Vegetable Gardens: Tips, Advice, Questions, Tales, Pictures

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Had to do a bit of a rearrange and rescue during some pretty lousy weather... Literally some stuff floating away, the tomato plants and aubergines took a battering from flying debris (my dartboard bizarrely), and were set upon by slugs within hours.

Anyway some stuff that's left..

The Oregano..

The rosemary




Two more chilli plants on the go indoors..


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Wow never knew this thread was here. My dad and I grow some veggies and herbs every year. Usually just tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, sometimes basil or something. The tomatoes and basil go into making homemade tomato sauce.

Started two weeks ago. I'll get some pics up later as we progress.
Updates on the Chillis (I'm letting the stuff outside just grow I'll see how it's doing next year or something).

The potted chilli plants were in a PVC growhouse in the Garden... this got wrecked by our recent weather, so all the pots took a tumble, they're recovering indoors now. Bought a soil moisture tester today to try and make sure I'm watering them suitably.

Cayenetta #1
Not looking too healthy as a plant to be honest, not a bad crop of peppers, they started ripening, but then kinda stopped. I'm struggling to get a good combination of heat and light for the potted chilli plants. Kitchen window gets the most light, but the office upstairs is the warmest room.

Apache #1
Healthy growth, not ripening yet. Has a weak stem so I've had to cane it.

Apache #2
Doing okay, not ripening yet. Stayed more compact than the Apache #1. Still flowering.

Armageddon #1-4 (maybe 6)

So, these are the first chilli's I'm growing natures way. The Armageddon Chilli is (I think) new in the UK. My local superstore was selling the peppers, they seemed different to the normal generic red and green chilli offerings, so I thought I'd give them a go. At 1.3million on the Scoville scale they are HOT! I used the first chilli in a batch of curry, the second I sliced, and had on a Pizza... that was insanely hot... from the second I saved the seeds, scarified them, and planted them straight away. I hadn't expect them to germinate so I bunged them all in one pot... which is actually doing really for less than a months worth of growth. Need to pot them up separately at some point soon. There's 6 plants cropped up so far out of about 10 seeds.. if I end up with 6 of these plants growing superhots I'll be well happy!


Carolina Reaper #1-20
So these are store bought Carolina Reaper seeds. Planted not that ago, but so far out of 20, only 3 have sprouted. Because the seeds weren't fresh, and I only scarified them for a few hours, I think they'll take longer to sprout.. or it could just be I'm out of luck. These are in the office upstairs which is nice and warm for kicking them off, but doesn't get as much light. Might have to invest in a heated thingy and get them in a window at the front of the house.


I have some Habanero, Scotch Bonnet, Jalapeno and Hungarian Hot Wax seeds to plant... But I need to sort out the logistics of where I'm going to put everything. By next year I may need a greenhouse... the plan is to grow a ship-load of Chilli's. There's a few varieties I want to try to grow, but I'm going for some of the more straight forward ones at the moment.
Well, since 2020 been a bit chaotic and I've moved house, I've started from scratch with the Chilli plants. It's late in the year to be doing it, but I planted 80 seeds last week and today, 2 look like they've sprouted. 1 Bhut Jolokia (Ghost pepper) edit; 1 Bangalore Whippets Tail, and 1 Aji Limon (Lemon Drop).

The other varieties are Reapers, Red Habs, Chocolate Habs, Armageddons, Whippets Tails, Scotch Bonnetts, Hot Wax, Scorpions, and Cherry Bombs. It's a bit of a spread in heat, flavour and style.

I'm taking a bit more care this time so I'm really hoping for a good yield of germinated seeds, but in the past it's been really hit or miss. I've only planted up to 8 of each this time since I went for so many varieties - I'll be disappointed if I don't get viable plants out of at least 50% of them. Seeds were scarified for 12 hours in black tea just before planting, the first watering was done with tap water, which I don't like doing but the water butt isn't set up yet and it hadn't rained for a few days... subsequently they have been water with fresh rain water. Heated Mat and grow lamps arrive tomorrow, hopefully this will kick start the other 78 seeds!

Still got loads of seeds left over so might plant a load more this week. I'm hoping to have enough plants to justify building a heated and lit greenhouse in the garden (or grow tent in the garage). I want to be able to harvest a ****-load of chillis and start making fermented sauces.
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[My orange habanero plant is coming along nicely... planted in late May, I topped it in July and since then it has grown some fruits - 19 to be exact! Many are small, but there's a few decent sized ones, including two big fruits. The two pictures of the large chilli were taken 36 hours apart - by next week, it should be a lovely orange colour and pretty much ready to eat...


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Healthy looking plants @Touring Mars, good work!

