Very important question about high school diploma.

The story:
I quit high school in November of last year. Senior year, dumbest decision of my life. So then, I was put into this learning academy program. Basically finishing high school online. Guess what? Did roughly 1/4 of it, didn't finish that either. The work wasn't difficult. It was nothing more than sheer laziness on my part. Pathetic, I know.

A couple weeks ago, a friend calls me (same grade as me), says he has my high school diploma. Basically, his girlfriend (still goes to school) was in the office. She wasn't sure if he'd received his diploma yet so she was looking for his. She somehow came across my diploma while in there. There was TWO copies of it, and some lady that worked in there gave her one of them and kept the other.

I'm wondering, is it worth anything? I didn't finish school, but I have it, and it's legit. Signed by the principal and everything. Should I keep it in case I go after a job, or well, do away with it? And if I apply for a job, use my diploma, and they discover I actually didn't finish school, what would happen?

Without accompanying records at the school, it's worthless, and use of it would be fraudulent. (That means it's a crime, not a little white lie.)

It won't get you onto a college, because they want transcripts, not diplomas.

The diploma exists because they order them at the beginning of the school year, the principal signs them as he gets around to them, then they go back into a box for the end of the year.
Yup, colleges want your grades through 4 years of high-school (or 3 depends on college). Without scores and just a diploma, no one can judge your capabilities, and the kind of jobs that just want to know whether you passed highschool or not wouldn't be jobs you want to aim for I think.

Why don't you try and get back in, finish highschool?
Nobody asks for a paper diploma. Mine has been sitting in my file cabinet for twenty years. But just about any place you work (except where you're working now...possibly?) is going to ask if you've graduated high school, and can easily verify that in this day and age.

Not every job requires a college degree, but there's few job positions out there that do not at least require a General Education Diploma, without an immense amount of work experience to back it up.

I would highly recommend at least completing your GED.
You can't go back and finish HS and get your diploma after quitting HS?

At least get your GED.