Vibrating needles at high speed

  • Thread starter Martinmaxx
On the PAL version with a gt force wheel and dual shock 2 controller i experience extremely bad shaking and vibrating of the car and needles. even on the replay the screen sometimes shudders as the car vibrates. example cars are:

takata NSX: vibrates vigourously in mid 4th especially on New York
Ford GT: begins to vibrate anywhere in 4th.
mclaren f1: vibrates late 4th/early 5th.

the takata, ford and mclaren seem to be having much more difficulty than they should reaching the speed they are made for. looking at racing videos aswell of the takata nsx i have never seen this sort of vibration "ripping" through the car. maybe slight interruptions as there are bumps present on the track, however, vibrations that im experiencing could only be made with an earthquake!!!

the mclaren could outrun many of the cars it races imo (eg. some jgtc) but because of this vibration they end up doing a better top speed.

my advice is to do a couple of laps against the jgtc cars and on the replay switch to each of the AI cars to see if they experience this effect.

this effect should DEFINATELY NOT be included in gt4. id be very disappointed if it was!
its nothing to do with the gear ratio's mates, its definately either a glitch or just over-exxagerated speed bumps n stuff. like impurities in the road, or exxageration of the downforce values of each car. dunno just putting theories forward.
I've said that (gear ratios) because in the last test in Prologue, the gears seems to be "short" for the long straight at Fuji...
yeah but in 4th gear? id understand if it was in late 5th/6th gears but not 4th. a car with any ratios shouldn't vibrate violently anyway, unless its about to explode lol :)
On the PAL version with a gt force wheel and dual shock 2 controller i experience extremely bad shaking and vibrating of the car and needles. even on the replay the screen sometimes shudders as the car vibrates. example cars are:

takata NSX: vibrates vigourously in mid 4th especially on New York
Ford GT: begins to vibrate anywhere in 4th.
mclaren f1: vibrates late 4th/early 5th.

the takata, ford and mclaren seem to be having much more difficulty than they should reaching the speed they are made for. looking at racing videos aswell of the takata nsx i have never seen this sort of vibration "ripping" through the car. maybe slight interruptions as there are bumps present on the track, however, vibrations that im experiencing could only be made with an earthquake!!!

the mclaren could outrun many of the cars it races imo (eg. some jgtc) but because of this vibration they end up doing a better top speed.

my advice is to do a couple of laps against the jgtc cars and on the replay switch to each of the AI cars to see if they experience this effect.

this effect should DEFINATELY NOT be included in gt4. id be very disappointed if it was!

You should check the AI cars replay,they shake twice as hard!
exactly, so wtf is going on?! wish i new PD or KY's email add!
If you did, so would hundreds of millions of people, and the result would be pointles sbecause he would never get around to answering all the questions.
i know i was kidding mate. just frustrating cos i love the Mclaren so much but i don't enjoy driving in it as much cos of this ****ty vibrating. i think its part of many glitches in gt4p, such as the braking distances etc.
hehehe ah well. hope this is definately out of the final code because its frustrating. (just completed prologue :) now driving new Honda sports car thingy round Fuji)
Hi all .

Not that im being big headed but this is what is happening....

When the computer , gives you an arcade setup (which is what you get on prologue ) , the setup cannot handle the speeds , and this is what is causing the vibration.

It has happened on all gt games to date ,

As soon as you have your own car set up on - the vibration dissapears ...

if you go in car on a race in the top cars on gt3 , Toyota gt1 / nissan r390 - you will see the same thing happening .

For some reason the arcade setups are not good enought o handle the pace - dont worry though as ythis will dissapear when you put your own set up on it !!

Lets face it , a mclaren f1 can go faster than 300 kph ( 180 mph approx )- so if gt is as real as possible then it should go loads faster - the reason is as above .the set up's are arcade and cannot handle the speed - -- simple as that ... :)
Hi all .

Not that im being big headed but this is what is happening....

hhhhmmmm... im still sceptical, i mean, are you sure that PD would put setups on the cars that didnt allow for top speed and aggravating vibrating needles n cars? why do some cars do it and others not??????

It happens in all of the gt series , and as soon as you can put your own set up on the car it doesnt happen any more .

as for it only happening to some cars - do you find it only happens to racing cars ??

this is probably because they have a very low ride height , and maybe its the spring / damper adjustment thats making the car shake .( from my experience itis the arcade car set up thats causing this )

whatever it is - it happens on all the gt series , and its also dissapears on all the gt series when you add your own car set up , so i leave the conclusion to you .
The effext is a realistic one, its a combination of high downforce in a light car with a stiff suspension set-up. Hence the reason its occuring at speed for the NSX, F1 and GT.

The SL55, M5, etc don't suffer from it due to softer spring settings, higher weight and much lower downforce.

Anyone with a copy of 'In-car 956' should check out the laps of Fuji in a Porsche 956, the same effect can be seen in the car (massive vibration and the car bottoming out in places) and Derek Bell can clearly be seen fighting to keep the car straight.

Its even more apparent on the laps of the Nurburgring (main straight) and Le Mans (Mulsane straight).

It should be included in GT4 and I for one will be very p**sed off if its not. You want high cornering speeds from high downforce and stiffer suspension then take the trade off in straight line stability; if not lower the downforce and soften the suspension for higher and more stable speeds on the straights.
yeah i agree IMO it aggravates people more than makes the game more enjoyable. i'd be ok if it was toned down but its just the jump from GT3 -> GT4 cos they are completely different games.