My Chilli growing went to crap this year. Slightly through neglect, but also by accident. Too much heat, and too little water killed off about 30 plants that had only gotten to 2-3 inches in size since my last post. Slightly annoying but I had good reason at the time. Now down to about 6 plants I'm trying to nurse back to health.
Growing Chillis: Matski's attempt number 3.

97 seeds planted last Friday. Same varieties as before, so a fair spread of heats and flavours.

One of the problems I had last time, was using a make-shift propagator for the whole batch. It was okay ... some cheapy LED lights and a heat matt off Amazon, in a plastic tray with a piece of a large polythene bags as a cover. At the point I stopped keeping tally, I had 41 out of 80 seeds growing, but early on it became apparent that most were not benefiting from enough light - some plants were almost literally growing horizontally in the quest for more light, and many got very 'leggy' in the process, almost unable to support the weight of their leaves in some cases.




It was an okay set-up, but maintaining even heat and light for all the plants was clearly an issue.

Most of the plants died. I wasn't expecting much from them last year, because most were planted halfway through the season. But, after my friend passed away last year, I had about 2 weeks, where I didn't monitor them or water them properly, the weekend we went away for the funeral, a cheap fan heater in the room basically dried everything out - I think the thermostat was accurate to about +/- 20°C. A few survived, and although they've not been in great shape, and have been attacked by one of the cats, I'm hoping at least a couple will fruit come spring/summer. Couple of Aji Limons, a Cherry Bomb, a Bangalore Whippets tail...


Could probably do with topping them, but we'll see...

Anyway, now's the time to start again for this year... so as previously mentioned, 97 seeds are planted, and whilst waiting for the first of them to break through, I've made a slightly more substantial, better lit propagation chamber...

Behold, the Crapotron-12000....


It's an old Toy chest from 40 years ago... my Dad made it originally, and it's been in my possession all my life. Since it was other wise going to rot away in the garage, it's been repurposed...

Baggy the cat "helped..."


sometimes, if you stare into the darkness, the darkness stares into you..

It was basically bare inside... it now looks like this...


4 individually switchable 150W equivalent full spectrum grow lamps, and a heat matt integrated into the bottom.


Testing it out on a Hungarian Hot Wax plant that's otherwise been doing okay. My temperature display seems to have packed up, but if I reset it, it gives me the instant reading in the high/low, so this actually says 28.4°C. With all 4 bulbs on it's in the middle 20's. With the bulbs and matt on it goes over the 30, which is too hot. This is handy since I have a digital timer for the lights and for the heater, so I think I'll end up setting it for light 18 hours a day, and heat for 6. Humidity could do with being higher, but I've not really introduced much moisture yet, so that's to be expected. I'll transfer the seedlings into this as they begin to sprout. Out of 90-odd pots I can only fit 70 of the 60mm seedling pots in here, should be enough given the germination rate of Attempt 2.

We'll see how it goes. I'll be ****** off, if I see less germination than last time, but at least if they do start to sprout I've got a better space.
A week and a bit in:

Some success.


The ones that have sprouted have been moved into the Crapotron - which this far hasn't caught fire - hopefully this will promote the growth of the first true leaves before the seedlings get too leggy.

As with the last attempt, the less spicy Chilli seeds have germinated the quickest - Mostly Cherry bombs and Hungarian Waxes, which are in a similar range to Jalapenos. I do have four 'Armageddons' (which is my favourite), one Red and one Chocolate Habanero, one Scotch Bonnet and one Bhut Jolokia, so at least the seeds weren't all duff. Still really hoping to get some Reapers and Scorpions sprout.

Any how 27 plants so far.


Looks pretty successful?

Intriguing that something will grow quickly enough to be used as a day-in-day-out food source. Do you use filter water as per the video, or just tap water?
Looks pretty successful?

Intriguing that something will grow quickly enough to be used as a day-in-day-out food source. Do you use filter water as per the video, or just tap water?
After 4 days a jar full with sprouted Broccoli is a success.

I use bottled water. I don't trust tap water.
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Chilli Update:

Going alright...


40+ seedlings, with a number of the first to go in have sprouted their first set of true leaves. Only variety not to sprout at all are the Trinidad Scorpions... perhaps those were old seeds or just need a bit more time.

Couple of other additions to the crapotron this week. New Hygrometer/Thermometer... this one is Blue Tooth and Wifi enabled, so with an app on my phone I can check on the temperature and humidity when I'm not at home. This is really handy.


