at the regular direction anyways. I just want to know what I'm looking for, probably going to do a few practice runs offline here soon, this PSN outage is getting ridiculous by the way. Its hard to see if you have gotten good enough on the wheel to tandem when there is no possibility of trying.
There's always space! 👍 Good luckAnd nice car choice
Willfred_1I forgot to say im part of gold rush drifters
and thanks for post the bst times