Also got a little low power fan in there now to keep the air moving. It gets very humid in there... 80% is too high, 60% is the goal... hopefully a bit of air movement will help strengthen the seedlings a little bit, and prevent any rot from setting in. I need to add some more ventilation, and have bought a grate I can adjust to let fresh air in when necessary, but I need to drill some more holes for that, and that means moving everything.
I’m growing chillis with my students for science next week. I plan to sprout them on some damp paper towel and then once they get going I’ll source some growing medium. I’m tempted to go with water beads it that’ll require adding nutrients to it. Potting soil might be a better option but I’m working with 6 year olds and they like to make a mess.

Once the grow gets underway I’ll stick them on the windowsill and let the tropical sun do the rest. I’ll throw in a few pics once greenery is achieved.
I’m tempted to go with water beads it that’ll require adding nutrients to it. Potting soil might be a better option but I’m working with 6 year olds and they like to make a mess.

I'm 41 and I still make a right mess whenever planting or potting on.

Since it's for science, perhaps you could get half the class to do it in soil, and half the class to do it with a different solution. Then they can observe the differences.


I have some Trinidad Scorpions now too...

About 50 plants now in total, with a couple more that might make it...


Seeing more than normal that have the seed casing stuck on the cotyledons, which is a pain, but on the plus side, the more developed plants on the left have sprouted their first true leaves whilst still being relatively short - this is good since it points to the crapotron being effective. Last time the plants had gotten a lot taller/leggy-er before doing this.

Not much space left in the crapotron though, reckon I can get about 12 more in if any more germinate.
Good to see there's other chilli growers about this forum. 👍

Mine so far. No where near as good as they should be at this time of year but still okay considering how much rain and bad weather we've had.

Edit: It's hard to see but this plant is loaded.

Unfortunately I've just discovered the start of some sort of scale bug outbreak on this one.


Jalapeños, my favourite :)

And hot and spicy oregano

What we've picked so far.

@MatskiMonk You must really love your chillies to go to all that effort. You mainly see that kind of system for starting of young 'smoking herb' around these parts. :sly:
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Since it's for science, perhaps you could get half the class to do it in soil, and half the class to do it with a different solution. Then they can observe the differences.

Good idea! I will do that.

You mainly see that kind of system for starting of young 'smoking herb' around these parts. :sly:

It’s certainly similar to the set up my friends were using to sprout their weed when we were kids.
@MatskiMonk You must really love your chillies to go to all that effort. You mainly see that kind of system for starting of young 'smoking herb' around these parts.

Well, the problem is, my natural habitat is not that conducive to growing chilli's, most of the house doesn't get much daylight, and it's not particularly warm, even in summer. So adding in heat and light is pretty much a must to get anything like decent growth throughout the year. The goal is to ferment some sauces, for which I need a relatively good harvest, a couple of chilli's here and there won't really cut it. Given these two factors the only option is to try and go big. I'm planning on getting a grow tent to transfer the plants from the crapotron to, once they get bigger. I had considered getting a greenhouse for the garden, but there's not really a suitable spot for it, and it will make things very seasonal.
Well, the problem is, my natural habitat is not that conducive to growing chilli's, most of the house doesn't get much daylight, and it's not particularly warm, even in summer. So adding in heat and light is pretty much a must to get anything like decent growth throughout the year. The goal is to ferment some sauces, for which I need a relatively good harvest, a couple of chilli's here and there won't really cut it. Given these two factors the only option is to try and go big. I'm planning on getting a grow tent to transfer the plants from the crapotron to, once they get bigger. I had considered getting a greenhouse for the garden, but there's not really a suitable spot for it, and it will make things very seasonal.
I was thinking it was odd starting them at this time of year if you were going to be putting them outside. I mean, if it's the right time for me (Australia) to be growing outdoors then it's the wrong time for you, but as you're growing indoors it makes sense.

Is it very expensive to grow indoors there? I presume you'll be using either LED's or metal halide? For us the electricity prices make it almost impossible to justify here (except for 'smoking herb') unless you have a large bank of solar panels.

We were thinking of making a small jar or two of sauces this year too. We've had good success with pickling Jalapeños before but with the amount that I eat we still have to go to the odd chilli festival to pick up some extras. Hopefully yours work out okay for you. :)

I was given this bottle of sauce last weekend as a birthday gift.... I'm hoping not to do as the label suggests.
I was thinking it was odd starting them at this time of year if you were going to be putting them outside. I mean, if it's the right time for me (Australia) to be growing outdoors then it's the wrong time for you, but as you're growing indoors it makes sense.

I'm not sure growing outdoors in the UK is that viable for chilli's, the winter months will almost undoubtedly kill off the roots. A heated greenhouse would be vital really if the plants weren't in the house.

Where I live, this are the average temperatures throughout the year.


Is it very expensive to grow indoors there? I presume you'll be using either LED's or metal halide? For us the electricity prices make it almost impossible to justify here (except for 'smoking herb') unless you have a large bank of solar panels.

Full spectrum LED's at the moment, rated at 15W each consumption, claiming 150W equivalent output. The heated matt is about 17W, so it's about 25p to 35p per day (45 to 60 Aussie cents) to run the crapotron propagator I built. When it comes to getting a grow tent that's likely to double I guess - but it really depends on the lights that go in there. I've looked at getting a solar set-up, but the fact is the pay back is years, and even then it's not a tremendous saving. My electric costs about 16p per kWh, not sure how that compares down under. If I end up with 50 really healthy plants (which I'm not expecting), I might have to consider it, but I'll really need to be seeing great results to justify it.

We were thinking of making a small jar or two of sauces this year too. We've had good success with pickling Jalapeños before but with the amount that I eat we still have to go to the odd chilli festival to pick up some extras. Hopefully yours work out okay for you.

Thanks, my first objective will be to simply lacto-ferment each variety individually and get to know the flavours, then I'll experiment a bit more. It looks interesting to do, but I tell ya, the amount of effort and expense that will have gone into that first bottle of sauce will be huge :D

I'm really looking forward to having plants laden with peppers like yours, gonna be so satisfying (if it happens!)

I was given this bottle of sauce last weekend as a birthday gift.... I'm hoping not to do as the label suggests.


Just had a read up on it, made using orange juice - I'd not seen that in a recipe yet. I'm keen to know what you think to it! Made using Scorpions... it's gonna be hot! Fingers crossed the bed linen remains safe...
I'm not sure growing outdoors in the UK is that viable for chilli's, the winter months will almost undoubtedly kill off the roots. A heated greenhouse would be vital really if the plants weren't in the house.

Where I live, this are the average temperatures throughout the year.

View attachment 990381
I agree, a heated greenhouse would be a minimum for you. When we have severe winters here I can't keep my plants alive through the winter months, and my average low temperatures are close to your highs. The longest I've had was a five year run with one habanero plant that was planted in the same spot as my current jalapeño plant.


Full spectrum LED's at the moment, rated at 15W each consumption, claiming 150W equivalent output. The heated matt is about 17W, so it's about 25p to 35p per day (45 to 60 Aussie cents) to run the crapotron propagator I built. When it comes to getting a grow tent that's likely to double I guess - but it really depends on the lights that go in there. I've looked at getting a solar set-up, but the fact is the pay back is years, and even then it's not a tremendous saving. My electric costs about 16p per kWh, not sure how that compares down under. If I end up with 50 really healthy plants (which I'm not expecting), I might have to consider it, but I'll really need to be seeing great results to justify it.
I haven't had any experience with LED's at all (I've only just fitted them throughout my house :embarrassed:) but I have used metal halides. To run one 1k watt halide, which is about what I'd expect you'd need for your current crop, would cost approximately $200 per quarter here but that could be far more expensive than where you are... everything else is so I don't see why this would be different :(. I could buy a lot of chilli's for that!

Thanks, my first objective will be to simply lacto-ferment each variety individually and get to know the flavours, then I'll experiment a bit more. It looks interesting to do, but I tell ya, the amount of effort and expense that will have gone into that first bottle of sauce will be huge :D

I'm really looking forward to having plants laden with peppers like yours, gonna be so satisfying (if it happens!)
:cheers: And that first bottle of sauce will be great I'm sure.

You're far more adventurous than me, we've only stuck to the easy pickling methods.

Just had a read up on it, made using orange juice - I'd not seen that in a recipe yet. I'm keen to know what you think to it! Made using Scorpions... it's gonna be hot! Fingers crossed the bed linen remains safe...

Thanks for the heads up on the orange juice, I didn't notice when I had a quick scan of the bottle last weekend. I've never heard of in a recipe before either and now it's got me extremely curious. I might have to do the finger test later today... and check some of my other chilli sauces ingredients.

Edit: Forgot to mention that the bug infestation on the Bulgarian carrot chilli plant is under control but it will still be getting another backup spray.
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The view inside the crapotron...


Looks like out of 98, I've got about 55 still going. Really happy with the growth on some of them, there's a few that have been slow to get going, but hopefully they'll flourish in the coming week or two.
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The view inside the crapotron...

View attachment 991637

Looks like out of 98, I've got about 55 still going. Really happy with the growth on some of them, there's a few that have been slow to get going, but hopefully they'll flourish in the coming week or too.
Looking good so far 👍, and having now tried that chili sauce I can say it's not as hot as I thought it would be and the flavour characteristics probably lend themselves best to chicken or pork Asian style dishes which suits me just fine.